>>523 つづき
軽く解説すると、http://www.alainconnes.org/docs/book94bigpdf.pdf コンヌ先生
P51 より
4. Geometric Examples of von Neumann Algebras : Measure Theory of Noncommutative Spaces の
4.α Classical Lebesgue measure theory. で解説がある
At a technical level, for the definition to make
sense it is necessary to require that the function f be measurable. However, this
measurability condition is so little restrictive that one has to use the uncountable axiom
of choice to prove the existence of nonmeasurable functions. In fact, a very instructive
debate took place in 1905 between Borel, Baire, and Lebesgue on the one hand, and
Hadamard (and Zermelo) on the other, as to the "existence" of a well ordering on
the real line (see Lebesgue's letter in Appendix C). A result of the logician Solovay
shows that (modulo the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals) a nonmeasurable
function cannot be constructed using only the axiom of conditional choice.]
(試訳 with google)
実際、1905年にBorel、Baire、LebesgueとHadamard(そしてZermelo)の間で数直線上での整列可能定理の存在について議論が行われました(参照 Lebesgue の手紙 in Appendix C )。

結論は、上記のように、” However, this measurability condition is so little restrictive ”だと
( ”little”に、不定冠詞 a がつく場合と、付かない場合で、意味が大きく変わることを、思い出すこと )

