Dr. Volek: I just tend to salt my food to make sure I get enough salt.
But, on average, if you are truly in a ketogenic state (state where the body has circulating ketone levels between 0.5 and 3 millimolar),
it’s well-documented that there’s this natriuresis (excretion of sodium in the urine), which has been studied more in the context of fasting.
So when you’re producing ketones, your kidneys switch from retaining salt (when you’re eating more carbs) to excreting more salt.
So, if you excrete salt, you also excrete fluid with that.
So, what happens with a lot of people when they go on the Atkins diet, the first week, you hear about complaints with fainting, headaches, dizziness…

Dr. Volek: 適正量の塩分摂取のために、敢えて塩気の強い味付けにすることがありますよ。

Dave: And those symptoms are sodium-based?
Dave: そういった症状は塩分不足のせいなのですか?

Dr. Volek: A lot of people blame it on the diet and say,
“This diet is no good. I feel like crap. I can’t get up. I faint. I don’t have any energy to exercise. I can’t do anything.”
Dr. Volek: みなさんこんな風に非難しますでしょ、