■■[一流の]大阪商大業大学-21号館[立地] ■■ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2017/09/11(月) 09:16:40.27ID:arEudywX

[20号館] http://rio2016.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1465722157/
[19号館] http://wc2014.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1441541831/
[18号館] http://wc2014.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1418409845/
[17号館] http://wc2014.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/student/1399356701/
[16号館] http://ai.2ch.net/student/kako/1385/13852/1385227290.html

■大阪商業大学 公式ホームページURL:http://ouc.daishodai.ac.jp/index.html
■大阪商業大学大学院 http://ouc.daishodai.ac.jp/graduate/


0542学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/08/30(金) 10:13:15.18ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0543学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/08/30(金) 15:55:39.97ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0544学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/08/30(金) 22:25:20.06ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0545学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/08/31(土) 08:50:29.53ID:???
・・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0546学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/08/31(土) 18:34:56.80ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0547学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/08/31(土) 21:15:02.23ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0548学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/01(日) 07:05:05.15ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0549学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/01(日) 07:05:52.91ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0550学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/01(日) 17:33:22.03ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0551学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/02(月) 16:21:31.56ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0552学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/03(火) 16:57:38.01ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0553学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/03(火) 16:58:10.28ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0554学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/03(火) 16:58:48.35ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0555学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/04(水) 13:57:54.12ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0556学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/04(水) 13:58:27.04ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0557学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/04(水) 16:49:15.20ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽー__
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )        
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}:::::::::::::::  
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}:::::::::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0558学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/05(木) 09:34:21.94ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0559学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/05(木) 09:34:50.51ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0560学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/05(木) 17:13:47.02ID:???
・………………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0561学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/05(木) 21:06:00.93ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0562学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/06(金) 07:22:28.42ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0563学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/06(金) 07:24:51.00ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0564学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/06(金) 09:08:52.34ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0565学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/06(金) 14:15:11.16ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0566学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/06(金) 14:27:28.39ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0567学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/06(金) 20:43:49.21ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0568学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/07(土) 07:46:48.59ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0569学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/07(土) 07:47:45.93ID:???
………………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0570学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/07(土) 09:28:39.58ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0571学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/07(土) 09:33:47.26ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0572学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/07(土) 14:58:22.98ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0573学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/07(土) 14:59:03.83ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0574学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/08(日) 09:11:01.43ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0575学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/08(日) 12:14:05.64ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0576学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/08(日) 12:14:34.75ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0577学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/08(日) 16:12:47.98ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0578学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/08(日) 16:13:27.95ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0579学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/09(月) 17:44:14.16ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0580学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/09(月) 17:44:53.26ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0581学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/09(月) 17:45:41.76ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0582学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/09(月) 21:48:53.19ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0583学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/10(火) 15:35:49.28ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0584学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/10(火) 15:36:40.64ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0585学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/10(火) 22:02:20.33ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0586学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/11(水) 09:27:39.22ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0587学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/11(水) 12:46:13.89ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0588学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/11(水) 13:49:08.14ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0589学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/11(水) 13:49:43.44ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0590学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/11(水) 13:50:26.01ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0591学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/11(水) 21:20:43.16ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -ー‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

0592学籍番号:774 氏名:_____2019/09/12(木) 08:26:05.11ID:???
…………………..………・・・・My neme is Tanioka ichirou
        _((ノ/ ̄ー 、 
      ,,ィ'"´ ヾソ彡ソ三二ミヽ
    /   ミミ从彳彡二ーヽヾミ、
    ミミ彡三ミヾ州彡三二ミ   \
    彡ソr'彡ヾ` "` ヾミミヾー=彡,ミ{
   { 彡彡,/ -=[‐ニニー-‐、`ヾミミ、=-ミ}      
    .}彡"/ _ィェョュ   _,,、,,、彡ミミミ}
    ヾミj  "r'⌒`ヽ  "¨`ミヾ 丶ミミノ
    {ヾミ|.  ,ィrUヽ, i i ,rUヽ、 .}ミ./_
    { うリ     ̄ ノノ .丶 ̄_ノ }./ら )
    ヽ | -ー'' /   :、ー- 〉rケ/
   .,ィーヽ_!   / `ー'` '、   { .ソ
_ /ン厂/ヘ. ,/ _ij_ ヽ ノr'ー、_
:::::::::::∨:::::fヘ   r' ̄ー‐,,/,`'ヘ、ノ}ヽ:::::::::::   
:::::::::::/:::::::::| ヘ   r'"ノ// _,,,_ィ`、::::ヽ::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::{:::::::::::ヘ .` 、_/ /_,`ヽ_ゝ::ヘ::::}::::::::::::::: 
:::::::::::}::::::::::::::|  /     ,r'" `ー'\:::::ヘ}::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::〈:::::::::::::::ハ ./     ノ    \ 〉::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::\_/::y      /_(r       ヽ ::::::::::::::::
:::::::、-ー'":::::/     ノ`ー-"|ヽ、     `,マヽ ::::::
:::::::::}:::::/ヽ     ,r'"    }::::`ーヘ   /:::::::::ヽ::::::
Osaka University of Commerce aims to offer comprehensive education towards our primary objective of
"Nurturing Individuals Who Will Benefit the World", and "Fostering a Spirit of Venture".
OUC is based on the following four pillars:"Kindness and courtesy", "Fundamental practical learning",
"Flexible thinking", and "Enjoyment of life".

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