Let a be fine-structure constant.

a is given by the Hans-de-Vries (HdV) equation:

 a = Γ(a)^2・exp(-ππ/2),

 The Γ(a) factor is a small correction on the Gaussian exponential.

It can be expressed as a so-called radiative series in a.

           (Hans de Vries, 2004/10/04)

Instead, we suppose Γ can be expressed by finite terms:

 Γ(a) = 1 + 2π・sinh(a/2π) + aa/(2π),

then we get a = 1/137.035999075193・・・

I(x) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind. (1/2-th order)

I(x) = √(2/π)・sinh(x)/√x,

then, Γ(a) = 1 + (π√a)・I(a/2π) + aa/(2π),