

ZFCの基礎の公理が禁止しているのは、単に∈を使ったループ、つまり ”x∈x”だよ(これを認めると、無限降下列 ・・x∈x∈x∈x ができるから)
一方、包含記号 ⊆ なら、”x⊆x”で、無限降下列 ・・x⊆x⊆x⊆x ができるが、これは無問題
(つまり、ZFCの基礎の公理は、記号∈は等号を含まない 例えば不等号 ”<”のような性格の記号にしているってことです)

(極論すれば、等号=ならば、x=xで、無限降下列 ・・x=x=x=x ができる)


In mathematics, ∈-induction (epsilon-induction or set-induction) is a variant of transfinite induction.
Considered as a set theory axiom schema, it is called the Axiom schema of set induction.
It can be used in set theory to prove that all sets satisfy a given property. This is a special case of well-founded induction.

In the context of the constructive set theory CZF, adopting the Axiom of regularity would imply the law of excluded middle and also set-induction.
But then the resulting theory would be standard ZF.
However, conversely, the set-induction implies neither of the two.
In other words, with a constructive logic framework, set-induction as stated above is strictly weaker than regularity.