>>・Alexander Pruss氏のは、典型的な ”Yes,But” 論法で、力点はBut以下にある

英文法で、”Yes,But” 論法は


”if i is chosen uniformly independently of that strategy (where the "independently" here isn't in the probabilistic sense), we win with probability at least (n-1)/n.”

1)ここで、i は前段から
 ”Let's go back to the riddle. Suppose u^→ is chosen randomly. The most natural option is that it is a nontrivial i.i.d. sequence (uk), independent of the random index i which is uniformly distributed over [100]={0,...,99}. In general, Mj will be nonmeasurable (one can prove this in at least some cases). We likewise have no reason to think that M is measurable. But without measurability, we can't make sense of talk of the probability that the guess will be correct.”
 と書かれていて、”independent of the random index i which is uniformly distributed over [100]={0,...,99}”
 まず、”if i is chosen uniformly independently of that strategy”の成立に疑問が呈されています
 そして、カッコ内の”(where the "independently" here isn't in the probabilistic sense)”にも、疑問符つきですね
3)Pruss氏は、全体として、箱入り無数目類似の”Probabilities in a riddle involving axiom of choice”