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2006/04/08(土) 00:19:12ID:y7aqE42W


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2023/04/27(木) 03:51:25.16ID:DFxbPzS50
"swoop on"

What is the meaning of swoop on?
to sweep through the air, as a bird or a bat,
especially down upon prey. to come down upon something in a sudden,
swift attack (often followed by down and on or upon):
The army swooped down on the town. verb (used with object)
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2023/04/29(土) 03:37:05.39ID:vvJ/gbde0

changing frequently, especially as regards
one's loyalties, interests, or affection.
"Web patrons are a notoriously fickle lot, bouncing
from one site to another on a whim"

What does it mean if a person is fickle?
: marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or
stability : given to erratic changeableness.
fickleness noun.
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2023/05/03(水) 01:17:05.09ID:Ux19qKj70

plural noun: gangbusters
a police officer or other person who takes part in breaking up criminal gangs.
very successful.
"the restaurant did gangbuster business"

What does the slang gangbusters mean?
Meaning of gangbusters in English
to show a large amount of energy, activity, speed, or success:
The economy is going like gangbusters.

Originally it meant with great initial excitement, speedily, with a strong start,
or with immediate success. The idiom originally came from the midcentury American
radio program Gang Busters, which began each episode with great excitement and vigor
(i.e., with lots of loud sound effects).
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2023/05/03(水) 08:18:50.12ID:Ux19qKj70
"Toe the slab"

(Baseball) - Definition

Toe the Slab:
This is when a pitcher steps on the rubber on the mound.

What does toe the rubber mean in baseball?
The pitcher must stand on the rubber when he receives the signal.
He can't be rubbing up the ball or standing off the mound or anything like that.
And he can't walk into a windup position, like coming from the back of the mound.

toe the slab
To take the mound; to pitch. Literally, to put his toe on the rubber.
took the ball out of the catcher's glove
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2023/05/07(日) 02:03:41.84ID:96iojCzm0
“roll over”

What does roll over mean in slang?
If you say that someone rolls over, you mean that they stop resisting someone and do what the other person wants them to do. That's why most people and organizations just roll over and give up when they're challenged or attacked by the I.R.S.
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2023/05/11(木) 10:42:24.53ID:bPYCDNFw0

1 an imaginary object of fear
: an imaginary object of fear. : bugbear sense
2. also : something that causes fear or distress
out of proportion to its importance.

Something or someone that is your bugaboo worries or upsets you.
Red tape is the bugaboo of small business.

Where does the term bugaboo come from?
"something to frighten a child, fancied object of terror," 1843,
earlier buggybow (1740), probably an alteration of bugbear (also see bug (n.)),
but connected by Chapman ["Dictionary of American Slang"] with Bugibu,
demon in the Old French poem "Aliscans" from 1141,
which is perhaps of Celtic origin (compare Cornish ...

Other forms: bugaboos
Use the noun bugaboo to describe something that causes worry,
like the bugaboo of having three tests on the same day at school.
Bugaboo is also another name for the creature known as the bogeyman,
an imaginary monster that children believe will hurt them or even take them away
if they don't behave. Some usage experts trace bugaboo to Scotland,
where the now-obsolete word bogill meant "goblin, bugbear." A bugbear,
in the 1580 coining of the word, was a demon that looked like a bear and ate small children.
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2023/05/15(月) 01:04:56.37ID:12Onxnzt0
"lean and mean"

efficient and successful
: efficient and successful. We wanted our business to be lean and mean.

Is lean and mean good?
"Lean and mean" describes someone, or some animal, (such as a bull dog),
that is strong and powerful, that does not have a lot of fat and certainly is not lazy or sluggish.

Meaning of lean and mean in English
using only what is necessary, and determined to work effectively
in order to compete successfully:
Companies that have survived the crisis are going to be lean and mean.
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2023/05/20(土) 22:07:37.74ID:ZPKnSfCc0

(especially of clothing or a color)
not flattering.
"an unbecoming striped sundress"

(of behavior)
not fitting or appropriate; unseemly.
"it was unbecoming for a university to do anything so crass as advertising its wares"

What does being unbecoming mean?
indecorous, improper, unseemly, unbecoming,
indelicate mean not conforming to what is accepted as right,
fitting, or in good taste.
indecorous suggests a violation of accepted standards of good manners.

Not flattering, attractive or appropriate.
She wore a rather unbecoming hairstyle.
Not in keeping with the expected standards of one's position.
He was accused of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.

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2023/05/22(月) 22:07:25.80ID:2/+OWsUJ0

noun LAW
a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt
owed by that person is discharged.
"they shall be entitled to a lien on any lot sold"

Why does lien mean?
A lien refers to a legal claim against property that can be used as collateral to repay a debt.
Depending on the type of debt owed, liens can be attached to real property,
such as a home, or personal property, such as a car or furniture.
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2023/05/29(月) 00:21:37.67ID:0WVji0vi0
"frittered away"

frittered away; frittering away; fritters away. :
to spend or use up (something) in a slow and usually foolish way.
He frittered the afternoon away. He frittered away his fortune on gambling.

What is a synonym for frittered away?
blow, deplete, dissipate, fribble away, fritter, gamble away,
misspend, run through, squander, throw away, trifle away.

fritter (v.)
"whittle away, waste bit by bit, spend on trifles," 1728,
probably from noun fritter "fragment or shred" (though this is recorded later),
perhaps an alteration of 16c. fitters "fragments or pieces,
" which is perhaps ultimately from Old French fraiture "
a breaking," from Latin fractura
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2023/06/07(水) 23:49:06.52ID:3hH5Sgh00

reserved, modest, and shy (typically used of a woman).
"a demure young lady"
Similar: modest, unassuming, meek, mild, reserved

Is demure a compliment?
Other forms: demurest; demurer. A demure person can be described as
polite and a little shy. A demure outfit is a modest one — think high neckline
and low hem. Demure is a word you don't hear a lot these days,
but it used to be a huge compliment for a woman or a girl, for them to be
considered shy and quiet and modest.
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2023/06/16(金) 00:01:06.40ID:mR6WMsMK0

move unsteadily from side to side.
"the table wobbles where the leg is too short"

cause to move unsteadily from side to side.
move unsteadily in a particular direction.
"they wobble around on their bikes"
Similar: teeter, totter, stagger, walk unsteadily.

(of the voice) tremble; quaver.
"her voice wobbled dangerously, but she brought it under control"
Similar: tremble, shake, quiver, quaver, waver.

hesitate or waver between different courses of action; vacillate.
"he is beginning to wobble on the issue"
Similar: waver, hesitate, vacillate, dither, shilly-shally.
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2023/07/07(金) 22:52:49.09ID:R1L5cAtQ0

the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.
"they had reached the nadir of their sufferings"
Similar: the lowest point, the all-time low, the lowest level, low-water mark, the bottom
as low as one can get, rock-bottom, the depths.

What is the opposite of nadir?
▲ Opposite of the lowest point, level or part (of something) top. zenith. acme.
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2023/08/04(金) 02:07:23.15ID:ZLnv93Da0

Japanification in the economic sense refers to the stagnation that Japan's economy has faced
over the past three decades, and is typically applied in reference to the concern
among economists that other developed countries will follow along the same path.

Japanification (日本化) is the process of becoming or wishing to become a member of Japanese society.
It most commonly refers to expats living for an extended period of time in Japan,
though it may also be used to describe persons living outside Japan who have a certain affinity
to some aspect of Japanese culture. Cultural assimilation could include adoption of Japanese mannerisms,
style of clothing, taste in entertainment, and sometimes aspects of Japanese language.
In expats this process often occurs because of a feeling of isolation or desire to conform,
whereas outside Japan it may occur because of an especially strong interest in some kind of fan culture
based in Japan, e.g. anime, manga, television dramas, music or lolita fashion or mental health issues.
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2023/08/04(金) 06:05:29.28ID:ZLnv93Da0
"sounding board"

a board or screen placed over or behind a pulpit or stage to reflect a speaker's voice forward.
a person or group whose reactions to suggested ideas are used as a test of their validity or likely success before they are made public.
"I considered him mainly as a sounding board for my impressions"
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2023/08/11(金) 01:28:29.75ID:SPOfVdzN0
"for good measure"

phrase of measure
in addition to what has already been done, said, or given.
"he added a couple of chili peppers for good measure"
as a bonus, as an extra, into the bargain, to boot, in addition, besides

What is an example of for "good measure" ?
In addition to the required amount. For example,
Whenever she bakes she adds a little more cinnamon for good measure,
or He didn't argue with my price,
so I gave him some extra supplies for good measure.
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2023/08/12(土) 01:13:33.28ID:62mvlQ7S0
"here for it"

What does here for it mean?
Excited about it
When someone says they're "here for it,"
it means they're happy about something - which they likely described in the same social media post,
forum post, or text message. For example,
if McDonald's were to announce the McRib was becoming a permanent menu item,
many social media users would likely say they're "here for it," because they love the McRib.
Online, saying you're "here for" something is roughly the same thing as "showing up"
and showing your support for that thing. However, it's certainly not the same as
showing up or giving support IRL. For example,
if you were to say you're "here for" the McRib, but then never actually buy a McRib
after McDonald's adds it to their menu, your online excitement would be meaningless.
(When this situation occurs while discussing political causes,
it can be a mild form of performative activism.)

Hey, hey, guess who dyed their hair red today?
OMG, here for it!
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2023/09/01(金) 03:11:09.20ID:VrWXYLEp0

the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant,
especially as a result of poverty or neglect.
"they lived in squalor and disease"

What does it mean to be living in Squalor?
the condition of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, often because of lack of money: These people are forced to live in squalor. It was a dirty, damp, smelly apartment - the usual student squalor.

: very bad and dirty conditions. The family was living in squalor. I was shocked by the squalor of their surroundings.
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2023/09/05(火) 10:55:50.09ID:WP8Rn6Au0

give a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body
out of or in anticipation of pain or distress.
"he winced at the disgust in her voice"

a slight grimace or shrinking movement caused by pain or distress.
Similar: grimace, flinch.

What does it mean to wince at something?
A wince is a facial or bodily expression of pain, disgust, or regret.
Think of something you've done that was really,
really embarrassing or dumb: now feel your face or take a look
in the mirror as you wince at the uncomfortable memory.
A moment of pain or a recollection of something painful can make you wince.
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2023/09/06(水) 08:51:29.96ID:ytXESBE/0

not showing a serious or respectful attitude.
"a flippant remark"
showing or having a rude attitude of not being serious
esp. by trying to be amusing when most people expect
you to be serious: We had lost thousands of dollars, so
we did not appreciate his flippant remark about "better
luck next time."
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2023/09/07(木) 13:39:05.53ID:udjhOjBh0
"force to be reckoned with"

What does it mean force to be reckoned with?
If an organization or a person is described as a force to be reckoned with,
it means that they are powerful and have a lot of influence:
The United Nations is now a force to be reckoned with.
The three-time Oscar winner and mother of four is a force to be reckoned with.

Her natural charisma and popularity make her a force to be reckoned with.
He's certainly a force to be reckoned with in tennis circles.
There's absolutely no doubt that he is a political force to be reckoned with.
It was a performance that left us in no doubt that this former Broadway star is
once again a real force to be reckoned with.
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2023/09/09(土) 15:16:20.56ID:O0qJAqOr00909
"Every dog has its own day"

Every dog has its own day
said to mean that everyone will be successful or lucky at some time in their life.
This expression is sometimes used to encourage someone at a time when they are
not having any success or luck.

What is the quote like every dog has its day?
“Don't worry, every dog has its day. You'll get your chance to shine.”
“The underdog team won the championship. Every dog has its day.”
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2023/09/10(日) 01:04:32.21ID:Ih8/+cVmH
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a diverse group of conditions. They are characterized by some degree of difficulty with social interaction and communication. Other characteristics are atypical patterns of activities and behaviours, such as difficulty with transition from one activity to another, a focus on details and unusual reactions to sensations.

The abilities and needs of autistic people vary and can evolve over time. While some people with autism can live independently, others have severe disabilities and require life-long care and support. Autism often has an impact on education and employment opportunities. In addition, the demands on families providing care and support can be significant. Societal attitudes and the level of support provided by local and national authorities are important factors determining the quality of life of people with autism.

Characteristics of autism may be detected in early childhood, but autism is often not diagnosed until much later.

People with autism often have co-occurring conditions, including epilepsy, depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as well as challenging behaviours such as difficulty sleeping and self-injury. The level of intellectual functioning among autistic people varies widely, extending from profound impairment to superior levels.

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2023/09/11(月) 06:24:11.17ID:tid4b1Hh0
" Beantown "

BOSTON, A city on north east USA.
Why is Boston is named Beantown?
Of course, one of Boston's most enduring nicknames is easily its most humble
— emerging perhaps in the 18th century, and popular by the early 19th century
– when the city was flush with molasses from sugar trade with the West Indies,
and had a penchant for slow cooking beans in the sugary goop.

Why are beans associated with Boston?
Baked beans are a pretty big part of Boston's history,
though they weren't always the beans we know today.
Baked beans became popular with 17th century Puritans,
who could cook them on Saturdays and eat them on Sundays
to avoid working on the Sabbath.
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2023/09/11(月) 06:26:44.28ID:tid4b1Hh0

a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.
"he has a penchant for adopting stray dogs"

What does having a penchant mean?
a special liking for
If someone has a penchant for something,
they have a special liking for it or a tendency to do it. ...
a stylish woman with a penchant for dark glasses.

Is penchant positive or negative?
Now penchant can mean both an attraction towards something you enjoy or like,
or it can mean an inclination or something you tend to do (whether positive or negative).
So someone could also have a penchant for violence or a penchant for criticizing others;
it's behavior that they tend to do often.
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2023/09/11(月) 06:31:15.85ID:tid4b1Hh0
" molasses "

thick, dark brown syrup obtained from raw sugar during the refining process,
a version of which is used in baking.

What is the slang molasses mean?
very slow or slowly
: very slow or slowly. I used to be a fast runner, but now I'm slow as molasses.
People have complained that the legislature is moving/working slower than molasses.

What is molasses used for?
Molasses | Definition & Uses | Britannica
The lighter grades of molasses made from sugarcane are edible and are used
in baking and candy-making and to make rum. Blackstrap and other low grades
of cane molasses are used in mixed animal feed and in the industrial production of vinegar,
citric acid, and other products.
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2023/09/14(木) 04:09:31.46ID:Km5D7DxlH

a person, especially a child, who reveals
secrets or informs on others; a telltale.

t does tattletale mean in slang?
tat·​tle·​tale ˈta-tᵊl-ˌtāl. Synonyms of tattletale. chiefly US,
informal. : someone (such as a child) who tells secrets
about what someone else has done : one who tattles :

hy is it called tattletale?
The word tattletale is mostly used in the U.S. (in Britain it's more common to use telltale). It comes from the verb tattle, "report someone's wrongdoing." In the 16th century, you'd have called a tattletale a pickthank. These days, you can also use words like snitch or whistle-blower.
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2023/09/14(木) 04:32:34.05ID:tv1T5Cc80

"he snitched the umbrella for when he went fishing"
2.inform on someone.
"she wouldn't tell who snitched on me"

What does being a snitch means?
a person who secretly tells someone in authority that
someone else has done something bad:
Don't be a snitch.
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2023/09/17(日) 03:21:03.45ID:B0GR4yZ/0

mad; crazy.
"and the fans go bonkers"

at does bonkers mean in slang?
If you say that someone is bonkers, you mean
that they are silly or act in a crazy way.
[British, informal, disapproval]

If you say that someone is bonkers,
you mean that they are silly or act in a crazy way.
[British, informal, disapproval]
The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.
I nearly went bonkers with frustration.
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2023/09/17(日) 08:32:45.00ID:Mv/s88xS0
“are you still game to come”

Essentially, 'still game' means still up for the challenge.

What does the phrase “are you game” mean?
If someone asks you if 'you are game,' they want to know whether you are willing to try something; whether you
are interested in doing something fun or unusual.
To be game" is informal and means "to be prepared or
willing for something.
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2023/09/20(水) 08:35:41.55ID:/rlXmb8g0

upside down.
"the fairground ride turned riders topsy-turvy"
Similar: upside down, inverted, reversed, wrong side up, head over heels
upset, backwards, vice versa
Opposite: right way up, adjective, placed upside down.
"the bookmark showed a topsy-turvy flag"
a state of utter confusion.
"this economic topsy-turvy has been set in motion by employee ownership of public companies"
: in utter confusion or disorder
: with the top or head downward : UPSIDE DOWN
: turned topsy-turvy : totally disordered
What is the origin expression Topsy-Turvy?
This word dates back at least as far as the 16th century,
and there are many theories about its origin.
The most likely root is the now-obsolete terve,
"to overturn," from the Old English tearflian,
"to roll over and over."
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2023/09/24(日) 08:46:13.30ID:lUTaQjEx0
“ramp up”

phrasal verb of ramp
increase the level or amount of something sharply.
"they ramped up production to meet booming demand"
sharply increase in level or amount.
"the level of violence is ramping up”

People also ask
What does it mean to ramp up to something?
increase activity, ramp sth up
to increase activity or the level of something: The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month to meet demand.
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2023/10/01(日) 00:58:24.81ID:TgvqIFNj0

a gear in a motor vehicle providing a gear ratio higher than that of direct drive (the usual top gear),
so that the engine speed can be reduced at high road speeds to lessen fuel consumption
or to allow further acceleration.
a state of great or excessive activity.
"the city's worried public relations group went into overdrive"
give (an electric guitar) a distorted sound.
"cranking the volume up results in overdriving the bass"
drive or work to exhaustion.
"he says he did not overdrive the horses"
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2023/10/09(月) 07:48:13.88ID:4GIXQnVg0
" lint "

short, fine fibers that separate from the surface of cloth or yarn, especially during processing.
a fabric, originally of linen, with a raised nap on one side, used for dressing wounds.
the fibrous material of a cotton boll.

Lint is the common name for visible accumulations of textile fibers and other materials,
usually found on and around clothing. Certain materials used in the manufacture of clothing,
such as cotton, linen, and wool, contain numerous,
very short fibers bundled together. Wikipedia
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2023/10/11(水) 12:43:09.09ID:Nz2SEG1i0

(of a person) give a loud shout or cry.
"he hollers when he wants feeding"
a loud cry or shout.
"the audience responded with whoops and hollers"

What does Holler mean in America?
to shout or call loudly
She hollered "Stop!" just before the collision.
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2023/10/22(日) 04:22:51.97ID:1neS3dQ90

an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group,
in particular that of Jewish people in Russia or eastern
Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
"the pogroms of the 1880s drove many westwards to
the USA"

A pogrom is a violent riot which is incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group,
particularly Jews. The term entered the English language from Russian and originally, it was used to describe
19th- and 20th-century attacks on Jews in the Russian
Empire. Wikipedia
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2023/10/22(日) 07:15:11.59ID:1neS3dQ90

upside down.
"the fairground ride turned riders topsy-turvy"

placed upside down.
"the bookmark showed a topsy-turvy flag"
a state of utter confusion.
"this economic topsy-turvy has been set in motion by
employee ownership of public companies"

What is the origin expression Topsy Turvy?
This word dates back at least as far as the 16th century,
and there are many theories about its origin. The most
likely root is the now-obsolete terve, "to overturn," from
the Old English tearflian, "to roll over and over."
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2023/10/25(水) 11:46:55.72ID:ewuFWPWSH
“on the ropes”

phrase of rope
forced against the ropes by the opponent's attack.
in state of near collapse or defeat.
"behind the apparent success the company was
on the ropes"

at does on the ropes mean slang?
If you say that someone is on the ropes, you mean that
they are very near to giving up or being defeated.
The army claims the rebels are on the ropes.
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2023/10/28(土) 10:49:08.13ID:5qXl4kmz0

a form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in some way.

Similar: summons, subpoena,
warrant, arraignment, indictment, court order
process, decree, citation, subpoena, ad testificandum
one's power to enforce compliance or submission;
one's authority.
noun: one's writ; plural noun: one's writs
"you have business here which is out of my writ and

What does its writ mean?
a formal order under seal, issued in the name of a
sovereign, government, court, or other competent
authority, enjoining the officer or other person to whom
it is issued or addressed to do or refrain from some
specified act.
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2023/10/28(土) 10:54:58.00ID:5qXl4kmz0

An official employed by a British sheriff to serve
writs and make arrests and executions.
: a minor officer of some U.S. courts usually serving
as a messenger or usher
2 chiefly British : one who manages an estate or farm

an official in a court of law who keeps order, looks
after prisoners, etc.
"as the bailiff took him away, his mother wept while
I averted my eyes"
a sheriff's officer who executes writs and processes
and carries out distraints and arrests.
"word spread that bailiffs, accompanied by the police,
had turned up to evict traders and seize their properties"
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2023/11/04(土) 01:35:38.85ID:f8uwI/qW0

What does it mean to be a Fussbudget?
a fussy person
Britannica Dictionary definition of FUSSBUDGET. [count] US, informal + disapproving. :
a person who worries or complains about small things : a fussy person. a grumpy old fussbudget.

Where did the saying Fussbudget come from?
Fussbudget “one who is fussy or needlessly faultfinding”
is a transparent compound of the nouns fuss “bustle,
commotion” and budget “itemized list of funds or expenses.”
The word entered English in the early 20th century;
it became associated with the character
Lucy Van Pelt in the comic strip Peanuts in the 1960s.
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2023/11/05(日) 06:22:37.15ID:am8Y67Ji0

adverb, old Enough
apart; divided.
"those whom God hath joined together let no
man put asunder"

into pieces.
"the desk burst asunder"

What does it mean to put asunder?
into separate places
Asunder comes from the Old English phrase on sundran, which means "into separate places." It is a somewhat archaic and uncommon word and many people know it only from religious marriage ceremonies: "What God has joined together let no man put asunder." In most cases, you can use its more common synonym "apart" and ...
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2023/11/05(日) 06:23:22.30ID:am8Y67Ji0

adverb, old English
apart; divided.
"those whom God hath joined together let no
man put asunder"

into pieces.
"the desk burst asunder"

What does it mean to put asunder?
into separate places
Asunder comes from the Old English phrase on sundran, which means "into separate places." It is a somewhat archaic and uncommon word and many people know it only from religious marriage ceremonies: "What God has joined together let no man put asunder." In most cases, you can use its more common synonym "apart" and ...
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2023/11/05(日) 08:40:14.13ID:t4WP07x2H

(of an animal such as a dog) make an aggressive
growl with bared teeth.
"the dog snarled at the boy"

an act or sound of snarling.
"the cat drew its mouth back in a snarl"

Examples from Collins dictionaries
The dogs snarled at the intruders. With a snarl, the
second dog made a dive for his heel. 'Let go of me,' he
snarled. I vaguely remember snarling at someone who
stepped on my foot.
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2023/11/05(日) 08:41:19.20ID:am8Y67Ji0

(of an animal such as a dog) make an aggressive
growl with bared teeth.
"the dog snarled at the boy"

an act or sound of snarling.
"the cat drew its mouth back in a snarl"

Examples from Collins dictionaries
The dogs snarled at the intruders. With a snarl, the
second dog made a dive for his heel. 'Let go of me,' he
snarled. I vaguely remember snarling at someone who
stepped on my foot.
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2023/11/05(日) 08:41:26.15ID:bonRZsMTH

(of an animal such as a dog) make an aggressive
growl with bared teeth.
"the dog snarled at the boy"

an act or sound of snarling.
"the cat drew its mouth back in a snarl"

Examples from Collins dictionaries
The dogs snarled at the intruders. With a snarl, the
second dog made a dive for his heel. 'Let go of me,' he
snarled. I vaguely remember snarling at someone who
stepped on my foot.
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2023/11/05(日) 13:31:18.44ID:hftDiBS50

1 the pointed end part of a pen, which distributes the ink on the writing surface.
2 shelled and crushed coffee or cocoa beans.

What is a nib in English?
nib in American English
1. the point of a pen, or either of its divisions.
2. a penpoint for insertion into a penholder.

What is a nib in calligraphy?
A calligraphy nib is the pointed, detachable end of a pointed pen (also called a dip pen).
This type of calligraphy pen is a very traditional utensil, and is used for the pointed pen or
Copperplate styles (terms are used interchangeably).Sep 8, 2022
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2023/11/08(水) 03:45:31.69ID:0mDuHk9q0
“Tamp down”

to reduce the amount, level, size, or importance of something: As the price of gasoline rose above $3 a gallon,
consumers cut their spending elsewhere, tamping down
profits in retail, travel and other industries.

What is another word for tamp down?
press down tightly. synonyms: pack, tamp. type of:
compact, compress, pack together. make more
compact by or as if by pressing.

to press something such as soil or tobacco down firmly.
Synonym. pack. SMART Vocabulary: related words and
phrases. Squeezing and grinding
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2023/11/08(水) 04:08:47.86ID:0mDuHk9q0
“Tidy up”

Definitions of tidy up.
put (things or places) in order. synonyms: clean up,
neaten, square away, straighten, straighten out, tidy.

tidy something up:
to arrange or deal with something so that it is well or
correctly finished I tidied up the report before handing
it in.
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2023/11/08(水) 11:47:23.24ID:DiOyzzf6H
“bar none”

phrase of bar
with no exceptions.
"the greatest living American poet bar none"

Why does bar none mean?
without exception
Bar none basically means without exception. The phrase
is used to emphasize that a statement is completely true and often is used at the end of a phrase or sentence --
nearly always set off with a comma or commas.
We have the best stadium, bar none, in college football.

What's another word for bar none?
On this page you'll find 16 synonyms, antonyms, and
words related to bar none, such as: whole, any, barring
no one, complete, each and every, and entire.
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2023/11/08(水) 12:24:19.11ID:DiOyzzf6H

having or showing good judgment.
"the restaurant attracts discerning customers"

What does it mean if someone is discerning?
If you describe someone as discerning, you mean that
they are able to judge which things of a particular kind are
good and which are bad. [approval] Even the most
accomplished writers show their work-in-progress to
discerning readers. Synonyms: discriminating, knowing,
sharp, critical
More Synonyms of discerning.
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2023/11/08(水) 12:40:57.15ID:7WuzF584H

enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with
drinking and dancing.
"they spent the evening reveling with their guests"

lively and noisy enjoyment, especially with
drinking and dancing.
"late-night revels"

What does it mean to revel in something?
to take great pleasure
Revel means to take great pleasure. If you revel in
something, you're not just pleased or even excited;
you're overwhelmed by joy.
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2023/11/15(水) 04:58:33.11ID:Zdlm4moQH

: a small mass, bundle, or tuft: such as
a : a soft mass especially of a loose fibrous material variously used (as to stop an aperture, pad a garment, or hold grease around an axle)
b (1) : a soft plug used to retain a powder charge or to avoid windage especially in a muzzle-loading gun
(2) : a felt or paper disk used to separate the components of a shotgun cartridge
c : a small mass of a chewing substance
//a wad of gum
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2023/11/18(土) 12:21:01.00ID:dpve0QfSH

In social media slang, "cap" means "lie" or "falsehood".
It's often used on Instagram and TikTok. For example, if a follower comments "cap" or "all cap" on a post, they're accusing the user of lying.
"No cap" means "no lie" or "for real". For example, "Johnson is gonna cancel the quiz this Friday, no cap".
The term's origins are unclear, but it's thought to have originated in hip-hop culture. It then spread to other aspects of African American culture before being adopted by mainstream culture.
"Cap" can also mean the special hat that baseball players wear.
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2023/11/19(日) 04:37:29.36ID:cx2GIN8Z0
“sound off”

phrasal verb of sound
express one's opinions in a loud or forceful manner.
"Pietro started sounding off to the press"

What does it mean when someone says you sound off?
to express your opinions forcefully, especially without
being asked for them: sound off about He's always
sounding off about how he thinks the country should
be run. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Expressing and asking opinions.
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2023/11/19(日) 04:39:29.96ID:cx2GIN8Z0

Amirite" is an informal way to spell "am I right". It's used
to get agreement or solidarity with a statement. It can also be used to mock or undermine the preceding statement.
"Amirite" is often used on social media after making a
joke or sharing an opinion. For example, "We all know
what that's like, amirite?" .
"Amirite" is a slang term that represents the rhetorical "
am I right". It's used to imitate the use of this phrase as
a tag question in informal speech.
The word "amirite" comes from "am" + "I" + "rite" ("right
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2023/11/20(月) 12:39:36.33ID:NBfpcqrsHHAPPY
"run amok"

phrase of amok
behave uncontrollably and disruptively.
"the kids are running amok around the house"

Is amok a real word?
: in a violently raging, wild, or uncontrolled manner. used in the phrase run amok.

What is the slang amok?
Amok, or running amok, is derived from the Malay word mengamok, which means to
make a furious and desperate charge.
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2023/11/30(木) 03:20:47.11ID:ylO0DAfC0
“dog whistle”

In politics, a dog whistle is a statement or expression that has a secondary meaning that only a specific group can
understand. The term is used to describe the use of coded or suggestive language to gain support from a group
without provoking opposition. It's named after ultrasonic
dog whistles, which can only be heard by dogs.
Berkeley political scientist Ian Haney Lopez describes
"dog whistle politics" as a strategy to win elections by:
Causing minorities to feel anxious or fearful
Dividing class interests
Using coded or suggestive language.
Article Talk. In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named after ultrasonic dog whistles, which are audible to dogs but not humans.
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2023/12/07(木) 03:20:35.89ID:ejwpOeJ20

past tense: shrouded; past participle: shrouded
wrap or dress (a body) in a shroud for burial.
"the body was washed and shrouded"
cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.
"mountains shrouded by cloud"

What is a synonym for shrouded?
to keep secret or shut off from view shrouded the fact that the child had been adopted.
conceal. hide. obscure. cover.
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2023/12/10(日) 05:28:50.84ID:bs3fPjA40

beginning to grow or increase rapidly; flourishing.
"manufacturers are eager to cash in on the burgeoning demand"

What is an example of burgeoning?
growing or developing quickly:The company was criticized for not doing more to pare down
its burgeoning debt. (of a plant) putting forth buds, flowers, shoots, etc.:
The overcast sky was more than made up for by the brilliant purple blossoms of the burgeoning jacaranda trees.
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2023/12/10(日) 09:37:24.61ID:bs3fPjA40

Chortled" is the past simple and past participle of the verb "chortle".
It means to laugh or chuckle, especially when amused or pleased.

"Chortle" may also mean to sing or chant exultantly. For example, "He chortled in his joy".
Lewis Carroll coined the word "chortle" in 1871 in his poem "Jabberwocky". The poem is about a son
who slays a monster and returns to his father who is relieved and happy.
Carroll completed the poem in 1855 but only introduced it to the public in his 1871 novel
Through the Looking-Glass.
For example, "She chortled with glee at the news".
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2023/12/12(火) 14:06:15.83ID:e+/0qcVD01212

past tense: razed; past participle: razed
completely destroy (a building, town, or other site).
"villages were razed to the ground"

What does it mean for a house to be razed?
to destroy or tear it down
To “raze a building” means to destroy or tear it down. This term is often associated with tear downs
that occur when a company buys a new piece of land.
There may be buildings on the land that need to be “razed” or destroyed .
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2023/12/14(木) 09:46:03.64ID:200eAsia0

Importunate means making repeated or annoying
requests or demands. For example, you might describe
a child's demands for candy at the grocery store as
persistent, especially to the point of annoyance or
intrusion. "importunate creditors"
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2023/12/14(木) 09:47:57.91ID:200eAsia0

Entreat means to ask someone earnestly, beseech,
implore, or beg. It implies that the person doing the
entreating is serious about what has to happen.
For example, you might entreat a judge for mercy
or entreat the jury to spare your life.
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2023/12/14(木) 09:49:38.12ID:200eAsia0

"Beseech" means to ask someone earnestly, to entreat,
or to implore. It can also mean to ask for something
earnestly, to solicit eagerly, or to beg for.
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2023/12/14(木) 09:50:36.73ID:200eAsia0

Implore means to ask someone earnestly to do
something. It can also mean to say something as a
serious or emotional request. For example, you might
implore a friend for a loan if you're short on
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2023/12/19(火) 11:47:23.89ID:l1QtZtUFH
"peas and carrots"

What does the expression peas and carrots mean?
“Like peas and carrots” means any two things that go well together,
get along very well together, or are well-suited.
It is a reference to a common American vegetable side-dish,
peas and carrots served as one dish.
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2023/12/19(火) 11:57:45.59ID:l1QtZtUFH

What does coon mean?
dark-skinned person
Slang. Coon, a racial slur, used pejoratively to refer to a dark-skinned person of African,
Australian Aboriginal, or Pacific islander heritage. Coon Carnival, the original name for the Kaapse Klopse,
a yearly minstrel festival in Cape Town, South Africa.
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2023/12/19(火) 11:59:12.53ID:l1QtZtUFH

adjective. : having negative connotations; especially :
tending to disparage or belittle : depreciatory. Examples.
The captain has come under fire for making pejorative remarks about teammates.

What is an example of pejorative language?
Calling someone 'loser', for example, is a way of soliciting listeners to view them as undesirable,
damaged, inferior, and so forth.
Racial slurs have the function of propagating racism in a speech community.
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2023/12/19(火) 12:15:24.37ID:EXfPjhhbH
"round peg"

What does the idiom round peg mean?
Also, round peg in a square hole. A misfit, especially a person unsuited for a position or activity.
For example, Ruth doesn't have the finesse for this job; she's a round peg in a square hole.
This idiom, with its graphic image of something that cannot fit, dates from about 1800.
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2023/12/26(火) 11:15:10.99ID:EJPQDj+m0

What does it mean to be convoluted?
complicated and difficult to understand
(kɒnvəluːtɪd ) adjective. If you describe a sentence, idea, or system
as convoluted, you mean that it is complicated and difficult to understand.

What does it mean to be a convoluted person?
Definitions of convoluted. adjective. highly complex or intricate and
occasionally devious.
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2023/12/26(火) 11:51:35.55ID:EJPQDj+m0

knowing or using several languages.
"New Orleans has always been a polyglot city"
a person who knows and is able to use several languages.
"Slovenians, being surrounded by many countries, are mostly polyglots"
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2024/01/10(水) 16:20:09.13ID:2UWLdaew0
"Lest we forget"

What is the meaning of Lest we forget?
it should not be forgotten
Borrowed from a line in a well-known poem written in the 19th century,
the phrase 'lest we forget' means 'it should not be forgotten'.
We say or write 'lest we forget' in commemorations to remember always the service
and sacrifice of people who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

How do you use Lest we forget in a sentence?
we should not forget (often used as a cautionary phrase):Lest we forget,
many large conflicts have started over small, insignificant areas. Lest we forget,
fake news is still with us. in case you have forgotten (used facetiously):The 1980s,
lest we forget, was a terrible era for fashion.
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2024/01/11(木) 08:24:12.13ID:0Q2SYElc0

a piece of wood, metal, or some other material having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is driven
between two objects or parts of an object to secure or
separate them.
tapered block
door stop
fix in position using a wedge.
"the door was wedged open"
force into a narrow space.
"I wedged the bags into the back seat"
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2024/01/19(金) 03:42:40.58ID:7st3W3oxH
“flipped off”

flipped off; flipping off; flips off. transitive verb. :
to hold up the middle finger as an obscene gesture
of contempt to.

To show someone in an offensive way that you are
annoyed with them or do not like them by turning the
back of your hand toward them and putting your middle
finger up: The player was fined $5,000 for flipping off
fans who had booed him. An angry man in the crowd
flipped off the mayor's vehicle as it passed.
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2024/01/20(土) 22:16:11.02ID:zqBzZPpM0

hit forcefully.
"Jess socked his father across the face"

What does sock mean slang?
slang. : to subject to or as if to a vigorous assault.
they may let you off the first time …
but the second time they'll sock it to you James Jones.

What does sock someone mean?
When you sock someone, it has nothing to do with footwear;
you punch them. If something "knocks your socks off,"
it makes you extremely enthusiastic or excited,
and if your brother tells you to "put a sock in it,"
he means "be quiet."
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2024/01/21(日) 16:10:26.95ID:enbYwhBc0

A sex act in which multiple people ejaculate on another person.
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2024/01/23(火) 01:11:32.31ID:nstqgx5Y0

(of a door or other opening) slightly open.
"she had left the window ajar that morning"

What does it mean to be ajar?
slightly open
The adjective ajar describes something that is slightly
open. A door that has been left ajar is easily pushed
open by the wind or a nosy person. To correctly
pronounce ajar, say "uh-JAR." People in a hurry leave
drawers and cabinet doors ajar, or hanging open.
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2024/01/26(金) 04:32:46.58ID:RsUr/I6X0

What does it mean to be caprice?
1. a sudden, unpredictable change, as of one's mind or
the weather. 2. a tendency to change one's mind without apparent or adequate motive; whimsicality;

adjective. characterized by or liable to sudden
unpredictable changes in attitude or behaviour;
impulsive; fickle.
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2024/01/31(水) 09:29:27.66ID:yoUyogBLH

A cummerbund is a broad waist sash, usually pleated,
which is often worn with single-breasted dinner jackets
(or tuxedos).[1] The cummerbund was adopted by British military officers in colonial India, where they saw it worn
by sepoys (Indian soldiers) of the British Indian Army.[2] It was adopted as an alternative to the waistcoat, and later spread to civilian use. The modern use of the
cummerbund to Europeans and North Americans is as a component of the traditional black tie Western dress

What’s the purpose of a cummerbund?
Cummerbunds are an essential part of black tie etiquette and they give formal suits a finished appeal. Cummerbunds are used to cover the unsightly bunching that occurs when a shirt is tucked into trousers and they also provide an aesthetic benefit to your overall ensemble.
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2024/02/01(木) 05:56:12.49ID:UzcC2Xpg0
“move the needle”

Move the needle is an idiom that means to make a
change that is noticeable, to alter or modify something
so that the effect of your action is measurable.
Most often, move the needle is used in a positive sense, meaning to make progress toward a goal.

The phrase "move the needle" means to have enough of an effect that people notice a change. He thinks, "I have
to remember this one."

“Move the needle”

That time has passed. What to say instead: “Have an
effect” “Generate a reaction”
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2024/02/02(金) 03:10:44.64ID:KoMS0Mys00202

beginning to grow or increase rapidly; flourishing.
"manufacturers are eager to cash in on the burgeoning

What does burgeoning mean?
growing, expanding, or developing rapidly
: growing, expanding, or developing rapidly. a
burgeoning market/industry.
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2024/02/04(日) 09:19:07.72ID:BvZzs3Kf0

at does barbs mean in slang?
countable noun. A barb is an unkind remark meant as a criticism of someone or something. The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would. Synonyms: dig, abuse, slight, insult More Synonyms of barb.

an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect. ...
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2024/02/04(日) 09:30:11.44ID:BvZzs3Kf0

What does barbs mean in slang?
countable noun. A barb is an unkind remark meant as a
criticism of someone or something. The barb stung her
exactly the way he hoped it would. Synonyms: dig, abuse,
slight, insult More Synonyms of barb.

an aggressive remark directed at a person like a
missile and intended to have a telling effect. ...
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2024/02/09(金) 09:13:24.71ID:B7gm6cSN0

witheringly scornful; severely critical.
"he unleashed a scathing attack on his former boss"

What is the meaning of word scathing?
harshly critical; scornful
scathing. / (ˈskeɪðɪŋ) / adjective. harshly critical;
scornful: a scathing remark. damaging; painful.
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2024/02/10(土) 06:14:42.27ID:iGJLhNnn0

a light spear thrown in a competitive sport or
as a weapon.
the athletic event or sport of throwing the javelin.
noun: the javelin
"his nearest rival in the javelin" The word javelin
comes from Middle English and it
derives from Old French javelin, a diminutive of
javelot, which meant spear.
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2024/02/20(火) 03:19:58.22ID:z2fbJkGD0

an uncontrolled outburst of anger and
frustration, typically in a young child.
"he has temper tantrums if he can't get his own way"

Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to
screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath-holding spells.
They're equally common in boys and girls and usually
happen between the ages of 1 to 3. Some kids may
have tantrums often, and others have them rarely.
Tantrums are a normal part of child development.
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2024/02/28(水) 01:22:18.67ID:BrTSBlPR0

commotion, controversy
A kerfuffle is some kind of commotion, controversy, or
fuss. If you read about a scandal in a newspaper, it could be described as a kerfuffle. Kerfuffle is a
humorous-sounding word for a mostly non-humorous
situation: some kind of disturbance, scandal or mess.
However, a kerfuffle usually isn't 100% serious.

What is a kerfunkle slang?
informal. : a disturbance or commotion typically caused by a dispute or conflict. In all the kerfuffle, nobody seemed to have noticed Harry, which suited him perfectly.
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2024/02/28(水) 09:49:15.56ID:YOOS8OJP0

What does palpable mean?
It is obvious that it can easily be seen or known,
or (of a feeling) so strong that it seems as if it can be
touched or physically felt: The tension in the room was
palpable during the exam.

What is a synonym for palpable?
Some common synonyms of palpable are appreciable,
perceptible, ponderable, sensible, and tangible. While all
these words mean "apprehensible as real or existent,"
palpable applies either to what has physical substance
or to what is obvious and unmistakable. the tension in
the air was almost palpable.
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2024/03/03(日) 02:25:01.03ID:ami/9yck0

: one that squats:
such as a : one that settles on property without right
or title or payment of rent
b : one that settles on public land under government
regulation with the purpose of acquiring title
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2024/03/04(月) 11:14:36.31ID:fUlEchFt0
”Hunkering down”

to make yourself comfortable in a place or situation, or to prepare to stay in a place
or position for a long time, usually in order to achieve something or for protection:
The press have hunkered down for the night outside the palace, waiting for news of the royal birth.

Where does the term hunkering down come from?
Hunker comes from Scottish — it means "crouch on your heels" or "squat."
Sometimes the phrase is also used to mean
"get to work," like when you hunker down and finish your homework.

What is a synonym for hunker down?
to lie low with the limbs close to the body had to hunker down so no one would see him behind the gate.
crouch. huddle. hunch. squat.
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2024/03/04(月) 11:33:32.52ID:fUlEchFt0
"there you go"
"there you are"

What is the difference between there you go and there you are?
“There you go” can also be an expression of encouragement or pride,
when someone you are helping has a success. “There you are” is also an expression of triumph
at finding something or someone. In these examples, the phrases are NOT interchangeable.

What is an example of there you go?
We didn't win the competition, but there you go - we can always try again next year. used to mean
"I told you so": There you go - I knew you'd forget if you didn't write it down.

there you are
phrase of there
this is what you wanted.
"there you are—that'll be $3.80 please"
expressing confirmation, triumph, or resignation.
"sometimes it is embarrassing, but there you go"
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2024/03/08(金) 02:10:56.92ID:CADx9AER0

American Idiom
turn an initial stake or winnings from a previous bet into
(a greater amount) by gambling.
"it involved parlaying a small bankroll into big winnings"
a cumulative series of bets in which winnings accruing from
each transaction are used as a stake for a further bet.

What does the slang term parlay mean?
verb (used with object) to bet or gamble (an original amount and its winnings) on
a subsequent race, contest, etc. Informal. to use (one's money, talent,
or other assets) to achieve a desired objective, as spectacular wealth or success:
He parlayed a modest inheritance into a fortune.
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2024/03/25(月) 02:37:09.79ID:hgoHmaRm0
”in a nutshell”

Use the phrase in a nutshell when you want to make it clear
that you're going to sum something up in just a few words.
Another way to say this would be "to make a long story short."
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2024/03/27(水) 05:22:04.39ID:fC2T4Lsm0

completely free from penalty or harm
The phrase 'Scot-Free' means that something or someone is completely free from penalty or harm. The term is also used in discussing a person who has avoided paying taxes. Example of Use: “He was guilty of robbery, yet the jury error meant he got away with his crime scot-free.”
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2024/03/27(水) 12:28:50.31ID:DTQ6v6IF0

past tense: spearheaded; past participle: spearheaded
lead (an attack or movement).
"he's spearheading a campaign to reduce the number of accidents at work"
lead, head, front
be the driving force behind
be in the forefront of

What does it mean to be spearheaded?
to lead something such as an attack or a course of action:
British troops spearheaded the invasion. Joe Walker will be spearheading our new marketing initiative.
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2024/04/24(水) 06:30:46.32ID:Yb8XVGfi0
“Take stock of “

To take stock (of something) is to think carefully about a situation or event and form an opinion about it, so that you can decide what to do: take stock of After two years spent teaching overseas, she returned home for a month to take stock of her life. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.
phrase. If you take stock, you pause to think about all the aspects of a situation or event before deciding what to do next. It was time to take stock of the situation. Synonyms: review the situation, weigh up, appraise, estimate More Synonyms of take stock.
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2024/04/27(土) 07:21:45.37ID:uvhVloS80
“Frozen rope”

Baseball Slang. a remarkably straight and hard-hit line drive: Mitchell's frozen rope sailed right through the gap in left field, giving him an easy stand-up double.Apr
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2024/05/04(土) 08:42:00.77ID:pqPrttKt0

commotion, controversy
A kerfuffle is some kind of commotion, controversy, or
fuss. If you read about a scandal in a newspaper, it could be described as a kerfuffle. Kerfuffle is a
humorous-sounding word for a mostly non-humorous
situation: some kind of disturbance, scandal or mess.
However, a kerfuffle usually isn't 100% serious.

What is a kerfunkle slang?
informal. : a disturbance or commotion typically caused by a dispute or conflict. In all the kerfuffle, nobody seemed to have noticed Harry, which suited him perfectly
