
The same construction applies more generally when X is any Riemann surface and f is a Belyi function; that is, a holomorphic function f from X to the Riemann sphere having only 0, 1, and ∞ as critical values. A pair (X, f) of this type is known as a Belyi pair. From any Belyi pair (X, f) one can form a dessin d'enfant, drawn on the surface X, that has its black points at the preimages f-1(0) of 0, its white points at the preimages f-1(1) of 1, and its edges placed along the preimages f-1([0, 1]) of the line segment [0, 1]. Conversely, any dessin d'enfant on any surface X can be used to define gluing instructions for a collection of halfspaces that together form a Riemann surface homeomorphic to X; mapping each halfspace by the identity to the Riemann sphere produces a Belyi function f on X, and therefore leads to a Belyi pair (X, f). Any two Belyi pairs (X, f) that lead to combinatorially equivalent dessins d'enfants are biholomorphic, and Belyi's theorem implies that, for any compact Riemann surface X defined over the algebraic numbers, there are a Belyi function f and a dessin d'enfant that provides a combinatorial description of both X and f.

Maps and hypermaps
A vertex in a dessin has a graph-theoretic degree, the number of incident edges, that equals its degree as a critical point of the Belyi function.



Thus, any embedding of a graph in a surface in which each face is a disk (that is, a topological map) gives rise to a dessin by treating the graph vertices as black points of a dessin, and placing white points at the midpoint of each embedded graph edge. If a map corresponds to a Belyi function f, its dual map (the dessin formed from the preimages of the line segment [1, ∞]) corresponds to the multiplicative inverse 1/f.[5]

A dessin that is not clean can be transformed into a clean dessin in the same surface, by recoloring all of its points as black and adding new white points on each of its edges. The corresponding transformation of Belyi pairs is to replace a Belyi function β by the pure Belyi function γ = 4β(1 - β).
