 e = Γ(a) e0,

 a = ee/(2chε0) = Γ(a)^2 e0e0/(2chε0) = a0,

 1/a0 = exp(ππ/2) = 139.0456366606487415630

We presume that the spin-related component in the coupling constant e, associated with vacuum polarization, is:
An electromagnetic coupling with a magnetic moment.

So, including a first anomaly term, we make the following guess, similar to Gordon decomposition:

 Γ(a) = 1 + [a (1 +a/2π)],

One could in principle derive an, exact to all order, value for the observable a value with unlimited precision:

 1/a = 137.035999528369196   (←やや大きい)

"A non-perturbative derivation of the exact value of the SU(2) coupling value g from the standard Electroweak Lagrangian itself"

http://chip-architect.com/physics/Electroweak_coupling_g.pdf 182KB