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2006/04/08(土) 00:19:12ID:y7aqE42W


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2021/11/18(木) 14:09:55.31ID:ZeVkSOKmH
”The Jury Is Out”

Definition of 'the jury is out'
the jury is out
If you say that the jury is out or that the jury is still out on a particular subject,
you mean that people in general have still not made a decision
or formed an opinion about that subject.
The jury is out is an expression that means no decision has been made in a matter,
or that the answer to a question is not yet apparent.
The phrase is also sometimes rendered as the jury is still out.
The phrase comes from the court system,
in which a jury hears a case and is then dismissed in order to debate the merits of that case
and render a verdict. These deliberations are secret, and as long as the jury is out,
no one knows what the verdict will be. The idiom the jury is out first came into use during
the twentieth century, its popularity as an expression has soared since the 1980s.

We still don't knowって言うより知的に聞こえるから不思議だ。
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2021/11/23(火) 11:46:35.04ID:5Tz9MoffH
“Lash out”

What does lash out at you mean?
When you lash out at someone, you express
your anger by saying or writing furious words
about them. ... You can also lash out in a physical
way, by kicking or hitting someone in anger
— this is the phrase's original meaning,
from the verb lash, "to whip."

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2021/11/24(水) 03:31:31.12ID:rcIUjY6PH
"for good measure"

phrase of measure
in addition to what has already been done, said, or given.
"he added a couple of chili peppers for good measure"
Similar: as a bonus, as an extra, into the bargain, to boot,
in addition, besides, as well
Definitions from Oxford Languages
What does just for good measure mean?
phrase. If you say that something is done for good measure,
you mean that it is done in addition to a number of other things.
What does just for good measure mean?
How do you use good measure in a sentence?
In addition to the required amount. For example,
Whenever she bakes she adds a little more cinnamon for good measure,
or He didn't argue with my price,
so I gave him some extra supplies for good measure.

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2021/11/24(水) 04:30:33.57ID:rcIUjY6PH
"Lean into it"

To take on or embrace something difficult or unpleasant,
usually through determination or perseverance ; to find a way to benefit from,
or alleviate the harm of, risk, uncertainty and difficult situations.
What does it mean to lean into a relationship?
To lean in to a relationship, we have to be open and honest with our partners.
We also have to be able to be attentive to their needs while clearly communicating
and prioritizing our own. It's a balance, but it can improve the quality
of our relationships more than any marker or milestone we're intent on achieving.
lean into (someone or something)
1. To push into or press against someone or something.
People in the audience behind me kept leaning into me throughout the concert.
I leaned into the door to keep people from opening it.
The wind is so strong in this city that you need to lean into it when you're outside.
2. To pursue some task or activity with great effort, determination, and perseverance.
She's really been leaning into her gymnastics lately.
At this rate, she could have a shot at a professional career.
I gave up sports so I could lean into my studies.
3. To accept and embrace something as a means of dealing with it or turning it
into something positive.
Instead of trying to hide from your fame, why don't you try leaning into it a bit more?
You'd probably enjoy life more if you did.
The breakup still hurts, but after being in a relationship for so long,
I'm finally starting to lean into being single.
4. To embrace and exaggerate some trait or characteristic, especially something
ostensibly negative that has been attributed to one by someone else.
The perverse language in my first book seemed to get the most heated reaction from readers,
so I decided to really lean into it for the sequel.
You can tell that he leans into the social agitator shtick simply because he
knows how much it aggravates people.

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2021/11/25(木) 13:40:19.73ID:hAqDXgRGH
”latched on something”

Definition of "latch on to"
1 : to grab and hold (something) He latched onto her arm and wouldn't let go.
—often used figuratively The news media has latched on to the scandal.
2 : to begin using, doing, or enjoying (something) in an enthusiastic way
Many companies have latched onto the trend of using consultants.
"latch on"
When you latch on to something,
you attach yourself to it.
You can latch on to your friend by grabbing her arm,
or you can latch onto a trend by enthusiastically following it.
When your sister latches on to a new hat craze,
she'll buy a bagful of berets and fedoras and wear one to school every single day.
And if you latch on to a new health regimen, you may annoy your family
by throwing out everything in the house with sugar in it.
When you latch on to a person,
it's often unwelcome to them: "My little brother latched on to my friends,
so we jumped on our bikes and rode away."

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2021/11/28(日) 05:46:44.52ID:A2/O9JBq0
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2021/11/30(火) 20:36:39.56ID:Uaiuiu5H0
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2021/12/04(土) 05:51:21.44ID:WvdH2dwW0
“jack of all trades”
(jack of all trades, master of none)

phrase of jack
a person who can do many different types of work.
Is jack of all trades an insult?
Jack of all trades has become somewhat of an insult,
but it didn't begin as one. The phrase was originally
used to describe a playwright who was always
hanging around the theatres. ...
The full phrase is “a jack of all trades is a master
of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
It was a compliment.
"Jack of all trades, master of none" is a figure of
speech used in reference to a person who has
dabbled in many skills, rather than gaining expertise
by focusing on one. The original version "a jack of
all trades" is often a compliment for a person who
is good at fixing and has a very good broad knowledge. Wikipedia

この表現はよく前半の「Jack of all trades」だけで使われる事が多いので、意味を勘違いする人が多い。
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2021/12/04(土) 05:56:18.26ID:0mM52mHm0
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2021/12/12(日) 02:53:28.52ID:zyycy/SXH

cleverness or skill.
"he lacks political adroitness"
How do you use adroitness in a sentence?
1) He turned his large car with some adroitness and drove away.
2) His adroitness and eloquence had always prevented his friends from
forming any general policy against him.
3) In my military history I've acknowledged his adroitness and his inspiring force as a politician.
What is an adroit person?
clever, cunning, ingenious mean having or showing practical wit or skill
in contriving. clever stresses physical or mental quickness, deftness,
or great aptitude. a person clever with horses adroit often implies a skillful use of
expedients to achieve one's purpose in spite of difficulties.
Is adroit positive or negative?
Deft, adroit, and masterful have positive connotations suggesting
a high level of skill.
Slick, on the other hand, can have a negative connotation.

Where does the word ”adroit” come from?
Borrowed from French adroit, from French à (“on the; to”)
(from Old French a (“to; towards”), from Latin ad (“to; towards”),
from Proto-Indo-European *ád (“at; near”)) + French droit (“right”)
(from Old French droit, dreit, from Vulgar Latin
*drēctus, syncopated form of Latin dīrectus
(“laid straight; direct, straight; ...
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2021/12/18(土) 06:12:18.49ID:UwhTXtpSH
“Big nose”

If someone has a big nose,
it means they are excessively interested in
everyone else's business.

Muttley (犬のケンケン)と言う、
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2021/12/26(日) 07:44:48.06ID:+ejEIunL0
“in fits”

(phrase of fit)
highly amused.
"he had us all in fits"

“Fits and starts “
To do something in “fits and starts” is to do it
intermittently or sporadically:
“Martina has been working on her
master's thesis in fits and starts;
she needs to work on it consistently.”
1, Military technology advances by fits and starts.
2, He spoke in fits and starts.
3, Technology advances by fits and starts.
4, The radio works by fits and starts.
With irregular intervals of action and inaction,
spasmodically, as in The campaign is proceeding
by fits and starts. This expression began in the
late 1500s as by fits, the noun fit meaning
a “paroxysm” or “seizure”; starts was added
about a century later.

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2022/01/03(月) 10:35:12.72ID:YE/2HtjG0

0266バッチグー幸男の英語講座 (東京都)
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2022/01/24(月) 07:32:22.13ID:bD1Z884JH

Definition of fastidious
showing or demanding excessive delicacy
or care fastidious attention to detail.
reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding
attitude fastidious workmanship.
having high and often capricious standards.
difficult to please critics.
Fastidious does not, in all cases, have a negative
connotation. It's primary meaning is careful attention
to detail and can include attention to personal appearance. While it isn't a synonym for
nit-picking or petty, it can mean difficult to please.
If you have any reservations,
you could use meticulous.
Fastidious in a Sentence
My mother was a fastidious woman who always
had a complaint on her lips.
Arrogant and fastidious, the diva made no friends
on her music tour.
While Henry would eat just about anything, his wife
was so fastidious she barely ate anything.

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2022/02/15(火) 08:19:27.30ID:amW8B1E5H
“a roll in the hay”

Definition of a roll in the hay
informal + old-fashioned
: an act of having sex with someone
Where did the term roll in the hay come from?
Sexual intercourse, as in The main character in
the movie was always looking for a roll in the hay.
This phrase alludes to secret lovemaking
in a hayloft. [ Slang; mid-1900s]


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2022/02/22(火) 00:40:08.24ID:ir/JH2LpH
"in check"

phrase of check
under control.
"a way of keeping inflation in check"

What does it mean to get in check?
Restrained from moving or acting; under control.
For example, The first division held the enemy in check,
or Mary kept her emotions in check.
This term replaced at check and out of check,
which date from the mid-1500s.

"in check"
being controlled within reasonable limits:
We’ve got to find ways of keeping our expenses in check.

"keep in check"
keep (someone or something) in check
To limit or restrain someone or something.
We need to come up with provisions to keep the new director in check
—otherwise, he'll totally dismantle our department.

under controlとは言わずに、
in checkというところがネイティブ英語らしい。
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2022/02/22(火) 13:49:49.25ID:COYyOn8u0
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2022/02/22(火) 14:52:59.99ID:ir/JH2LpH
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2022/03/10(木) 04:02:55.53ID:zwIaeBOcH
"falling out"

a quarrel or disagreement.
"the two of them had a falling-out"
What does it mean a falling out?
Falling out is defined as a disagreement or something that causes two people
to no longer be friendly with one another. An example of a falling out is
when two sisters fight over their inheritance and stop speaking to each other. noun.
What does falling out mean in a relationship?
When it comes to relationships, 'fall out' means “to cut off a relationship over an argument”.
The noun 'falling out' means a severe quarrel or disagreement.
Falling out over something means you have a big argument that ends a relationship.
What is another word for falling out?
In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions,
and related words for falling-out, like:
dispute, disagreement, contention, bicker, brawl, feud, severance,
fight, fracas, fuss and misunderstanding.

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2022/03/15(火) 08:41:38.14ID:MkvG1mB60
“pass the buck”

phrase of buck
shift the responsibility for something to someone else.
"elected political leaders cannot pass the buck for crisis decisions to any alternative source of authority"

“Passing the buck" originated from a ritual practiced
during card games. Card players used to place a
marker, called a "buck," in front of the person who
was the dealer. That marker was passed to the next
player along with the responsibility of dealing.

What does the buck stops mean?
—used to say that one accepts a responsibility and will not try to give it to someone else I'm willing to accept the blame for what happened. The buck stops here with me.

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2022/03/21(月) 07:40:12.27ID:36ZlPnhYH
“Gain loss theory”

The gain-loss principle states that as one person's
opinion of someone else becomes more favorable,
that other person will tend to develop a more
favorable opinion of the first person. This increase
is more marked in people with an initially less
favorable opinion of the other person.

a theory of interpersonal attraction stating that
people's like (or dislike) for another person is
more strongly affected by the degree to which they
believe they have gone up (or down) in that
individual's estimation than by the unvarying degree
to which they think they are attractive (or unattractive)
to that person. ...

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2022/03/26(土) 15:18:18.23ID:2HWOwMuvH
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2022/03/26(土) 15:21:51.89ID:2HWOwMuvH
”trip up”

to make a mistake
Definition of trip up
: to cause (someone) to make a mistake.
He tried to trip up the cashier as she counted his change.
What does it mean to trip yourself up?
to make a mistake, or to cause someone to make a mistake.
The tests are designed to trip you up.

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2022/03/27(日) 01:18:41.57ID:4uP+vfn40

An attempt to formulate a theory that takes account
of changes in people’s liking for each other. It suggests that increases or decreases in the rewarding behaviour we receive from another person have more effect on us than a constant level of liking or disliking. Thus,
we like best someone who starts out negatively in our
estimation and becomes more positive, and we like
least a person who starts out positive and becomes

そのギャップが大きいほどPositive に見えるし、
これはあくまでtheory (理論)だから、
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2022/03/27(日) 01:22:13.09ID:0Tyqf6rn0
gain–loss theory
a theory of interpersonal attraction stating that people’s like (or dislike) for another person is more strongly affected by the degree to which they believe they have gone up (or down) in that individual’s estimation than by the unvarying degree to which they think they are attractive (or unattractive) to that person. [first studied in 1965 by U.S. psychologists Elliot Aronson (1932–  ) and Darwyn E. Linder (1939–  )]

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2022/03/29(火) 03:01:52.46ID:2+UQwSvb0

adjective Informal - US
uninhibited, especially in a sexual manner.
"the script required her to get jiggy with Leonardo"
trembling or nervous, especially as the result of
drug withdrawal.

What does Jiggy mean in slang?
adjective, jig·gi·er, jig·gi·est. Slang.
nervous; active; excitedly energetic.
wonderful and exciting,
especially because stylish.

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2022/04/05(火) 02:52:55.27ID:Hpd0xUBk0
“fifth column”

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine
a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be
overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can
mobilize openly to assist an external attack.
fifth column,
clandestine group or faction of
subversive agents who attempt to undermine
a nation's solidarity by any means at their disposal.
The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola
Vidal, a Nationalist general during the
Spanish Civil War
The term dates from the Spanish Civil War, when
General Mola, leading four columns of troops towards Madrid, declared that he had a fifth column inside
the city.

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2022/04/05(火) 03:55:47.98ID:YT6u4M+ZH
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2022/04/25(月) 06:42:29.09ID:fXQAztB+H
“Sound off”

a : to speak up in a loud voice
b : to voice one's opinions freely and vigorously
What is the purpose of sounding off?
to express your opinions forcefully, especially
without being asked for them:
He's always sounding off about how he
thinks the country should be run.

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2022/04/29(金) 23:20:06.57ID:WpABqtYxHNIKU
"lay bare"

to reveal or uncover private
Definition of lay bare
: to reveal or uncover private information or feelings.
He laid bare his soul.
The book is an attempt to lay bare the secrets of this very powerful political family.
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2022/04/29(金) 23:28:11.41ID:WpABqtYxHNIKU
"strip out"

What does strip out mean?
verb. (tr) to remove the working parts of (a machine) to remove (a chemical or component) from a mixture.
to take or pull (the covering, clothes, etc.) off (oneself, another person, or thing)
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2022/04/29(金) 23:42:32.05ID:WpABqtYxHNIKU
" jawboning"

use one's position or authority to pressure (someone) to do something.
"the Treasury could jawbone the banks into lending more to small businesses.
"What is jawboning economics?
"Jawboning", or "moral suasion," in economics and politics is the use of authority
to persuade various entities to act in certain ways, which is sometimes underpinned
by the implicit threat of future government regulation.
What does bone jaw mean?
: to speak forcefully and persuasively to jawboned them into accepting the deal.
intransitive verb. : to talk especially forcefully and persuasively jawboning about the tax cuts.
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2022/05/13(金) 09:53:31.78ID:uT79zAOG0

Condescend commonly means to interact with others
in a way that implies that you're superior to them.
It especially refers to when this is done in an arrogant
or patronizing way—meaning when you act as if you're doing someone a favor by supposedly lowering
yourself to their level of understanding or intelligence.

intransitive ​verb
to assume an air of superiority
The writer treats her readers as equals and never
condescends to them.
to descend to a less formal or dignified level.
would not condescend to respond to such a
crass remark
to waive the privileges of rank

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2022/05/13(金) 10:00:28.67ID:SzGApDo10

10 Behaviors People Find Condescending
From calling people 'chief' to saying you 'actually' like
someone's idea, here are some patronizing
behaviors to avoid.
Everyone knows what it’s like to be around someone
who just doesn’t make them feel great about
themselves. There are all kinds of people who are
unpleasant to be around—debbie downers,
complainers, jealous green monsters, mean-spirited
snarks, most anyone who wears neon sunglasses—but if you walk away from another person feeling worse
about yourself, there’s a good chance you’ve been
condescended to. People act patronizing for different
reasons, but usually it boils down to insecurity and/or
arrogance. Yes, you can definitely be arrogant and
insecure at the same time.

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2022/05/15(日) 23:30:15.23ID:zoUFRX6GH

What does take umbrage with mean?
To strongly disagree with, take offense at,
or become angered by something.
Usually followed by "at," "with," or, less commonly,
"to." Hey, I take umbrage at the idea that I didn't put my full effort into this project.
1 offense or annoyance.
"she took umbrage at his remarks"
Similar: take offense, be offended
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2022/05/17(火) 08:17:27.03ID:ZrDlKU9pH
“call names”

Verbally abuse someone, use offensive epithets,
as in The teacher told the children to stop calling
call someone names
COMMON If someone calls you names, they use
insulting words to describe you when they are
talking to you. At school they called me names
because I was so slow. She was bullied by a gang
of girls who called her names and teased her
about her weight. Note: You can describe this
behavior as name-calling. Many of his critics
simply resort to childish name-calling.
If someone calls you names, they insult you by saying unpleasant things to you or about you. At my last
school they called me names because I was so slow.

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2022/05/18(水) 11:26:18.85ID:6Ck4B3uoH
"tit for tat"

the infliction of an injury or insult in return for one that one has suffered.
"as we struggled for those last two votes, the tit for tat continued"
"Tit for tat" is an English saying meaning "equivalent retaliation".
It developed from "tip for tap", first recorded in 1558.
It is also a highly effective strategy in game theory.
An agent using this strategy will first cooperate,
then subsequently replicate an opponent's previous action.
If the opponent previously was cooperative,
the agent is cooperative. If not, the agent is not.
What does tit-for-tat mean urban dictionary?
Tit for tat is meaner — it's when someone does something like hit or steal something
from someone, and the other person does something equally nasty back.
This phrase is related to the saying "Let the punishment fit the crime."
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2022/05/20(金) 08:49:36.98ID:6rxtuTyP0
“ in the dock “

On trial
On trial, especially in a criminal case. For example,
The accused stood in the dock through the entire
proceeding. This expression employs dock in
the sense of “an enclosed place for the defendant
in a court of law,” a usage dating from the late 1500s,
and is used even in American courts where no such
enclosure exists.
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2022/05/21(土) 13:33:19.12ID:dTIVJvghH
"jump the gun"

act before the proper time.
What does jump the gun mean slang?
act too soon
If you jump the gun, you do something before everyone else or before the
proper or right time.
[informal] Some booksellers have jumped the gun and decided to sell it early. Synonyms: act with haste, be over-hasty, act too soon, act prematurely More
Where does the term jump the gun come from?
This phrase originated from track and field races and was known since the early 1900s. It refers to athletes starting the race before the gun was fired.
(which was used to signal to start of the race). This phrase was preceded in America by “beat the gun”.
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2022/05/23(月) 09:42:54.97ID:9tSmFyzP0
“ all hands on deck “

How do you use all hands on a deck?
If a situation requires all hands on deck, it needs
everyone to work hard to achieve an aim or do a task. Come on then, boys, all hands on deck tonight,
we need all the help we can get. Your job was so big
that we needed all hands on deck.
“ all hands on deck “
1. A call for all members of a ship's crew to come to the deck, usually in a time of crisis.
(A "hand" is a member of a ship's crew.)
We're under attack! All hands on deck!
All hands on deck! Man your posts!
We were all filled with dread at the sound of the
command: "All hands on deck!"
2. By extension, everyone available to help with
a problem, or a call for those people to help.
Your grandmother arrives tomorrow and the house is
still a mess—I need all hands on deck to help me clean
All hands on deck! We've got to roll out this tarp before the rain starts. Now let's go!
Mom says she needs all hands on deck for the garage sale on Saturday, so my brothers and I are going home to help her.
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2022/06/07(火) 12:05:00.43ID:x37NpqymH

a deceptive movement or feint that induces an opponent to move out of position.
draw (a player) out of position by performing a deke.
"four minutes into the third period, Hull scored his 70th goal of the season,
deking a Flyer defenseman to the ice"
What is a deke in baseball?
Such a play, known as a deke (short for “decoy”),
has long been a staple of major league baseball.
In it, a fielder acts as if a play he has no chance of making is in front of him,
so as to slow or stop a runner who might otherwise advance to the next base.
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2022/06/08(水) 03:50:44.13ID:vSdh9MSsH

an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.
"I don't think anyone is casting aspersions on you"
What does the word aspersion meaning?
Definition of aspersion
1a : a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation casting
aspersions on her integrity.
b : the act of making such a charge : defamation.
2 : a sprinkling with water especially in religious ceremonies the
aspersion of the congregation before Mass.
What is the synonym of aspersion?
you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms,
idiomatic expressions, and related words for aspersion, like: backbiting, innuendo, character assassination, invective, reproach, denigration, abuse, calumny, slander, defamation and accusation.
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2022/06/09(木) 01:13:20.78ID:jjMR7STbH

a projecting support of stone or brick built against a wall.
"the cathedral's massive buttresses"
a source of defense or support.
"there was a demand for a new stable order as a buttress against social collapse"
provide (a building or structure) with projecting supports built against its walls.
"we buttressed the wall as it was showing signs of cracking and collapse"
increase the strength of or justification for; reinforce.
"authority was buttressed by religious belief"
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2022/06/12(日) 01:09:47.51ID:JmCjR54LH

something outstanding or unique of its kind.
"it's gonna be a doozy of a black eye"

What is doozy slang for?
Noun. doozy (plural doozies) (US, informal)
Something that is extraordinary: often troublesome, difficult or problematic,
but sometimes extraordinary in a positive sense.

noun plural doo·zies.
Also doo·zer [doo-zer] . something that is extraordinary or outstanding of its kind:
The storm was a doozy, with winds of fifty miles an hour.
Verb Phrases past and past participle doo·zied,present participle doo·zy·ing.
doozy up, to make more attractive or appealing, as by adding features or
ornaments, cleaning or repairing, or clothing brightly:
You'll have to doozy up the house before you can sell it.
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2022/06/17(金) 23:35:15.24ID:VWP2cjY+H
"perk up"

Definition of perk up
1 : to become more lively or cheerful or to make (someone) more lively
or cheerful We perked up when we heard the good news.
The good news perked everyone up.
2 : to make (something) fresher or more appealing
The new paint job really perked up the room.
3 chiefly US, of an animal's ears : to be lifted in a quick and alert way
The dog's ears perked up.
—often used figuratively of a person
My ears perked up when I heard my name mentioned.
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2022/06/17(金) 23:55:26.90ID:VWP2cjY+H

a confusing and difficult problem or question.
"one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts"
difficult question
vexed question
a question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle.
word game

What is an example of conundrum?
The conundrum takes place when the actual question is difficult to answer.
For example, whether or not you should lie about cheating on your spouse
is not a moral conundrum; but whether or not you should lie so that your
spouse feels better about the way he looks might be a moral conundrum.
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2022/06/22(水) 23:51:46.08ID:dzg4FmHhH
"close quarters"

a situation of being very or uncomfortably
close to someone or something.
"living in close quarters with people"

Definition of at/in close quarters
1 : close together usually in a very small space
The sailors were living in close quarters.
2 : being in close contact We could observe the behavior
of all the animals at close quarters.
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2022/06/23(木) 00:07:59.12ID:yzdZlY3IH
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2022/06/23(木) 00:08:14.33ID:yzdZlY3IH
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2022/06/24(金) 23:38:04.23ID:lXTXM9PgH

make (someone) be quiet or stop talking.
"he placed a finger before pursed lips to hush her"
quieten down
quiet down
shut up
a silence.
"a hush descended over the crowd"
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2022/06/27(月) 02:47:08.35ID:P3K3LkKN0

(of a resource) not yet exploited or used.
"the vast untapped potential of individual women
and men"
What is untapped potentials?
An untapped supply or source of something
has not yet been used.
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2022/07/01(金) 23:57:58.47ID:lZ9EL7z4H
"running on fumes"

What does it mean to be running on fumes?
(of an engine or vehicle) to have almost no fuel left:
By the end of the day many of the drivers were running on fumes
or had experienced mechanical problems.
to have almost reached a point where you are unable to continue,
because you have almost no energy, money, etc.
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2022/07/03(日) 13:06:37.30ID:2SEUux13H
"tread water"

phrase of tread
maintain an upright position in deep water by moving the feet with a walking movement
and the hands with a downward circular motion.
"they were at the deep end of the pool and trod water to keep afloat"
fail to advance or make progress.
"men who are treading water in their careers"

What does it mean to tread waters?
phrase. If you say that someone is treading water,
you mean that they are in an unsatisfactory situation where they are not progressing,
but are just continuing doing the same things.
I could either tread water until I was promoted,
or I could change what I was doing.
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2022/07/20(水) 02:28:37.93ID:G6AAYlExH
"on tap"

freely available whenever needed.
"trained staff are on tap from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m."phrase of tap

ready to be poured from a tap.
"the hard water most of us have on tap"

on schedule to occur.
"the first space walk is on tap for December"

What does on tap mean slang?
Available for immediate use, ready,
as in We have two more trumpeters on tap for the parade.
This metaphoric expression alludes to a beverage such as beer
that is ready to be drawn from a cask.
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2022/08/09(火) 03:39:09.24ID:NYIVMm9J0
“get under someone's skin”

Definition of get under someone's skin
1 : to irritate or upset someone
His constant boasting was beginning to get
under my skin.
to make someone very annoyed or upset
Ignore Justin: don’t let him get under your skin.
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2022/08/10(水) 01:58:41.89ID:v74CB2cKH
”as clean as a whistle”

phrase of whistle
extremely clean or clear.
free of incriminating evidence.
"the cops raided the warehouse but the place was clean as a whistle"

Why do we say ”as clean as a whistle” ?
The phrase seems to reiterate the older phrase,
“as clear as a whistle.”
Whistles make a shrill tone piercing silence.
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2022/08/17(水) 07:51:18.09ID:vzaoArJbH

a confusing and difficult problem or question.
"one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts"

What is an example of a conundrum?
The conundrum takes place when the actual question is difficult to answer.
For example, whether or not you should lie about cheating on your spouse
is not a moral conundrum; but whether or not you should lie so that your spouse feels better
about the way he looks might be a moral conundrum.
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2022/08/17(水) 08:01:29.62ID:vzaoArJbH
"snow job"

An effort to deceive, overwhelm, or persuade with insincere talk,
especially flattery.
The entire presentation was a complete snow job.

a deception or concealment of one's real motive in an attempt to flatter or persuade.
"we need to do a snow job on him"

Do a snow job in a sentence?
an attempt to persuade someone to do something,
or to persuade someone that something is good or true, when it is not:
My boss did a snow job on me to get me to take on that project.
The media, once again, is giving us a snow job.
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2022/08/30(火) 23:17:14.02ID:ipSGjsluH

lift or carry (something heavy).
"he lifted crates and hefted boxes"
Similar: lift, lift up, raise, aise up, heave,,hoist, haul, manhandle

the weight of someone or something.
"he was buckle-kneed from the heft of his staggering load"

How to use "Heft" in a sentence
The demon righted him and tried to heft him but stopped. ...
But power is configured to deliver greatest heft in the mid-range. ...
This is the perfect look for anyone who loves the heft of a substantial frame,
but also wants to keep an eye on their budget.
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2022/09/02(金) 23:20:56.56ID:R5rvPtAhH
"on the fly"

while in motion or progress.
"his deep shot was caught on the fly"

during the running of a computer program without interrupting the run.

What does the expression "on the fly" mean?
In a hurry
In a hurry, on the run, as in I picked up some groceries on the fly.
The transfer of this expression, which literally means “in midair or in flight,”
dates from the mid-1800s.
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2022/09/08(木) 00:57:28.09ID:hqMakf9uH

past participle: denominated; past tense: denominated
(of sums of money) be expressed in a specified monetary unit.
"the borrowings were denominated in U.S. dollars"
call; name.
"the whole train was denominated a “bull-outfit.”"

What does it mean by denominated?
1 : to give a name to : designate.
2 : to express or designate in some denomination will denominate prices in U.S. dollars.

What is example of denomination?
Denomination is defined as the act of categorizing or making a category,
particularly of a religion.
An example of a denomination is Catholicism as a category of Christianity.
An example of a denomination is a $5 bill.
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2022/09/17(土) 01:34:51.10ID:Ldup6yJdH
”country mile”

a very long way.
"he hit the ball a country mile"

Why is it called a country mile?
The idea behind a "country mile" is the fact that most country roads
are not in a straight line.
Instead, roads in the country tend to meander up and down and all around.
This makes it seem as if a mile in the country takes longer
to cross than a straight mile in the city.
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2022/09/17(土) 01:39:37.97ID:Ldup6yJdH

(of a river or road) follow a winding course.
"a river that meandered gently through a meadow"

a winding curve or bend of a river or road.
"the river flows in sweeping meanders"

What meander means?
meanders; meandered; meandering.
1 to have a lot of curves instead of going in a straight or direct line.
2 to follow a winding course.

Can a person meander?
"Meander"comes from a river in modern-day Turkey,
the Maiandros, which winds and wanders on its course.
Today, a stream or a path meanders,
as does a person who walks somewhere in a roundabout fashion.
If your speech meanders, you don't keep to the point.
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2022/09/17(土) 02:34:53.75ID:Ldup6yJdH

exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.
"he often bartered a meal for drawings"

the action or system of exchanging goods or services without using money.
"it will be paid for by a mixture of barter and cash"

What is the full meaning of barter?
1 : the act or practice of trading goods or services for other goods or services :
the act or practice of carrying on trade by bartering.
2 : goods or services that are traded for other goods or services :
the thing given in exchange in bartering.

What is "barter" example?
Barter is an alternative method of trading where goods and services are exchanged
directly for one another without using money as an intermediary.
For instance, a farmer may exchange a bushel of wheat for a pair of shoes from a shoemaker.
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2022/09/17(土) 02:37:12.22ID:/OfMNxoSH

a key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting.
"the main takeaway for me is that we need to continue to communicate all the things we're doing for our customers"
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2022/09/22(木) 14:43:15.28ID:Yh1A7tBnH

mad; crazy.
"and the fans go bonkers"

What does bonkers mean slang?
crazy, mad
informal. : crazy, mad: such as. a :
very fond, enthusiastic, or excited
She's bonkers for/about opera.
He's bonkers for/about her.
The fans went bonkers when their team won.
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2022/09/24(土) 06:17:02.22ID:HFxli+ulH
“snap up”

quickly and eagerly buy or secure something
that is in short supply or being sold cheaply.
"all the tickets have been snapped up"

: to buy or take (something or someone) quickly
or eagerly
Shoppers came to the store to snap up
bargains after the holidays.
The company is hiring.
When they see your work history, they'll snap you up!
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2022/09/25(日) 03:54:02.31ID:jVuwTHpa0
“hair on it”

believe people used the term to mean "problematic"
rather than merely "complex". A deal had hair on it
if there was something that would make it hard to sell,
not just hard to figure out.
Hair On It
An extremely useful phrase that can be added to
just about any statement to add emphasis of
something nasty or strong.

Said emphasis may refer to, but not be limited to,
the strength of a smell, the power of a punch or hit,
poor taste or any other situation where accentuation
of something nasty or rank is needed.
Braaaahh that fart is nasty it has got hair on it.
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2022/09/26(月) 10:58:08.36ID:1Z2PBV5uH

away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss.
"I got the impression that something was awry"
Similar: amiss, wrong, not right
out of the normal or correct position; askew.
"he was hatless, his silver hair awry"

How do you use awry?
My mind was too awry to applaud or condemn his action.
Something had gone awry,
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2022/09/27(火) 13:28:41.59ID:NYSvQ+qE0
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2022/09/29(木) 02:26:09.26ID:IkWEserE0
“hunker down”

chiefly US. 1 : to lower the body to the ground
by bending the legs. The hikers hunkered down
under a cliff until the storm passed.
2 : to stay in a place for a period of time.
The leaders hunkered down at a country estate
for difficult peace negotiations.
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2022/10/01(土) 04:36:12.64ID:6DxHnCQOH

reject with disdain or contempt.
"he spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation
would be spurned"

How do you use the word spurn?
Spurn in a Sentence
Mikey is such a picky eater that he will spurn everything except chicken nuggets and ice cream.
Even after you spurn this so-called charity's request for donations, they continue to hound you every week.
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2022/10/10(月) 09:00:09.03ID:g8VaIaIC0
“blow off”

phrasal verb of blow
fail to keep an appointment with someone.
"I just made this date before I met you—
I didn't want to blow her off"
ignore or dismiss someone or something.
"I took the car in and told them about the problem
and they just blew me off"

slang. to decide not to do something you are
expected to do, or not to meet someone you are
expected to meet: "Aren't you going to the meeting?" "No, I'm going to blow it off."
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2022/10/12(水) 01:29:53.37ID:GXGuuWGC0
"blowing it out of the water"

What does blowing it out of the water mean?
destroy or defeat
idiom. to destroy or defeat something or someone completely:
They came to court with fresh evidence that would, they said,
blow the prosecution's case completely out of the water.

Defeat completely, ruin. This term comes from naval warfare;
an early citation (1860) defines it as blowing a craft out of the water with broadsides.
A century later it was used figuratively, as in “These bad reviews will blow our show out
of the water in no time.

What does throw this out of the water mean?
Where does the phrase blown out of the water come from?
This idiom alludes to a torpedo or other weapon striking a ship and causing a
great explosion that makes pieces of the ship literally fly out of the water.
This is common to see in naval battles, and there are many early references
to pirates and warships blowing people out of the water.
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2022/10/13(木) 10:25:14.63ID:iQqPfTcvH

recognize or find out.
"I can discern no difference between the two policies"
distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses.
"she could faintly discern the shape of a skull"

What do you mean by discern?
1a : to detect with the eyes discerned a figure approaching through the fog.
b : to detect with senses other than vision discerned a strange odor.
2 : to recognize or identify as separate and distinct : discriminate discern right from wrong.

What is another word for discern?
1 discover, descry, espy. 2, 3 differentiate, judge.

How do I discern something?
If you can make out, pick out, or distinguish something,
you can discern it. This is a word for recognizing and perceiving things.
Discerning has to do with being able to see or hear something.
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2022/10/13(木) 15:06:23.77ID:75yKdnlE0
"quid pro quo"

a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.
"the pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages"

What does "quid pro quo" mean literally?
something for something.
In Latin, the phrase means literally “what for what”, or “something for something”
(quid being short for aliquid, or “something”). One issue with quid pro quo is that the
sense in which the phrase is used nowadays is subtly different from its original use.

mid 16th century (denoting a medicine substituted for another):
Latin, ‘something for something’.
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2022/10/20(木) 10:48:33.22ID:Z7u+FNyV0
"square up against"
(someone or something)

1. To confront someone in defiance or hostility or in preparation for a fight.
He squared up with against guy who had been making lewd remarks about his girlfriend.
Protestors squared up against police during the march, but thankfully there was no violence.
2. To face someone in competition.
The heavyweight champion is squaring up against his challenger this Saturday at 2 PM.
The last time I squared up against her, she only beat me by a couple of points. This time, I'll come out on top!
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2022/10/27(木) 09:14:45.81ID:ewWLhoGD0

meaningless talk or activity, often designed to draw attention
away from and disguise what is actually happening.
"some people still view psychology as a lot of hocus-pocus"
Similar:jargon, unintelligible language, obscure language,mumbo jumbo
argle-bargle, gibberish, balderdash
claptrap, nonsense, twaddle, rubbish
deception; trickery.

What is the true meaning of hocus pocus?
noun. a meaningless chant or expression used in conjuring or incantation.
a juggler's trick; sleight of hand. trickery; deception. unnecessarily mysterious
or elaborate activity or talk to cover up a deception, magnify a simple purpose, etc.

Why do people say hocus pocus?
Hocus-pocus is a reference to the actions of magicians,
often as the stereotypical magic words spoken when bringing about
some sort of change. It was once a common term for a magician,
juggler, or other similar entertainers.
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2022/10/30(日) 07:32:17.29ID:+aQf2hz+H

lively and noisy festivities, especially when these
involve drinking a large amount of alcohol.
"sounds of revelry issued into the night"

a situation in which people are drinking, dancing,
singing, etc. at a party or in public, especially
in a noisy way:
Sounds of revelry came from next door.
The revelries next door kept me awake all night.
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2022/11/07(月) 05:07:31.28ID:d1yDPM470

a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to
obtain or achieve something.
"there was a tussle for the ball"

What does tussle mean in slang?
1 : a physical contest or struggle : scuffle.
2 : an intense argument, controversy, or struggle.
tussle. verb.

Who uses the word tussle?
Though a tussle is often a physical fight, it's rarely
a serious one. Two wrestling dogs, a couple of
scuffling teenagers — these are examples of tussles.
The word tussle is Scottish, a variant of touselen,
which is related to tousle, or "dishevel or muss,"
which you might do to a little kid's hair.
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2022/11/19(土) 16:43:14.34ID:wzxlcvnr0
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2022/11/22(火) 03:19:18.16ID:aT9HRxBP0
“Energy Vampire”

Energy vampires are people who —
sometimes intentionally — drain your emotional energy.
They feed on your willingness to listen and care for them, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed.
Energy vampires can be anywhere and anyone.

How to Recognize and Respond to Energy Vampires
at Home, Work, and More

What is an energy vampire?
Energy vampires can be anywhere and anyone.
They can be your spouse or your best friend.
They can be your cubicle mate or your neighbor.

Learning how to identify and respond to this toxic
behavior can help you preserve your energy and
protect yourself from a great deal of emotional —
and physical — distress.

Read on to learn more about how an energy vampire acts and what you can do next.

They don’t take accountability

Energy vampires are often charismatic.
They may slink out of trouble when problems arise
because of this charm.

They’re crafty and may pin problems on someone else
in almost every situation.

They never accept culpability for their role in any
disagreement or issue. You’re often left holding the
guilt — and possibly the blame.
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2022/11/23(水) 03:00:19.30ID:o6SZXSVP0

a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
"there are a number of caveats which concern the validity of the assessment results"
Similar: warning, caution, admonition, monition, red flag, alarm bells, proviso.

a notice, especially in a probate, that certain actions may not be taken
without informing the person who gave the notice.

What does it mean by caveats?
a warning enjoining
ˈkā-vē-ˌat. : a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices.
a caveat against unfair practices. : an explanation to prevent misinterpretation. :
a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting,
or doing something.
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2022/11/29(火) 07:13:19.66ID:DmE2tc6NH

Catfishing is when someone sets up a fake online profile
to trick people who are looking for love, usually to get
money out of them. If you're online dating, read these
tips so you know how to spot a catfish.

What Is Catfishing?
Catfishing is creating a fake identity online and
using it to lure people into a relationship,
usually romantic in nature. ...
For instance, pedophiles may pretend to be teenagers
in order to develop relationships with tweens and
teens. ... Meanwhile, teens also engage in other
types of online impersonation.
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2022/12/04(日) 05:46:35.46ID:NHlN8wwh0

a violent person, especially one involved in crime.

What is the synonym of Ruffian?
savage person. beast. bigot. boor. brute.

Ruffian comes from a Germanic word that literally
translates as “scabbiness,” and perhaps ruffians are
covered in scabs from all the fights they start.
Sometimes a ruffian is a person involved in crime,
however, the word is always used to describe
someone who's a cruel, violent jerk.
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2022/12/06(火) 22:18:55.94ID:fveWysXE0

Ghosting — when someone cuts off all communication
without explanation — extends to all things, it seems.
Most of us think about it in the context of digital departure: a friend not responding to a text, or worse,
a lover, but it happens across all social circumstances
and it's tied to the way we view the world.

Ghosting happens when someone cuts off all online
communication with someone else, and without an
explanation. Instead, like a ghost, they just vanish.

It makes you an unreliable friend. It shows you have no
respect for another person's feelings. It say you are
inconsiderate and don't care much about the impact or
consequences of your actions. It's easier than breaking
up but it also shows you have no character when you
choose easy over integrity.
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2022/12/11(日) 05:06:53.93ID:eYjgqHuk0

exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
"a vast and perhaps quixotic project"

Who is a quixotic person?
quixotic is impracticality in pursuit of ideals, especially
those ideals manifested by rash, lofty and romantic
ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. It also serves
to describe an idealism without regard to practicality.
An impulsive person or act might be regarded as quixotic.

Does quixotic come from Don Quixote?
What a wonderful word quixotic is! While it is most often
used to mean equally impractical and idealistic, it also
has the sense of romantic nobility. Its source is from the
great Spanish novel "Don Quixote," whose title character
is given to unrealistic schemes and great chivalry.
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2022/12/13(火) 04:24:41.37ID:sxx+2ibc0

What does it mean if someone is 1. : very confident and
aggressive in a loud and sometimes annoying way.
a brassy woman/reporter.

tastelessly showy or loud in appearance or manner
(typically used of a woman).
"her brassy, audacious exterior"

Resembling brass in color.
"the last rays of the sun were brassy and chill"
sounding like a brass musical instrument; harsh and loud.
"audience members are tapping their feet to the brassy
music of the band"
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2022/12/15(木) 13:46:23.45ID:Yz+/lMjf0

sparkling or shining brightly.
"the scintillating sun"
brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful.
"the audience loved his scintillating wit"

How do you use scintillating in a sentence?
A scintillating conversation or performance is very lively and interesting.
You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age.

What does it mean when someone is scintillating?
brilliantly lively, stimulating
: brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty. a scintillating conversation.
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2022/12/16(金) 05:34:46.35ID:beTZhpd/H
“wind someone up”

What does “wind someone up”mean?
to annoy someone.
to annoy someone: He keeps complaining and it really
winds me up.
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2022/12/22(木) 12:50:06.01ID:JpFdLLD10

a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
"there are a number of caveats which concern the validity of the assessment results"
red flag
alarm bells
a notice, especially in a probate, that certain actions may not be taken
without informing the person who gave the notice.

What does caveat mean?
a warning enjoining
ˈkā-vē-ˌat. : a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices.
a caveat against unfair practices. : an explanation to prevent misinterpretation. :
a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting,
or doing something.
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2022/12/25(日) 06:53:13.37ID:zdO6KBhP0XMAS

an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of
incomplete information.
"conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied"
Similar: guess, speculation, surmise, suspicion
presumption, assumption.

form an opinion or supposition about (something)
on the basis of incomplete information.
"many conjectured that the jury could not agree"
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2023/01/21(土) 02:09:43.29ID:Z07jsXBD0

the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to
the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.
"in any game of brinkmanship, it is possible that one
side will collapse suddenly"

brinkmanship, foreign policy practice in which one or
both parties force the interaction between them to the
threshold of confrontation in order to gain an
advantageous negotiation position over the other.

Why do states use brinkmanship?
States can signal a high level of resolve by making a
threat that appears likely to trigger extraordinary costs.
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2023/01/21(土) 02:23:18.04ID:Z07jsXBD0

make known (private or sensitive information).
"I do not want to divulge my plans at the moment"

What does divulge meaning?
to make known
: to make known (something, such as a confidence or
secret) refused to divulge the name of her informant.
divulge the company's sales figures.
archaic : to make public : proclaim. divulgence.
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2023/02/07(火) 09:41:41.93ID:CeNfU0670

an official order or proclamation issued by a person
in authority.
"Clovis issued an edict protecting Church property"

If your mom orders you to clean your room,
that's an order. If the king asks you to do it,
that's an edict — an official order from some higher up.
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2023/02/15(水) 01:49:17.50ID:wu0Ln/T3H
“round robin”

1. a tournament in which each competitor plays
in turn against every other.
"a round-robin competition"

2. a petition, especially one with signatures
written in a circle to conceal the order of writing.

What is meant by round robin method?
A round robin is an arrangement of choosing all elements in a group equally in some rational order, usually from the top to the bottom of a list and then starting again at the top of the list and so on. A simple way to think of round robin is that it is about "taking turns."

The term round-robin is derived from the French term
ruban, meaning "ribbon". Over a long period of time,
the term was corrupted and idiomized to robin.
In a single round-robin schedule, each participant
plays every other participant once.
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2023/03/13(月) 22:34:33.78ID:SN7c/UUC0

compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
"rival mobs vying for control of the liquor business"

Is vie a real word?
vied; vying; vies

English vie comes from the Latin verb meaning "to invite" as in to invite a challenge.
Be careful of the spelling which includes an ie to y shift.
“He intends to vie for the top prize,” but “He is vying for the top prize.”
