>The riddle には確率のかの字も出てきませんよ?(^^

まず、表題が”Probabilities in a riddle involving axiom of choice”w
次に、下記The Modificationが、時枝記事に相当する部分で
”I think it is ok, because the only probability measure we need is uniform probability on {0,1,…,N?1}, ”が、「おサルの確率論」だけどw
数学DR Pruss氏に木っ端みじんに論破されましたとさww(^^;

Probabilities in a riddle involving axiom of choice
asked Dec 9 '13 at 16:16
The Modification: I would find the riddle even more puzzling if instead of 100 mathematicians, there was just one, who has to open the boxes he wants and then guess the content of a closed box. He can choose randomly a number i between 0 and 99, and play the role of mathematician number i.
In fact, he can first choose any bound N instead of 100, and then play the game, with only probability 1/N to be wrong.
In this context, does it make sense to say "guess the content of a box with arbitrarily high probability"?
I think it is ok, because the only probability measure we need is uniform probability on {0,1,…,N?1},
but other people argue it's not ok, because we would need to define a measure on sequences, and moreover axiom of choice messes everything up.