さて、Terence Tao先生の主張を自分なりに要約すると

1.望月論文には、Perelmanなどの論文にある 概念の説明が無い(不足している?)
2.”short “proof of concept” statements”があれば、他の分野にも応用できる
 「“proof of concept” of a non-trivial result in an existing (i.e. non-IUTT) field」
 「It seems to me that having a shorter proof of concept (e.g. <100 pages) would help dispel scepticism about the argument.」
 「It seems bizarre to me that there would be an entire self-contained theory whose only external application is to prove the abc conjecture after 300+ pages of set up, with no smaller fragment of this setup having any non-trivial external consequence whatsoever.」

みたいなことか なとw(^^