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2011/10/30(日) 07:39:46.37ID:wNIAn1gx

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2018/08/24(金) 06:15:38.80ID:DsJBUEc4
【 約束違反と自民党翼賛ナチストの共同正犯、関係性 】



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2018/08/28(火) 07:36:34.25ID:d7cVC7Ia
White Supremacy( 白人至上主義 WASP-ism ) , White Supremacists( 白人至上主義者 WASP-ism ),
LDP( Nazi-Yokusan-JPN ), CIA( U.S.-"America"666 ) & NSA( U.S.-"America" 666 )
are allied and binding as "666 the Axis anti-Christ-Messiah-Nyorai-ism."
They have been behinde to doing for Genocide Gangs Guerrillas rings Atacking since World War 2.
Therefore so many victims already have been killed as prey, feed for 666Beast-Nazi.

We have known that 666 means name of somebody.( REV .)
It's "America" that means man of name, as somebody, too.
So, "America" is one of name of the Beasts. And moreover, about LDP( jpn ) that is
only renamed from the Yokusan-Nazi-Axis: Den of the Axis of Evils.

"Crime-minister Abe SINzou" is reltive of "Kisi Nobusuke". "Kisi" was as no only one of ministers the Yokusan,
but also 1st boss of LDP( jpn ), and after to be "Crime-minister by LDP(jpn)"
therefore, who was "A-degree" of the War criminal under GHQ.
However, unbelievablely, Kisi had "the Indulgence", therefore, no prosecute, no prosess, and no execute.

Moreover, Hujioka Nobuhiro: "prison breaker under sentence of death: OSWAld, Jack the Ripper: Three-strikes( law ),"
who is no only still at large without at last, but also to keep on to style himself "Dragon( by REV )," satisfactorily.

It's rapacious the Beasts that's den of 666 die Raubtiere, Therefore, those "SWAstika" will out all them.
YOU, "SWAstika!, and witches-hunting-any trials." Because you are wasted on like the Me!
Don't stand above the liberalism, constitution, & the God, no more!
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2018/08/31(金) 18:21:02.64ID:Z2LausfU
-Psychiatric Examination-

We can know real result soon by easily & certainly ways.

1: "Do you think about this, "How greater than st. messiah?"
2: "Do you want to attack him somehow with malicious?"

Needless to say much about that.
It's mental disorders( a psychopathic), moreover, mental diseases(a murderous psychopath).

I'm not psychiatrist of the Beasts.
So, go psychiatry, now!
Results make us to know that it has brainwashed by Hujioka Nobuhiro's: (that is prison breaker under sentence of death:
OSWAld, illiterate, Jack the Ripper: Three-strikes(:law), psychopath armed poison gas attacking: drags & rat poizon and
more things mixed gas), like crime-minister Abe SINthough LDP(JPN Yokusan-Nazi-Axis, national socialism), US. Presidents, C.I.A. and N.S.A.

It's just psychopath of assassination attempt(666) that will out all them as truths.
And you are wasted on like "the Me."! Cause "time is money," isn't it?
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2018/09/22(土) 05:13:26.52ID:FPTYfSj6
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               | |l |. l l | .!匕广l l | j | 广Tナ- .|   i         | な  の  あ  |
               | |l |: | | .|从 l ィ=x |   j/ .ィ=x_l !  |     i       | 死.  ク   .え . |
               | |l |i | ! | | Vイトv::リ     トv:::リ .|  |  ,..∧        | ん   ズ  ず  |
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                  /    :l 从 ...     '     ... /  i| .    ∧     | .ゃ.  か   タ. |
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2018/09/26(水) 04:09:32.52ID:BSuOuR2y
PROFILES: about the Beast and denn of the Beasts LDP(The Axis)

ABET SINS-all (LDP, crime-minister of LDP Yokusan-Nazi) who is Ki-shit's relative: the Axis of Yokusan-Nazi,
as decidead ministers against the Pearl Harbor bombing genocide, in WW2.

LDP is gangster, the Axis of Yokusan-Nazi, petty gangster:
genocide, mass murderer, murder-robberies

It's LDP that has always been behind cases of the escaped prisoner (from jail: under sentence of death). For aims of LDP need for assassination attempts.
It's the Beast that is 666 name of someone (as by REVELATION): It already public known well in our world.

LDP(as one of a gangster but not yet qwollified) has been Nazi-Yokusan thorough dic-tators(tyrants) party befor WW2. And as dic-tators are few mostly.
It's the least that therefore they want to keep on standing and to asault against all nations: with zealous, vain-gloriously, violently, and lawlessly.

But these one of dic-tators just LDP that has many theirs dead spots. Well, I methinks so that we can defeat them LDP dic-tators all.
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2018/09/30(日) 03:37:22.63ID:o3UNBeXl

Rats US-OSwald 小泉純一郎 Coffins-mean Dune-witch-rout(YKKM, LDP Yokusan-Nazi): Gangster relative background.

"What are reasons about LDP Yokusan-Nati that has been Den of mental Psychopaths & rats(: brainwash plots for humankind to unilateral a Beast:
"The Third Empire, Das dritte Kaiserreich, establish plot" by one of nazism plots still remaining.)?"

It's assassination attempts that's for "overusing snake pornographic with bugging genocide coup d'etat."
LDP & USA are as "the Axis of anti-Messie &liberalism" that they try to justify & run for public knows throughout.
And there has overdone and has been forced to keeping on their assassination attempts show, endless.

So-called victims by the Axis that have already killed and hidden over 10millions bodys.
It's just the holocaust, mass murder, genocide, and more that's "The Third Empire, Das dritte Kaiserreich, establish plot" by one of nazism plots still remaining."
0517エターナルスーパーセーラームーン(メシー Messie)
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2018/09/30(日) 03:38:42.41ID:o3UNBeXl

Needless to say for them. It is for cruel shows that's meaning as real serious "coup d'etat show programes."
Aims for wipeing out against the liberalism, humanism, and our Constitution's orders all, whithout dout.

According to public, theirs plots let us to get easyly hard-proofs and hard-evidences that is not only real times.
"Coup d'etat shows programes" makes us to know well that "Who are the dictators?,
and who have been behind these outstanding criminal offenses about 666-coup d'etat as a Beasts and a stringpullers a Beasts?"

Therefore, at least, there is no ways to escap for dictators, stringpullers and a Beasts. That's all by bringing them all into the daylight. It's being easy solve and defeat "the Axis of 666" for us than before.
So, "We shall overcome(from Martin Luther King -was assassinated by CIA-)" against dictators of genocide Beast sides all."
It's genocide stringpullers that's no only LDP Yokusan-Nazi(as 666, JPN) but also with US-OSwald an old snakes(as USA-Goverment, 666).

The Revelation shall sign:
1st: Who were ratted by since cross( No the original sin within innocent made to seeming Deadly Sins into abuse by Deadly Sins of hypocrite's assassination attempts, too!)
2nd: Who is as Anti-Christs still the Axis about the Beasts with Old Snake, wolves, and hypocrites, etc.

The Darkness has never stood above the Light.
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2018/10/07(日) 12:17:55.17ID:taDSjh8X
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