>>558 つづき

次に[HT09] より
The derivation of this from our main result uses the upward topology on α in which, as we mentioned, the scattered sets are the finite subsets of α.
A known result that we extend here is Theorem 5.1 from [5] in which the present is predicted from an “infinitesimal” piece of the past, and the predictor is correct except on a countable set that is nowhere dense.
In terms of our framework here, we have the topology on R in which the basic open sets are half-open intervals (w, x]
(so f 〜x g if f and g agree on (w, x) for some w < x).
It is known that the scattered sets here are countable and nowhere dense.
The exact characterization of the error sets in this example (as scattered sets) was absent in [5].

[5] C. Hardin and A. Taylor, A peculiar connection between the axiom of choice and predicting the future, American Mathematical Monthly 115 (2008),



Taylor氏らは、[HT08b] の結論を否定している。

