If it fits your macros (By Brian Williamson)

Food matters. Your macros are guidelines that are supposed to be tools that you can use if you track that sort of thing. Pretending that you’re keto by eating a bunch of crap and claiming that it fit your macros is…stupid.

If you are keto, your food will be high fat. But it’ll be good fat.
If you are keto, your food will be moderate protein. But it’ll be real food.
If you are keto, your food will be low carb. But the carbs will be unprocessed.

Success comes by disciplined consistency over time. There’s no magic. There’s no secret. It’s that simple.

You don’t find success by trying to sneak “cheats” or “snacks” or “horribly bad food choices.” You find success by cutting all that crap out and keeping it real, simple, honest, and, well, ketogenic.