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0001名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 そんたく!そんたく!
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2018/07/16(月) 12:18:13.53ID:RFQkyMgN
先住民食、地中海食、bulletproof(シリコンバレー式)、ketoflex12/3(ReCODE法)、leangains など

★ KetoDiet Food Pyramid ★

★ ケトジェニック導入 簡易マニュアル ★
A LCHF Diet for Beginners


See more info: テンプレ置き場

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2018/11/14(水) 22:57:06.97ID:URcc2/5W
> やっぱチビチビ飲むより一気に飲んでスパイク作った方がケトアダプション的にもいいのかな

IFと中鎖のexogenous ketosisで訓練してると、内因性ケトン産生も回りやすくはなるよ
そのへんの目的別の目安値と相場観的なのがbulletproof radioで出てきてたので貼っとく
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2018/11/14(水) 23:01:29.98ID:URcc2/5W
Mark Sisson: Get Primal on Your Cardio - #314|By: DAVE ASPREY May 31, 2016

Dave: Yeah. Being in ketosis sometimes is really important. It depends, for an endurance athlete, one side of things. Look, I’m running a business. I want my brain to work really well.
It’s a different frequency of ketosis but if we’re resetting hunger levels, resetting your body weight set point, ketosis has so many just useful things.
What’s the number? When you stick your finger and look at the blood ketone levels, what are the meaningful numbers for you?
I get different answers to this question from different people.

Mark: I think 2 is a meaningful number. I’m not looking for 4s and 5s.

Dave: I love 2. Two is definitely you’re in nutritional ketosis. I think if you have cancer or something, you might want to get a lot higher than that but I don’t think it’s necessary.
For me, the magic number that sets my brain free is .5 which is sub nutritional ketosis which starts at .8 but .5 is where you reset your ghrelin and CCK levels.
Ghrelin’s the hunger hormone. CCK is the satiety hormone. When you reset both of those, all of a sudden, you’re,
“Oh. Now, I don’t care about food so I’m going to make healthier and more intelligent food choices because I’m not craving-driven anymore.”
For me, freedom from cravings is one of those things that reduces suffering the most in the least amount of effort.
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2018/11/14(水) 23:03:22.28ID:URcc2/5W
The Quest To End Alzheimer’s: Dale Bredesen #522|By: DAVE ASPREY August 30, 2018

Dale: I think the key is gonna be that, although we all agree that many of these approaches are helpful, we were not made to have insulin resistance, so forth and so on.
But you're absolutely right. If we're not careful, we can expose other problems. I'll tell you one we've run into with the treatment of cognitive decline.
We get people on, we drive them into mild ketosis, from 1.5 mm to 4 mm beta-Hydroxybutyrate.
We're getting rid of their insulin resistance, reestablishing insulin sensitivity, addressing their pathogens, addressing detox, all these things.
But what we found is that the people who have BMIs, typically below 20, as they're now decreasing their carbs,
they don't have the adipose tissue to produce the ketones that are supporting their cognition. What happens, they're the ones that actually have problems at the beginning.
And so we now often add exogenous ketones, or more MCT oil, things like that, to make sure that they actually check them.
We've had a few that will actually develop gut problems, lose weight, and actually take a step back in the cognitive decline before we address the fact that,
"Oh yeah, you guys are not able at this point to generate those endogenous ketones, so we in fact need to help you and get your weight up, liberalize your diet, cycle in and out of ketosis," all those sorts of things.
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2018/11/14(水) 23:04:01.23ID:URcc2/5W
So as we learn more and more, we can tweak this, and make it better and better. But yes, you're right. These things are not black and white.
You have to, for each person, customize this for his or her genetics, his or her biochemistry. We always talk about genotype and phenotype, but we also want to include the chemotype.
Where do they stand with their biochemistry so that we can address all these appropriately?

Dave: You mentioned cyclical ketosis there, which is something that is a core part of Bulletproof.
I look at people who are on higher carb diets, and they're in a state of relatively high glucose-

Dale: Right, right.

Dave: ... and it never changes. And when you get the idea that, "Okay, that's bad," it's very easy the way humans think, to say, "All right, I want to be in full-blown ketosis all the time, unrelenting, unending."
And that also seems sort of the other side of the coin, of excessive high glucose with excessive high ketones. Whereas we might want to be able to metabolize carbs,
so we go out of ketosis and back into ketosis, and usually have some ketones floating around because of MCTs, or because we fast on a regular basis.

Dale: Right.
垢版 |
2018/11/15(木) 00:06:28.61ID:F5ssPe0U
>>407の前段にあたるパラグラフで、Mark Sisson曰く

Mark: No. So, I think ketosis is a great tool and it's a great training strategy but I would suggest …
I tell athlete, "Spend 2 weeks in and then hang out." You can still be low-carb. To be in ketosis, you might have to be below 50 grams during the time that you're in ketosis
but you can move up to 120 grams or 130 grams a day of carbs and in that space, be consuming plenty of vegetables and enough fiber
and enough other great-tasting foods to not feel like you're sacrificing anything and also not feel compelled to carbo-load just because you're out of ketosis.
There's a nice little space you can find yourself in where you're at 100 to 150 grams a day and still be utilizing all the metabolic machinery that you built when you were in ketosis.
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