320132人目の素数さん2020/05/09(土) 07:01:44.31ID:/BYRDNlz>>323>>324

ZFCの話題は、本スレのInter-universal geometry と ABC予想 52 の324から始まっている。

しかし、Terence TaoがGoogle+で、ZFCについて述べてた内容を述べてないね。
今はGoogle+ないけど、下記のリンクのSpecific topicsで残っている。


The last part of (IUTT-IV) explores the use of different models of ZFC set theory in order to more fully develop inter-universal Teichmuller theory (this part is not needed for the applications to the abc conjecture).
There appears to be an inaccuracy in a remark in Section 3, page 43 of that paper regarding the conservative nature of the extension of ZFC by the addition of the Grothendieck universe axiom; see this blog comment.
However, this remark was purely for motivational purposes and does not impact the proof of the abc conjecture.