
John Carlos Baez / Azimuthは、ちょっと大物かも
David Roberts は、三流だと思うが

Hello! This is the official blog of the Azimuth Project.
You can read about many things here: from math to physics to earth science and biology, computer science and the technologies of today and tomorrow—but in general, centered around the theme of what scientists, engineers and programmers can do to help save a planet in crisis.

Category Theory Course
I’m teaching a course on category theory at U.C. Riverside, and since my website is still suffering from reduced functionality I’ll put the course notes here for now. I taught an introductory course on category theory in 2016, but this one is a bit more advanced.

David Roberts says:
14 October, 2018 at 10:09 pm
Amusingly, that example on the first page on lecture one about fd vector spaces having skeleton the standard R^ns is one that Mochizuki (and Go Yamashita, acting as a proxy) claim shouldn’t do! See eg the bottom of page 2 in this FAQ by Yamashita http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~motizuki/FAQ%20on%20IUTeich.pdf namely the dialogue in A4. Odd…
