Mark Sisson: Get Primal on Your Cardio - #314|By: DAVE ASPREY May 31, 2016

Dave: Yeah. Being in ketosis sometimes is really important. It depends, for an endurance athlete, one side of things. Look, I’m running a business. I want my brain to work really well.
It’s a different frequency of ketosis but if we’re resetting hunger levels, resetting your body weight set point, ketosis has so many just useful things.
What’s the number? When you stick your finger and look at the blood ketone levels, what are the meaningful numbers for you?
I get different answers to this question from different people.

Mark: I think 2 is a meaningful number. I’m not looking for 4s and 5s.

Dave: I love 2. Two is definitely you’re in nutritional ketosis. I think if you have cancer or something, you might want to get a lot higher than that but I don’t think it’s necessary.
For me, the magic number that sets my brain free is .5 which is sub nutritional ketosis which starts at .8 but .5 is where you reset your ghrelin and CCK levels.
Ghrelin’s the hunger hormone. CCK is the satiety hormone. When you reset both of those, all of a sudden, you’re,
“Oh. Now, I don’t care about food so I’m going to make healthier and more intelligent food choices because I’m not craving-driven anymore.”
For me, freedom from cravings is one of those things that reduces suffering the most in the least amount of effort.