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2007/04/30(月) 07:23:43ID:lKm3guwE

there were two things i was thinking while i was away;
to study architecture, or become a hand bag designer.
after i came back, i thought to move to LA,
go to school and study a same thing i've done last
couple months.
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2009/08/09(日) 10:31:34ID:3sfAbJVy
the life in the states scares me so bad
i can barely imagine
hope i will enjoy it though
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2009/08/11(火) 18:55:32ID:6rMEAFT3
My father is veterinarian.
and he is always stained with bull shit,piss and blood.
but he is my hero.
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2009/10/04(日) 16:14:08ID:6sTNA8Cm
Yes, I can say, that Maine is the best place in the world. I love the people, the culture, the environment
the history, and its political idea. Everyone's talking about LA in NY in all these shitty cities filled
with smelly gas, but I strongly recommend you guys to go to Maine. Damn! I cannot express
how it's good in my words, I don't have enough vocabularies. Just go and see with your own

I better go back there sometime. I wanna see my fellows.
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2009/10/04(日) 16:23:14ID:6sTNA8Cm
299 :名無しさん:2009/08/08(土) 23:59:33 ID:ORzJDPd1
It don't matter!!!!

↑ I like your ID.
If you put "don't" after "it", it sounds like a Black or an Asian accent.
But I like it cuz it sounds cooler. However....Nothing can be cooler than
the freaking New England accent!! Maine Banzai!!!!!!!
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2009/10/06(火) 01:20:26ID:cViymsXm
Congratulations to 2016 Olympic Games to Rio de Janeiro!
I am the supporter.
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2009/10/14(水) 20:42:39ID:ePys2TpD
>I cannot express how it's good in my words

how it's good

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2009/10/14(水) 23:14:06ID:d2Wr8Icp
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2009/10/14(水) 23:14:58ID:d2Wr8Icp
Oh I talked about中年スレッド
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2009/10/15(木) 03:57:27ID:cZ3JRN1m
americans r sooooo brainwashed...
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2009/10/23(金) 07:22:02ID:ZUsnan0i
Barbara, Kimberly, Lachlan, Joanne, Levi & John... GO TO HELL !!!
You guys are so FAGLY !!!!!! and Please realized that You guys are WHITE TRASH !!
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2009/10/23(金) 09:40:09ID:vMkFuC8T
how could u do that
im empty ever since u left me.
i knoe its too late to realize that u are the best.
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2009/10/23(金) 16:38:05ID:enRLIUKg
Let's go Angels!
Yankeees SUCKS!!
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2009/10/24(土) 23:07:51ID:fHjjKwF+
fuck usa.
burn in hell.
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2009/10/25(日) 19:58:26ID:nsdiKsxp
Fuck ya how could you do that to me? You fckin damn asshole baby
If you say it's wasting your 20s then just find otheres n do wateva u want
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2009/10/29(木) 07:37:21ID:6is1+wC9
stfu assholes...and go fck ur fat ass mum
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2009/10/29(木) 11:34:06ID:yZXxf1Ro
Life is short.
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2009/10/29(木) 12:53:26ID:fva2nwHD
you are NOT handsome
gross…shame on you
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2009/11/18(水) 04:15:23ID:kQ4x28yy

I want to live as global citizen rather than Japanese.
whrere shuld I live in ????
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2009/11/18(水) 04:16:17ID:kQ4x28yy
I want to alive as global citizen rather than Japanese.
whrere shuld I live in ????
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2009/11/18(水) 09:50:08ID:qRzcQqgC
I think Internet is a very good place to live in first..
..virtual space would pretty much help to realize your dream,
Then you would realize there is no borders
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2009/11/18(水) 11:32:41ID:kQ4x28yy
but on reality world,there is a lot of culture borders..
I only can write japanese english.
what ever learning english I am alone, I can't understand english movie
without japanese caption.
I can't have experience another culture in japan..
I must find communicatores to share together.
0324セニョール・ニューエイジ・五十嵐(mobile) ◆40WnEtzSeY
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2009/11/18(水) 20:22:23ID:lRtS9m34
I hate Japan.
Japan is hell but women's paradise.
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2009/11/18(水) 23:37:19ID:WgD22ZHT


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2009/11/19(木) 00:02:32ID:cw6U1ab/

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2009/11/21(土) 17:02:34ID:JWPWg3wW
i know im not your little princess anymore but i ll be always there for you.
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2010/11/05(金) 00:43:40ID:Js52bGcQ
I love kate beckinsale forever ever
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2011/02/06(日) 20:38:02ID:uBvtI2qR
i'm novice about studying english and junior highschool student.
i'm fed up.because,there were a number of chinese in osaka where i'm live in.
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2011/02/06(日) 21:31:29ID:Oe/9A9t8
There is always one who says "Everybody's English here is terrible"
But he never says that in English lol
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2011/02/07(月) 13:45:29ID:ggzHVXV4
The USEN have worked on fiscal reconstruction and its shares are in uptrend,so I might have to keep the shares.
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2011/02/08(火) 12:44:22ID:N26yFxGM
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2011/02/08(火) 15:53:43ID:2J/qMTMo
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2011/02/09(水) 11:08:59ID:H/VH+roo
hope more and more channellers get a life then be positive/creative which will help your life. AT LEAST TRY TO MAKE THINGS BETTER NOT WORSE! DONT BE UGLY NUTHIN! REALIZE YALL HAVE BEAUTIFUL SOULS.
im serious not just kidding. you ppl basically are amazing for real
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2011/02/14(月) 02:25:11ID:ZGlfL/i4
I want to be a good English speaker.
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2011/02/14(月) 10:12:08ID:ZGlfL/i4
I get up at 9:45
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2011/02/14(月) 12:28:59ID:imluK65o
...in the evening.
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2011/02/17(木) 22:33:22ID:WnwzEUro
I am studying a textbook which is TOEIC.
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2011/02/18(金) 00:31:07ID:WBL/yoQi
I was tired due to studying English.
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2011/02/19(土) 01:21:08ID:0SMgb2/t
I was very tired yesterday.
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2011/02/19(土) 02:27:24ID:cfDjuIqs
Today it was Haru Ichiban blowing in tokyo
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2011/02/20(日) 14:28:12.30ID:a+w+vEQL
Enough is enough!!!
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2011/02/22(火) 03:59:32.29ID:VBmFV4Zn
I'm so hungry.
I'll go to Safeway to get some food.
I miss Japanese Beer.
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2011/02/22(火) 06:50:43.89ID:qm8S9qos
i really hate my roomie.
im home sick and he has the balls to invite his friends over for some shitty party. FML
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2011/02/22(火) 09:36:37.97ID:mTYATrdn
How are they hanging?
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2011/03/02(水) 09:37:27.35ID:iNfS0s+a
     /  \      
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     | | | |       
     | | | |        
     | | | |      
     | | | |      
     | | | |      
     ( ; ゚ω゚)< what ?
     |∪ .∪|      
     | | | |      
     | | | |      
     | | | |      
     ∪ ̄∪  
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2011/03/02(水) 10:45:00.76ID:Mh3tmA0i
What the fuck is with that pencil man lol
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2011/03/03(木) 02:41:21.08ID:+pdF+hwz
the pencil man made me smile. thanks lol
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2012/02/24(金) 12:51:58.48ID:WkKxUQja

●  ▲   ★    ●   ▲ 



2014年ワールドカップ アジア3次予選 第6戦

日本×ウズベキスタン  (愛知 豊田スタジアム)

●   ★   ▲    ★    ● 

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2012/02/25(土) 18:56:24.08ID:yp0y09zn
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2012/02/25(土) 19:10:09.51ID:yp0y09zn
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2012/02/25(土) 22:12:16.43ID:dSPkcRnk
I like this "Su-re."
Pencil man is cute!

"Write in English, gangs."
dunno how i can express this nuance.
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2012/02/26(日) 04:13:25.74ID:FcmT6Bua
Secret to improve your English skills: get ready to be criticized. And fuck em. you're the one who will be better at SPEAKING English. Not the pussies who are always criticizing other people's skills.

Good luck
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2013/06/16(日) 10:57:51.94ID:nVygiXl3!
how cum nobody kakiko?
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2013/06/16(日) 11:42:01.20ID:0IHtEuQT
わざわざ こんな所に書くものじゃないよ
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2013/06/17(月) 05:02:21.38ID:d/6SF9S6
if you have a complaint,write it down in english!
otherwise nobody will listen to you!
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2013/08/25(日) NY:AN:NY.ANID:PmTj07qo
tuck a nut a better n death car?!
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2013/08/25(日) NY:AN:NY.ANID:PmTj07qo
okay majiresu ne

I'm running out of words to say down here so hoppin off now cheers losers
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2013/08/29(木) NY:AN:NY.ANID:Yh/L3972
※ that parents have to do, I, that you have Narawase
Baseball, calligraphy, cram, electronic organ, Kumon, camp license

Then Bakka thing none of such useless. It was just meaningless at all. So, can be bad parents out. Is it did not Narawa martial arts martial arts from an early age why did he do that to me. It is thought this time, I decided to take to hear.
Though in Kodokan near ....... In that regard, parents was bad and can be really. Both parents were in vain.
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2013/08/29(木) NY:AN:NY.ANID:Yh/L3972
※ that parents have to do, I, that was learning
Baseball, calligraphy, cram, electronic organ, Kumon, camp license

Just something none of such useless. It was just meaningless at all. So, can be bad parents out. Is it did not Narawa martial arts martial arts from an early age why did he do that to me. It is thought this time, I decided to take to hear.
Though in Kodokan near ....... In that regard, parents was bad and can be really. Both parents were in vain.
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2013/08/29(木) NY:AN:NY.ANID:Yh/L3972
※ that parents have to do, I, that was learning
Baseball, calligraphy, cram, electronic organ, Kumon, camp license

Just something none of such useless. It was just meaningless at all. So, can be bad parents out. Is it did not learn martial arts martial arts from an early age why did he do that to me. It is thought this time, I decided to take to hear.
Though in Kodokan near ....... In that regard, parents was bad and can be really. Both parents were in vain.
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2013/09/02(月) 02:42:08.37ID:cdQV9hau
I was really fed up with it to was listening to ( preaching ) story is sit and called his father . It's unpleasant memories .
The injured seriously when it was told the story more than an hour while to say " story because ending in 10 minutes " and in particular . I have since I was in one .
My father talked for hours to let sit and call me as well after that . It was very sick for the side that was told . Tired . I cried in my mind and should stop talking about lazily .
So , I did not at all , such as consultation of trouble to father . It is because it was hate from being told the story of his father . For the most part, I thought secretly father and I to talk just me why .
However , since the story is summoned me from more of the father without talking from this place, it had to be told a story after all . It was the seed of trouble for me .
When you say that it or hate why 's , they hear the story of his father , a long story anyway . It is not interesting at all . Boring . Is not going to talk briefly . My father was a man you do not think at all I or tired much .
I was paying no attention the story of father and put up each time , but patience also finally reached its limit .
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2013/09/02(月) 02:44:00.61ID:cdQV9hau
One day 10 years ago , I got off to the first floor . There was a father to the bathroom . Then, realize that I have been down , my father called me .
When it was said to be " . There is a story " , I was pissed .
It was called to sit father as usual . It was the time when you are around 11 pm , everyone was asleep at that time .
I was hit and the angry father violently as to not care , or dispel the resentment of everyday such a thing . Was done yelling and screaming .
I do not remember specifically because he came cocker quite what to do said , but , certainly , what I be doing if it was " worried "
from being told the story of You and ! 'm A tired "or a ! I think I shouted to be equal !
" whether the good that either you hate the person .
Since then , my father was no longer a talking summoned me . In addition, I would have thought it to be also yelled at when you try to talk you summoned me . I also was going that fact . I was secretly relieved .
It was nice to think that it or need without being told a long story of his father in this .
I thought I became a study in this experience . That we should show against the intention of denial clearly do not just put up with you are that it is unpleasant from people . That we should be in angrily .
Not heard a long talk after being seated and is called from father really since then . Do not do not have to change from their own after all . Opponent just repeat the same thing otherwise . Do not Do not just put up .
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2013/09/02(月) 02:46:06.81ID:cdQV9hau
Was angry or scolded by parents It was really unpleasant .
I was angry distributed from early age just because people eldest son or scolded . Was also when you think you wonder why was scolded , and I wonder why was angry .
From being angry or scolded from parents just me always .
Tens of thousands of times was also scolded by parents from an early age anyway . Was angry . It was unpleasant for a long time I , and from being angry or scolded .
But , I did not go against parents because I was afraid the old days . It was only holding back much . If you were now , w Do not I reverse out
"... Motivation lonely , sad decline , become and Xun lost " was the feeling of when they were scolded by parents in the past . Did there many times that you cried
angry or scolded by parents .
Parent was the one who does not praise me for a long time anyway . There is no experience such as motivation was glad that has been boiled with praise from parents .
It is so even now .
It just is preaching or will give complaints or scolded from parents and still even doing active (such as that of the house ) things from myself . So I was completely demoralized .
I was no longer the things aggressively from his .
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2013/09/02(月) 02:47:08.62ID:cdQV9hau
There are brother to me , but I've never seen something once where it was angry brother or scolded from the mother . So brother was envious .
The reincarnated as a man and also , if you do was reborn now , but do not want to ever again born as the eldest son . Eldest son painful .
So you do not know this bitterness is not the eldest son .
By the way, my father was the second son . It was people who do not know at all vexatiousness of what is said, " you because it is the eldest son ,
" and such as it is suffering as the eldest son to him .

I do not appreciate at all about what you did not praise me or get angry or scolded by parents . I think the resentment rather .
So, do not do aggressive (such as that of the house ) things from myself . It is not absolutely married .
I do not Yara show something grandchild absolutely while the parent is alive . This is part of a revenge how to modest parents of me.
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2013/09/19(木) 03:28:20.65ID:+V1+HgIp
It's time for Japan to lift the ban on hemp to make Tokyo 2020 successful.


I think so because I've been in England for long.
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2013/09/19(木) 04:48:52.71ID:RP57cDsc
i love hemp
from europe
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2013/10/02(水) 02:20:05.02ID:zxyl8jQP
Big black mazafaka,
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2013/10/05(土) 15:21:01.40ID:WVdnyM8d
I hate Japan with too many companies as sweatshops, and too strong collectivism!
0383che guevara still lives
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2013/10/05(土) 15:27:25.08ID:WVdnyM8d
Japs should never worship at the war shrine as it encourages the worship of the bureauctatic government!
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2013/10/06(日) 18:15:24.60ID:g0WHUHfj
what the fuck cock sucking jesus christ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2013/10/07(月) 11:26:13.95ID:TDqemYgv
Japs keep a savage country with capital punishment, pearl harbour
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2013/10/07(月) 11:28:21.22ID:TDqemYgv
I blindly love the Japanese newscaster who promoted the Japanese hospitality omotenashi
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2013/10/13(日) 04:56:24.19ID:sKYTTr77
Speak British English. American English is terrible.
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2014/02/26(水) 16:49:12.95ID:nDj8efuR
I used to be a pen
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2014/02/27(木) 05:42:47.57ID:rkn06m1P
What the fuck
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2014/03/01(土) 02:13:34.07ID:tCQeBfNw
Where you Asians are manufactured? You guys are well programmed!
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2014/03/07(金) 18:39:14.50ID:vDut5v6v
TS Consultingの紹介で富士通テンに転職したがすぐに解雇された。
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2014/03/09(日) 17:49:56.20ID:mvYv1vQC
I want to speak English to learn in my house!!
But I can't that because there are my family.
Am I shy...?
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2014/03/10(月) 22:00:13.81ID:sgti7lnc
it's 2:30 in the morning
today i have an exam so i gotta go to bed now......, but i cant.
you know why? cause i slept for 12 hours today!!! im so damn!!!
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2014/03/13(木) 01:09:17.87ID:uNpClEnG
cunt! cunt! cunt! cunt! who are you speaking to?! who? who?!
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2014/03/14(金) 10:57:49.73ID:Xo6jEUrS
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2014/03/14(金) 20:16:34.70ID:YHmK0vA6
