Yes, you are right!  What I've been mentioning above are contradiction.
My thinking is always change, so I've writing whatever I feel as of now.

I've never taken TOEIC before, but I'm working in UK company.
When I had the job interview, they had a good impression of me,
so I've been working for the company for years.  Japanese staff
is less than 10 out of over 10K employees, so I must use english
everyday by e-mail, tel conference, business trip to out side of
Japan at least once every 2 months.

Depends on where you live in the States, buying an apartment or
house is not so expensive.  Safety Inspection is only about
30 bucks a year and gasoline is 3 times cheaper compare to
Japan, so no problem to have 2 or 3 cars.  To keep the same
living standard and enjoy rest of my life, I would like to
have a Jab in the States.  Annual salary is hopefully at least
US$ 60K.  I want to ask my company to send me to States, but
I don't think I can bring at least US$ 1.2 million of profit
to current company, so I have to think of getting new job.