■■[一流の]大阪商大業大学-21号館[立地] ■■ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2017/09/11(月) 09:16:40.27ID:arEudywX

[20号館] http://rio2016.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1465722157/
[19号館] http://wc2014.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1441541831/
[18号館] http://wc2014.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1418409845/
[17号館] http://wc2014.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1399356701/
[16号館] http://ai.2ch.net/student/kako/1385/13852/1385227290.html

■大阪商業大学 公式ホームページURL:http://ouc.daishodai.ac.jp/index.html
■大阪商業大学大学院 http://ouc.daishodai.ac.jp/graduate/

0441学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/27(土) 09:41:33.25ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point.
I would like everyoneto grow without ever losing the passion for challenges. 
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and
the most developed city amongstthem was Higashi-Osaka. 
0442学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/27(土) 17:34:33.02ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point.
I would like everyoneto grow without ever losing the passion for challenges. 
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and
the most developed city amongstthem was Higashi-Osaka. 
0443学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/27(土) 20:46:14.17ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Message From the President
Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point. I would like everyone
to grow without ever losing the passion for challenges.
0444学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/28(日) 12:28:56.27ID:???
         …  ,,,,,,,,,,…….    
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,        ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0445学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/28(日) 15:53:19.01ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point. I would like everyoneto grow
without ever losing the passion for challenges. After WWII, many new businesses sprang up
in Osaka area, andthe most developed city amongstthem was Higashi-Osaka. 
0446学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/28(日) 15:56:11.98ID:???

My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point. I would like everyoneto grow
without ever losing the passion for challenges. After WWII, many new businesses sprang up
in Osaka area, andthe most developed city amongstthem was Higashi-Osaka. 
0447学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/28(日) 17:59:26.07ID:???

My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point. I would like everyoneto grow
without ever losing the passion for challenges. After WWII, many new businesses sprang up
in Osaka area, andthe most developed city amongstthem was Higashi-Osaka. 
0448学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/28(日) 21:20:23.05ID:???
          …  ,,,,,,,,,,…….    
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,        ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0449学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/29(月) 06:55:49.60ID:???
‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…  ,,,,,,,,,,…….    
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,        ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0450学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/29(月) 06:56:28.53ID:???
‘’’’’’’’’’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…  ,,,,,,,,,,…….    
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,        ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0451学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/29(月) 06:59:06.57ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________

         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0452学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/29(月) 07:01:12.15ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

‘’’’’’’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________

         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0453学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/29(月) 13:52:30.47ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

‘’’’’’’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0454学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/29(月) 21:29:02.16ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0455学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/29(月) 21:29:49.96ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

‘’’’’’’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0456学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 08:21:25.47ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

‘’’’’’’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
>My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
>        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
>      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
>    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
>    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
>    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
>   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
>    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
>    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
>    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
>    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
>    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
>   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
>_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
>:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
>:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
>:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
>:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
>:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
>:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
>:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
>:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
>Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point. I would like everyoneto grow
>without ever losing the passion for challenges. After WWII, many new businesses sprang up
>in Osaka area, andthe most developed city amongstthem was Higashi-Osaka. 
0457学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 08:22:38.59ID:???

My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Nothing is learned from success; your failures are merely the starting point. I would like everyoneto grow
without ever losing the passion for challenges. After WWII, many new businesses sprang up
in Osaka area, andthe most developed city amongstthem
was Higashi-Osaka. 
0458学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 08:27:51.33ID:???
‘’’’’’’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0459学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 08:38:07.35ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0460学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 16:39:03.16ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0461学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 16:56:26.56ID:???
 My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0462学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 21:45:54.25ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

‘’’’’’’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0463学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/30(火) 21:46:17.06ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

‘’’’’’’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0464学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/31(水) 07:11:07.27ID:???
  My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0465学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/31(水) 07:12:12.61ID:???
 My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mail sage 投稿日:2019/
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0466学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/31(水) 07:32:45.91ID:???
 My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mail sage 投稿日:2019/
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0467学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/31(水) 17:26:34.15ID:???

My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,```````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mail sage 投稿日:2019/
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0468学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/31(水) 21:03:02.72ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,```````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mail sage 投稿日:2019/
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0469学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/31(水) 21:13:09.38ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,```````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mail sage 投稿日:2019/
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0470学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/07/31(水) 21:14:33.37ID:???
,,,,,,,,,,………… ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, …………………….. ………
 ………………… …………………….. ………
….. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,………..……,,,,,,
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、 ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka.
Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began from the desire to
nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
0471学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/01(木) 09:41:10.20ID:???
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began from the desire to
nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0472学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/01(木) 13:59:41.35ID:???
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began from the desire to
nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0473学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/01(木) 20:46:02.79ID:???
My neme is Tanioka ichirou

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began from the desire to
nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0474学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/02(金) 20:40:38.12ID:???
My neme is Tanioka ichirou


        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began from the desire to
nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0475学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/03(土) 16:21:40.63ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0476学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/04(日) 12:48:22.96ID:???
                  My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```````````,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0477学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/04(日) 14:58:18.73ID:???
My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0478学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/05(月) 08:19:58.04ID:???
 My neme is Tanioka Ichiro.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ’```,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・・・・・,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,````````````````````___________
         _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0479学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/05(月) 08:26:07.95ID:???
My neme is Tanioka ichirou

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0480学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/05(月) 17:01:07.62ID:???
My neme is Tanioka ichirou

        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0481学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/06(火) 14:40:54.77ID:???
My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0482学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/06(火) 14:47:48.93ID:???
 My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0483学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/06(火) 21:10:11.77ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0484学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/07(水) 10:37:43.04ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0485学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/07(水) 17:02:22.45ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0486学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/08(木) 15:15:12.00ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
0487学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/09(金) 07:27:17.81ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0488学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/09(金) 11:45:19.29ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0489学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/09(金) 20:39:45.93ID:???

・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0490学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/09(金) 20:48:52.76ID:???

・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0491学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/11(日) 08:38:16.02ID:???

・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0492学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/11(日) 12:51:18.11ID:???
,,,,,,……… ’""""""""……………….."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/0
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0493学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/13(火) 08:58:59.62ID:???
,…………………・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0494学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/13(火) 14:20:07.14ID:???

・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0495学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/13(火) 15:25:39.50ID:???
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…………・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0496学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/13(火) 20:34:14.11ID:???
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…………・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0497学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/14(水) 16:12:32.03ID:???
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0498学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/15(木) 20:42:29.06ID:???
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0499学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/16(金) 12:42:29.68ID:???
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0500学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/16(金) 14:16:24.22ID:???
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0501学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/17(土) 13:50:24.90ID:???
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,………………. """"""""……………….."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0502学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/18(日) 07:20:47.94ID:???
…….,,,,,,………………. """"""""……………….."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0503学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/18(日) 21:53:32.54ID:???
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,………………. """"""""……………….."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0504学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/19(月) 11:52:51.13ID:???
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,………………. """"""""……………….."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
………’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0505学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/19(月) 13:54:46.34ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0506学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/19(月) 20:31:23.81ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
After WWII, many new businesses sprang up in Osaka area, and the most developed city amongst
them was Higashi-Osaka. Established at its center, Osaka University of Commerce began
from the desire to nurture talented individuals who will both take up new challenges
and be of benefit to the world.
0507学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/19(月) 20:32:28.62ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0508学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/20(火) 06:25:06.23ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
""        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    前:学籍番号Mailsage 投稿日:2019/07
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ    ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ  ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ  r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0509学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/20(火) 14:17:45.74ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
"   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0510学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/20(火) 14:31:23.59ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
"   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0511学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/21(水) 07:04:43.69ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0512学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/21(水) 14:11:44.53ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0513学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/22(木) 07:22:55.49ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0514学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/22(木) 15:37:21.04ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0515学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/22(木) 21:44:39.18ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0516学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/23(金) 12:05:16.77ID:???
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,……,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0517学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/23(金) 14:02:52.58ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0518学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/23(金) 14:12:10.91ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0519学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/24(土) 09:54:39.31ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0520学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/24(土) 09:55:28.49ID:???
519 名前:学籍番号:774 氏名:_____ Mail:sage 投稿日:2019/08/24(土) 09:54:39.31 ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0521学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/24(土) 09:56:25.90ID:???
519 名前:学籍番号:774 氏名:_____ Mail:sage 投稿日:2019/08/24(土) 09:54:39.31 ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0522学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/25(日) 07:37:42.02ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0523学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/25(日) 08:24:12.26ID:???
519 名前:学籍番号:774 氏名:_____ Mail:sage 投稿日:2019/08/24(土) 09:54:39.31 ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0524学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/25(日) 08:24:53.14ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0525学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/25(日) 09:59:21.02ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0526学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/25(日) 10:00:44.66ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0527学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/25(日) 14:39:00.03ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0528学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/25(日) 14:40:34.59ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0529学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/26(月) 12:43:21.18ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0530学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/26(月) 12:44:42.83ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0531学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/27(火) 10:10:59.62ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0532学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/27(火) 18:06:21.86ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0533学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/28(水) 09:00:20.88ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0534学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/28(水) 09:59:25.23ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0535学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/28(水) 16:27:21.22ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0536学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/28(水) 20:41:46.86ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0537学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/29(木) 07:24:48.91ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0538学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/29(木) 07:26:18.54ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0539学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/29(木) 07:27:25.60ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
0540学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/29(木) 13:39:51.92ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
0541学籍番号:774 氏名:_____
垢版 |
2019/08/30(金) 09:58:56.45ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
