メガネで視力矯正を2つくらいやるもの? [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
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2017/05/07(日) 07:48:46.84
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2017/05/11(木) 18:48:08.35

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2017/05/11(木) 19:46:06.04
After a study of how light reflects and refracts at plane surfaces, we extend our analysis to
smooth, curved surfaces, thereby setting the stage for light interaction with mirrors and lenses?
the basic elements in many optical systems.
In this module, the analysis of how light interacts with plane and curved surfaces is carried out
with light rays. A light ray is nothing more than an imaginary line directed along the path that
the light follows. It is helpful to think of a light ray as a narrow pencil of light, very much like a
narrow, well-defined laser beam. For example, earlier in this module, when you observed the
passage of a laser beam in a fish tank and visually traced the path of the beam from reflection to
reflection inside the tank, you were, in effect, looking at a “light ray” representation of light in
the tank.
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2017/05/11(木) 19:47:03.42
The greater the index of refraction of a medium, the lower the speed of light in that medium and
the more light is bent in going from air into the medium. Figure 3-8 shows two general cases,
one for light passing from a medium of lower index to higher index, the other from higher index
to lower index. Note that in the first case (lower-to-higher) the light ray is bent toward the
normal. In the second case (higher-to-lower) the light ray is bent away from the normal. It is
helpful to memorize these effects since they often help one trace light through optical media in a
generally correct manner.
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2017/05/11(木) 19:47:43.36
The light in this direction simply speeds up in the second medium (why?) but continues along
the same direction. Ray 2 is incident at angle i and refracts (bends away from the normal) at
angle r. Ray 3 is incident at the critical angle ic, large enough to cause the refracted ray bending
away from the normal (N) to bend by 90°, thereby traveling along the interface between the two
media. (This ray is trapped in the interface.) Ray 4 is incident on the interface at an angle
greater than the critical angle, and is totally reflected into the same medium from which it
came. Ray 4 obeys the law of reflection so that its angle of reflection is exactly equal to its angle
of incidence. We exploit the phenomenon of total internal reflection when designing light
propagation in fibers by trapping the light in the fiber through successive internal reflections
along the fiber. We do this also when designing “retroreflecting” prisms. Compared with
ordinary reflection from mirrors, the sharpness and brightness of totally internally reflected light
beams is enhanced considerably.
The calculation of the critical angle of incidence for any two optical media?whenever light is
incident from the medium of higher index?is accomplished with Snell’s law. Referring to Ray
3 in Figure 3-10 and using Snell’s law in Equation 3-2 appropriately, we have
ni sin ic = nr sin 90°
where ni is the index for the incident medium, ic is the critical angle of incidence, nr is the index
for the medium of lower index, and r = 90° is the angle of refraction at the critical angle. Then,
since sin 90° = 1, we obtain for the critical angle
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2017/05/11(木) 19:48:06.92
Glass prisms are often used to bend light in a given direction as well as to bend it back again
(retroreflection). The process of refraction in prisms is understood easily with the use of light
rays and Snell’s law. Look at Figure 3-11a. When a light ray enters a prism at one face and exits
at another, the exiting ray is deviated from its original direction. The prism shown is isosceles in
cross section with apex angle A = 30° and refractive index n = 1.50. The incident angle θ and
the angle of deviation δ are shown on the diagram.
Figure 3-11b shows how the angle of deviation δ changes as the angle θ of the incident ray
changes. The specific curve shown is for the prism described in Figure 3-11a. Note that δ goes
through a minimum value, about 23° for this specific prism. Each prism material has its own
unique minimum angle of deviation.
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2017/05/11(木) 19:48:40.88
As with mirrors, convenient formulas can be used to locate the image mathematically. The
derivation of such formulas?as was carried out for spherical mirrors in the previous section?
can be found in most texts on geometrical optics. The derivation essentially traces an arbitrary
ray geometrically and mathematically from an object point through the two surfaces of a thin
lens to the corresponding image point. Snell’s law is applied for the ray at each spherical
refracting surface. The details of the derivation involve the geometry of triangles and the
approximations mentioned earlier?sin ? ? φ, tan ? ? φ, and cos ? ? 1?to simplify the final
results. Figure 3-27 shows the essential elements that show up in the final equations, relating
object distance p to image distance q, for a lens of focal length f with radii of curvature r1 and r2
and refractive index ng. For generality, the lens is shown situated in an arbitrary medium of
refractive index n. If the medium is air, then, of course, n = 1.
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2017/05/11(木) 21:52:42.32
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2017/05/12(金) 05:56:21.99
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ランチェスター思考 競争戦略の基礎 (福田秀人著 東洋経済新報社刊)より
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2017/05/12(金) 08:14:23.51
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2017/05/12(金) 08:15:00.99

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2017/05/12(金) 14:14:15.78
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2017/05/12(金) 14:21:17.09
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2017/05/13(土) 18:25:18.83
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2017/05/13(土) 18:26:08.62
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2017/05/13(土) 18:40:48.23
Researchers at the MIT Media Laboratory and the University of California
at Berkeley have developed a new display technology that automatically
corrects for vision defects ? no glasses (or contact lenses) required.

The technique could lead to dashboard-mounted GPS displays that farsighted
drivers can consult without putting their glasses on, or electronic readers
that eliminate the need for reading glasses, among other applications.

“The first spectacles were invented in the 13th century,” says Gordon Wetzstein,
a research scientist at the Media Lab and one of the display’s co-creators.
“Today, of course, we have contact lenses and surgery, but it’s all invasive
in the sense that you either have to put something in your eye, wear
something on your head, or undergo surgery. We have a different solution
that basically puts the glasses on the display, rather than on your head.
It will not be able to help you see the rest of the world more sharply,
but today, we spend a huge portion of our time interacting with the digital

Wetzstein and his colleagues describe their display in a paper they’re presenting in August at Siggraph, the premier graphics conference. Joining him on the paper are Ramesh Raskar, the NEC Career Development Professor of Media Arts and Sciences and director of the Media Lab’s Camera Culture group, and Berkeley’s Fu-Chung Huang and Brian Barsky.
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2017/05/13(土) 18:41:47.45
The display is a variation on a glasses-free 3-D technology also
developed by the Camera Culture group. But where the 3-D display
projects slightly different images to the viewer’s left and right eyes,
the vision-correcting display projects slightly different images
to different parts of the viewer’s pupil.

A vision defect is a mismatch between the eye’s focal distance
? the range at which it can actually bring objects into focus ?
and the distance of the object it’s trying to focus on. Essentially,
the new display simulates an image at the correct focal distance
? somewhere between the display and the viewer’s eye.

The difficulty with this approach is that simulating a single pixel
in the virtual image requires multiple pixels of the physical display.
The angle at which light should seem to arrive from the simulated
image is sharper than the angle at which light would arrive from
the same image displayed on the screen. So the physical pixels
projecting light to the right side of the pupil have to be offset to
the left, and the pixels projecting light to the left side of the pupil
have to be offset to the right.
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2017/05/13(土) 18:42:50.81
The use of multiple on-screen pixels to simulate a single virtual
pixel would drastically reduce the image resolution. But this problem
turns out to be very similar to a problem that Wetzstein, Raskar,
and colleagues solved in their 3-D displays, which also had to project
different images at different angles.

The researchers discovered that there is, in fact, a great deal of
redundancy between the images required to simulate different
viewing angles. The algorithm that computes the image to be displayed
onscreen can exploit that redundancy, allowing individual screen pixels
to participate simultaneously in the projection of different viewing
angles. The MIT and Berkeley researchers were able to adapt that
algorithm to the problem of vision correction, so the new display
incurs only a modest loss in resolution.

In the researchers’ prototype, however, display pixels do have to
be masked from the parts of the pupil for which they’re not intended.
That requires that a transparency patterned with an array of pinholes
be laid over the screen, blocking more than half the light it emits.
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2017/05/13(土) 19:09:02.39
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2017/05/13(土) 19:11:53.99
But early versions of the 3-D display faced the same problem,
and the MIT researchers solved it by instead using two
liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) in parallel. Carefully tailoring the
images displayed on the LCDs to each other allows the system
to mask perspectives while letting much more light pass through.
Wetzstein envisions that commercial versions of a vision-correcting
screen would use the same technique.

Indeed, he says, the same screens could both display 3-D content
and correct for vision defects, all glasses-free. They could also
reproduce another Camera Culture project, which diagnoses vision
defects. So the same device could, in effect, determine the user’s
prescription and automatically correct for it.

“Most people in mainstream optics would have said, ‘Oh, this is
impossible,’” says Chris Dainty, a professor at the University
College London Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital.
“But Ramesh’s group has the art of making the apparently
impossible possible.”
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2017/05/13(土) 19:12:44.46
“The key thing is they seem to have cracked the contrast
problem,” Dainty adds. “In image-processing schemes
with incoherent light ? normal light that we have around us,
nonlaser light ? you’re always dealing with intensities.
And intensity is always positive (or zero). Because of that,
you’re always adding positive things, so the background just
gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And the signal-to-background,
which is contrast, therefore gets smaller as you do more
processing. It’s a fundamental problem.”

Dainty believes that the most intriguing application of the
technology is in dashboard displays. “Most people over 50, 55, quite
probably see in the distance fine, but can’t read a book,”
Dainty says. “In the car, you can wear varifocals, but varifocals
distort the geometry of the outside world, so if you don’t wear
them all the time, you have a bit of a problem. There,
[the MIT and Berkeley researchers] have a great solution.”
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2017/05/15(月) 06:34:22.14
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2017/05/15(月) 08:06:32.11
Until contact lenses were popularized in the 1950s,
eyeglasses for at least the past seven centuries
had been the only practical way to correct refractive
vision errors.

Now, several modern approaches to corrective eye
surgery range from laser reshaping of the eye's
surface in procedures such as LASIK and PRK to
surgical insertion of artificial lenses to correct eyesight.

In LASIK, PRK, and similar procedures, laser energy
reshapes the curvature of the eye's clear front
surface (cornea) to alter the way light rays enter
the eye. Artificial lenses surgically inserted into
the eye also can refocus light rays to sharpen vision.
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2017/05/15(月) 08:07:50.12
Over the past 25 years, surgical techniques,
tools, and procedures for vision correction
have evolved rapidly.

Radial Keratotomy (RK), used in the United
States primarily during the 1980s, involved
cutting spoke-like incisions to flatten the
eye's surface mainly to correct nearsightedness.

But results, especially long-term, created
problems for some individuals. Significant
glare, regression, fluctuating vision, and other
side effects such as night vision problems
were common in patients who had RK for higher
prescription strengths, while such side effects
were less frequent in patients with lower prescriptions.

RK is now virtually obsolete as a primary
vision correction procedure for these reasons
and because of advances in laser vision correction

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) was the
first successful laser vision correction procedure
used to remove (ablate) tissue directly from
the eye's surface to change the curvature
of the cornea. PRK, also known as surface ablation,
was performed outside the United States during
the 1980s and received FDA approval in 1995.
PRK is still commonly used, but LASIK (see below)
is by far the most popular laser procedure today.
垢版 |
2017/05/15(月) 13:14:58.38
>弱めのメガネand常用しない は

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2017/05/15(月) 17:41:15.71
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2017/05/15(月) 19:13:09.76
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2017/05/15(月) 19:17:39.76
Until contact lenses were popularized in the
1950s, eyeglasses for at least the past seven
centuries had been the only practical way to
correct refractive vision errors.

Now, several modern approaches to corrective
eye surgery range from laser reshaping of the
eye's surface in procedures such as LASIK
and PRK to surgical insertion of artificial
lenses to correct eyesight.

In LASIK, PRK, and similar procedures, laser
energy reshapes the curvature of the eye's
clear front surface (cornea) to alter the way
light rays enter the eye. Artificial lenses
surgically inserted into the eye also can
refocus light rays to sharpen vision.
垢版 |
2017/05/15(月) 19:18:49.66
Over the past 25 years, surgical techniques,
tools, and procedures for vision correction
have evolved rapidly.

Radial Keratotomy (RK), used in the United
States primarily during the 1980s, involved
cutting spoke-like incisions to flatten the eye's
surface mainly to correct nearsightedness.

But results, especially long-term, created
problems for some individuals. Significant
glare, regression, fluctuating vision, and other
side effects such as night vision problems
were common in patients who had RK for higher
prescription strengths, while such side effects
were less frequent in patients with lower

RK is now virtually obsolete as a primary
vision correction procedure for these reasons
and because of advances in laser vision
correction procedures.

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) was the
first successful laser vision correction procedure
used to remove (ablate) tissue directly from
the eye's surface to change the curvature of
the cornea. PRK, also known as surface ablation,
was performed outside the United States
during the 1980s and received FDA approval
in 1995. PRK is still commonly used, but LASIK
(see below) is by far the most popular laser
procedure today.
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2017/05/15(月) 21:08:12.22
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2017/05/15(月) 21:17:33.72
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2017/05/16(火) 03:31:10.75
However, PRK has made somewhat of a
comeback in recent years because of
studies indicating that PRK and LASIK
produce similar outcomes. Also, nerve
regeneration in the eye's surface appears
to take place faster with PRK than with LASIK
following a procedure, which could have
implications for reducing dry eye and other
complications that might occur until the
healing process is complete.

My LASIK journey

Medical discounts

Because PRK is a surface procedure,
there also is no risk of surgical flap
complications. PRK does not involve
creating a thin, hinged flap on the eye's
surface, as occurs with LASIK. PRK also
appears to be a safer procedure in cases
when a person's cornea may be too thin
for LASIK surgery.

Recent technological advances have given
eye surgeons better methods of creating
thinner flaps in a predictable way, meaning
that people with thin corneas now might
be candidates for a LASIK procedure.
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2017/05/16(火) 03:32:56.37
However, you probably should consider
a different type of vision correction
procedure if you have a thin cornea
and high degree of myopia that would
require extra ablation to reshape the eye.

LASIK's main advantage over PRK is
that there is little or no discomfort
immediately after the procedure, and
vision is usually clear within hours rather
than days. Different forms of LASIK exist,
many that depend on how the flap is created:
LASEK involves creating an ultra-thin
hinged flap in the thin outer covering
(epithelium) of the eye and floating it away
from the eye's surface with alcohol so that
laser reshaping of the eye can occur.
Epi-LASIK is like LASEK, except that a
special cutting tool is used to lift the flap.
Bladeless LASIK eliminates the need to
use a bladed instrument (microkeratome)
in LASIK surgery. Instead, a femtosecond
laser is used to create the corneal flap
prior to reshaping the cornea with
an excimer laser. Other names
(including brand names) for bladeless LASIK
include blade-free LASIK, all-laser LASIK,
femto LASIK, Intralase LASIK, intraLASIK,
iLASIK, VisuMax and zLASIK.
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2017/05/16(火) 03:34:10.22
Wavefront LASIK or PRK (also known as
wavefront-guided, wavefront-assisted,
or custom LASIK/PRK) incorporates
ultra-modern analysis, known as wavefront,
to measure precisely how light travels
through the eye. Excimer lasers with built-in
wavefront analysis can detect and automatically
adjust for subtle vision errors when laser
energy is applied to reshape the cornea.
Studies suggest wavefront-guided LASIK
helps maintain contrast sensitivity and
reduces the risk of night glare after LASIK
surgery, explained in our Q&A about custom LASIK.

[Find out if you are a good LASIK surgery candidate.]

Conductive Keratoplasty (NearVision CK by Refractec)
uses a tiny probe and low heat radio waves
to apply "spots" around the periphery of
the eye's clear front surface. This relatively
non-invasive method steepens the cornea,
to provide near vision correction for people
who are farsighted. CK also can be used to
correct presbyopia or enhance near vision
for people who have had LASIK or cataract
surgery. CK received initial FDA approval in 2002.
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2017/05/16(火) 03:35:40.22
Implantable Lenses (Visian ICL and Verisyse),
similar to contact lenses, first received FDA
approval in 2004. These surgically implanted
lenses primarily are considered appropriate
for higher levels of nearsightedness.
When implantable lenses are used, your eye's
natural lens is left in place. Both of these
lenses have a long track record of use, including
more than 15 years in Europe.

Refractive Lens Exchange is another non-laser,
internal eye procedure. RLE is much like
cataract surgery. But instead of removing
the eye's natural lens that has grown cloudy
due to cataract formation, RLE involves
removing a clear natural lens and replacing
it with an artificial lens of a different shape,
usually to reduce or eliminate high degrees
of farsightedness.
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2017/05/16(火) 03:48:48.64
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2017/05/16(火) 03:52:17.90

10 Reasons To Avoid Cheap Glasses

By Gary Heiting, OD

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On This PageOn this page: Reasons to avoid cheap glasses
? Budget-stretching tips for buying glasses

Have you considered purchasing cheap glasses online? Or maybe you've
been tempted to buy cheap sunglasses at a mall kiosk...or cheap reading
glasses at a discount store?

After all, why should you pay hundreds of dollars for prescription eyeglasses
when cheap glasses look every bit as good, right?

As much as we all want to avoid spending hard-earned money unwisely,
deals that seem too good to be true when buying glasses are no different
than deals that sound too good to be true when buying anything else ?
you may save money up front, but the product often doesn't live up to
your expectations.

And when it comes to eyewear, some cheap glasses can actually cause
harm to your eyes that you're not even aware of.
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2017/05/16(火) 03:53:43.23
Cheap Glasses: Buyer Beware

Being a wise eyewear consumer requires a little due diligence to understand
factors that affect the quality and value of eyeglasses and sunglasses.

Here are 10 things to be aware of if you're considering cheap eyeglasses
or sunglasses:

Man wearing a pair of broken eyeglasses that have been repaired
with adhesive tape.
Frame durability is just one factor that separates cheap glasses
from quality eyewear.

1. Know what's being cut to offer lower prices.

Online retailers that sell cheap eyeglasses and sunglasses often say
they can offer low prices because they don't have the same expenses
associated with a "brick-and-mortar" store, such as the high rent paid
in retail shopping areas.

But what they often don't tell you is their lower prices come with
a hidden cost ? you no longer get the personalized attention and fitting
expertise of a qualified optician. That's a huge part of the value equation.

Instead, you're on your own to select a frame and lenses for your cheap
glasses and hope for the best.
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2017/05/16(火) 03:55:01.14
2. Beware of claims of "same top quality."

Sellers of cheap eyeglasses and cheap sunglasses are quick to claim
they are providing glasses of the "same top quality" as eyewear you
purchase from your local eye care professional.

But how do they determine that?

The fact is, there are significant differences in the scratch resistance
of different lenses and lens coatings, different levels of optical
performance among different lens materials and brands, and different
levels of comfort and durability among different frames ? even among
frames with the same brand name.

Also, many online retailers who sell cheap prescription glasses fabricate
the lenses in their own optical labs rather than using a wholesale optical
laboratory that specializes in providing this service to eye care professionals.
And while this might help you get your cheap glasses quicker than eyewear
purchased in an optical store, in some cases quality of the finished
product may suffer.
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2017/05/16(火) 06:25:43.58
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2017/05/16(火) 06:30:08.48
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2017/05/16(火) 08:18:07.17
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2017/05/16(火) 16:35:46.07
RLE also might be considered as an
option for correcting other types of
vision problems, such as nearsightedness.
But RLE has a higher risk of complications,
compared with other vision correction
procedures. For these reasons, RLE
typically is used only in cases of
severe vision correction needs.

Cataract surgery also can now be
considered a vision correction procedure.
New lens implants developed for
cataract surgery can partially restore
a person's near vision in addition to
correcting nearsightedness and farsightedness.
These lenses, called multifocal IOLs
or accommodating IOLs, currently are
being used by many cataract surgeons,
with promising results.

Also, toric IOLs that correct astigmatism
can be used during cataract surgery to
further reduce the need for eyeglasses
after cataracts are removed.

While Medicare and health insurance
will cover basic costs of cataract surgery,
you can elect to pay out-of-pocket for
the extra costs of these more modern
lenses that potentially can restore a
full range of vision. This is why cataract
surgery now also can be viewed as a
refractive surgery procedure, but only
when you opt to pay extra for full
vision correction.

[Read frequently asked questions about
presbyopia-correcting IOLs.]
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2017/05/16(火) 16:37:20.61
Because our eyes change as we
age, the type of laser eye surgery
or other vision correction we need
also may change. Certain approaches
to LASIK or other procedures that
work well for younger adults, for example,
may be inappropriate for older individuals.

In some cases, vision correction
surgery may be ruled out entirely.
Children under age 18 rarely would be
considered candidates for laser vision
correction because their eyes change
too rapidly as their bodies grow and mature.

Also, some people have certain conditions
or diseases that would make them poor
candidates for certain vision correction
procedures and better candidates for other
procedures. Examples:
If you have diabetes or other diseases
that affect wound healing, you might
be a better candidate for PRK or LASEK
than certain types of LASIK.
If you have uncontrolled glaucoma, you
likely would not qualify for LASIK or
certain other procedures.

Keep in mind that, generally, anyone
who is pregnant should not undergo
any form of elective vision surgery,
because hormonal changes might affect
the treatment's accuracy.

Lifestyle also can make a big difference
in the type of vision correction you
need. A seamstress requires keen near
vision. Computer users need good
vision at intermediate ranges. And a
pilot needs to preserve depth perception
to make good spatially oriented
judgments while flying.

Generally speaking, however, people
in their 20s or 30s with mild to moderate
farsightedness, nearsightedness, and/or
astigmatism are usually excellent
candidates for LASIK, PRK, Visian ICL,
and other laser vision correction.
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2017/05/17(水) 21:33:33.61
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2017/05/18(木) 03:48:38.53
Over the past 25 years, surgical techniques, tools, and
procedures for vision correction have evolved rapidly.

Radial Keratotomy (RK), used in the United States primarily
during the 1980s, involved cutting spoke-like incisions
to flatten the eye's surface mainly to correct

But results, especially long-term, created problems for
some individuals. Significant glare, regression, fluctuating
vision, and other side effects such as night vision
problems were common in patients who had RK for
higher prescription strengths, while such side effects
were less frequent in patients with lower prescriptions.

RK is now virtually obsolete as a primary vision correction
procedure for these reasons and because of advances
in laser vision correction procedures.

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) was the first
successful laser vision correction procedure used to
remove (ablate) tissue directly from the eye's surface
to change the curvature of the cornea. PRK, also known
as surface ablation, was performed outside the United
States during the 1980s and received FDA approval
in 1995. PRK is still commonly used, but LASIK (see below)
is by far the most popular laser procedure today.
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2017/05/18(木) 03:49:54.61
However, PRK has made somewhat of a comeback in
recent years because of studies indicating that PRK
and LASIK produce similar outcomes. Also, nerve
regeneration in the eye's surface appears to take place
faster with PRK than with LASIK following a procedure,
which could have implications for reducing dry eye
and other complications that might occur until the
healing process is complete.

My LASIK journey

Medical discounts

Because PRK is a surface procedure, there also is no risk
of surgical flap complications. PRK does not involve
creating a thin, hinged flap on the eye's surface, as occurs
with LASIK. PRK also appears to be a safer procedure
in cases when a person's cornea may be too thin for
LASIK surgery.

Recent technological advances have given eye surgeons
better methods of creating thinner flaps in a predictable
way, meaning that people with thin corneas now might
be candidates for a LASIK procedure.

However, you probably should consider a different type
of vision correction procedure if you have a thin cornea
and high degree of myopia that would require extra
ablation to reshape the eye.
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2017/05/18(木) 06:24:28.01
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2017/05/18(木) 14:49:22.50
LASIK's main advantage over PRK is that there is little
or no discomfort immediately after the procedure, and
vision is usually clear within hours rather than days.
Different forms of LASIK exist, many that depend on how
the flap is created:
LASEK involves creating an ultra-thin hinged flap in the
thin outer covering (epithelium) of the eye and floating
it away from the eye's surface with alcohol so that laser
reshaping of the eye can occur.
Epi-LASIK is like LASEK, except that a special cutting
tool is used to lift the flap.
Bladeless LASIK eliminates the need to use a bladed
instrument (microkeratome) in LASIK surgery. Instead,
a femtosecond laser is used to create the corneal flap
prior to reshaping the cornea with an excimer laser.
Other names (including brand names) for bladeless
LASIK include blade-free LASIK, all-laser LASIK, femto
LASIK, Intralase LASIK, intraLASIK, iLASIK, VisuMax
and zLASIK.
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2017/05/18(木) 14:50:14.01
Wavefront LASIK or PRK (also known as wavefront-guided,
wavefront-assisted, or custom LASIK/PRK)
incorporates ultra-modern analysis, known as wavefront,
to measure precisely how light travels through the eye.
Excimer lasers with built-in wavefront analysis can
detect and automatically adjust for subtle vision errors
when laser energy is applied to reshape the cornea.
Studies suggest wavefront-guided LASIK helps maintain
contrast sensitivity and reduces the risk of night glare
after LASIK surgery, explained in our Q&A about custom

[Find out if you are a good LASIK surgery candidate.]

Conductive Keratoplasty (NearVision CK by Refractec)
uses a tiny probe and low heat radio waves to apply
"spots" around the periphery of the eye's clear front
surface. This relatively non-invasive method steepens
the cornea, to provide near vision correction for people
who are farsighted. CK also can be used to correct
presbyopia or enhance near vision for people who have
had LASIK or cataract surgery. CK received initial FDA
approval in 2002.
垢版 |
2017/05/18(木) 14:51:25.49
Implantable Lenses (Visian ICL and Verisyse), similar
to contact lenses, first received FDA approval in 2004.
These surgically implanted lenses primarily are considered
appropriate for higher levels of nearsightedness.
When implantable lenses are used, your eye's natural
lens is left in place. Both of these lenses have a long
track record of use, including more than 15 years in Europe.

Refractive Lens Exchange is another non-laser, internal
eye procedure. RLE is much like cataract surgery.
But instead of removing the eye's natural lens that has
grown cloudy due to cataract formation, RLE involves
removing a clear natural lens and replacing it with
an artificial lens of a different shape, usually to reduce
or eliminate high degrees of farsightedness.

RLE also might be considered as an option for correcting
other types of vision problems, such as nearsightedness.
But RLE has a higher risk of complications, compared
with other vision correction procedures. For these
reasons, RLE typically is used only in cases of severe
vision correction needs.
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2017/05/18(木) 15:40:55.93
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2017/05/18(木) 15:41:49.13


 知 的 障 害 者 さ ま い か が な さ れ ま し た あ w


 ま さ に お 前 ( ^∀^)

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2017/05/18(木) 15:43:49.34




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2017/05/18(木) 15:45:50.92





答えはすぐそこに あるのだから
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2017/05/19(金) 06:01:08.73
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2017/05/19(金) 08:19:12.19
Cataract surgery also can now be considered a vision
correction procedure. New lens implants developed
for cataract surgery can partially restore a person's
near vision in addition to correcting nearsightedness
and farsightedness. These lenses, called multifocal
IOLs or accommodating IOLs, currently are being used
by many cataract surgeons, with promising results.

Also, toric IOLs that correct astigmatism can be used
during cataract surgery to further reduce the need for
eyeglasses after cataracts are removed.

While Medicare and health insurance will cover basic
osts of cataract surgery, you can elect to pay
out-of-pocket for the extra costs of these more modern
lenses that potentially can restore a full range of vision.
This is why cataract surgery now also can be viewed
as a refractive surgery procedure, but only when you
opt to pay extra for full vision correction.

[Read frequently asked questions about
presbyopia-correcting IOLs.]
垢版 |
2017/05/19(金) 08:20:30.53
Because our eyes change as we age, the type of laser
eye surgery or other vision correction we need also
may change. Certain approaches to LASIK or other
procedures that work well for younger adults, for example,
may be inappropriate for older individuals.

In some cases, vision correction surgery may be ruled
out entirely. Children under age 18 rarely would be
considered candidates for laser vision correction because
their eyes change too rapidly as their bodies grow and

Also, some people have certain conditions or diseases
that would make them poor candidates for certain vision
orrection procedures and better candidates for other
procedures. Examples:
If you have diabetes or other diseases that affect wound
healing, you might be a better candidate for PRK or LASEK
than certain types of LASIK.
If you have uncontrolled glaucoma, you likely would not
qualify for LASIK or certain other procedures.

Keep in mind that, generally, anyone who is pregnant
should not undergo any form of elective vision surgery,
because hormonal changes might affect the treatment's

Lifestyle also can make a big difference in the type of
vision correction you need. A seamstress requires keen
near vision. Computer users need good vision at
intermediate ranges. And a pilot needs to preserve depth
perception to make good spatially oriented judgments
while flying.

Generally speaking, however, people in their 20s or 30s
with mild to moderate farsightedness, nearsightedness,
and/or astigmatism are usually excellent candidates
for LASIK, PRK, Visian ICL, and other laser vision correction.
垢版 |
2017/05/19(金) 20:36:36.97
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2017/05/19(金) 20:38:06.86

3. A bigger selection often isn't
a better selection ? it's just more

Online retailers of cheap glasses
point out that optical stores cannot
match their vast virtual inventory
of frames. This may be true. But
how many of those hundreds or
thousands of frames are a good
fit for your head and face? And
who will help you choose?
垢版 |
2017/05/19(金) 20:40:03.74
4. Virtual and home try-ons
can't insure satisfaction.

If you're buying cheap glasses
online, you often will have access
to a "virtual try-on" feature
? where you upload a forward-facing,
closeup photo of yourself and
you can then superimpose
images of different frames on
your face to see how they look.

Boy wearing eyeglasses and
Quality children's eyeglasses
should include impact-resistant
polycarbonate lenses and a durable,
adjustable frame.

But while a virtual try-on can give
you a rough idea of how you'll look
wearing different frames, it can't
tell you anything about how
the frames will feel. It also can't
demonstrate the detailing and
workmanship of the frame.

Also, depending on the quality
of the virtual try-on tool, the
size of the eyewear might not
be accurate ? the frames
might look larger or smaller
than they actually are. And it's
not unusual for the color of
the actual frame to look
noticeably different than the
color shown online.

Even if an online retailer sends
you a sample of frames to try
on at home before you make
your final purchase, you won't
know whether the glasses will
be too heavy after the prescription
lenses are added...or how thick
those lenses will be. This is
especially important if you are
sensitive to the weight of eyeglasses
because you have sinus problems
or delicate skin.

All these potential problems can
be avoided by being fitted with
glasses in person by a skilled optician.
垢版 |
2017/05/21(日) 05:12:50.30
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2017/05/21(日) 06:05:04.96
Conductive Keratoplasty (NearVision CK by Refractec)
uses a tiny probe and low heat radio waves to apply
"spots" around the periphery of the eye's clear front
surface. This relatively non-invasive method steepens
the cornea, to provide near vision correction for people
who are farsighted. CK also can be used to correct
presbyopia or enhance near vision for people who have
had LASIK or cataract surgery. CK received initial FDA
approval in 2002.

Verisyse phakic IOL
Visian ICL
Implantable lenses are another option for vision correction
surgery. (Top: the Verisyse phakic IOL from Abbott
Medical Optics. Bottom: the Visian ICL Implantable
Collamer Lens from Staar Surgical.)

Implantable Lenses (Visian ICL and Verisyse), similar to
contact lenses, first received FDA approval in 2004.
These surgically implanted lenses primarily are considered
appropriate for higher levels of nearsightedness.
When implantable lenses are used, your eye's natural
lens is left in place. Both of these lenses have a long
track record of use, including more than 15 years in Europe.

Refractive Lens Exchange is another non-laser, internal
eye procedure. RLE is much like cataract surgery.
But instead of removing the eye's natural lens that has
grown cloudy due to cataract formation, RLE involves
removing a clear natural lens and replacing it with an
artificial lens of a different shape, usually to reduce or
eliminate high degrees of farsightedness.
垢版 |
2017/05/21(日) 06:06:39.65
RLE also might be considered as an option for correcting
other types of vision problems, such as nearsightedness.
But RLE has a higher risk of complications, compared
with other vision correction procedures. For these reasons,
RLE typically is used only in cases of severe vision
correction needs.

Cataract surgery also can now be considered a vision
correction procedure. New lens implants developed for
cataract surgery can partially restore a person's near
vision in addition to correcting nearsightedness and
farsightedness. These lenses, called multifocal IOLs or
accommodating IOLs, currently are being used by many
cataract surgeons, with promising results.

Also, toric IOLs that correct astigmatism can be used
during cataract surgery to further reduce the need for
eyeglasses after cataracts are removed.

While Medicare and health insurance will cover basic
costs of cataract surgery, you can elect to pay
out-of-pocket for the extra costs of these more modern
lenses that potentially can restore a full range of vision.
This is why cataract surgery now also can be viewed
as a refractive surgery procedure, but only when you opt
to pay extra for full vision correction.
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2017/05/21(日) 10:19:28.94
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2017/05/21(日) 14:49:13.22
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2017/05/21(日) 17:12:57.90
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2017/05/28(日) 13:17:57.65
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2017/05/28(日) 13:20:45.34
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2017/05/28(日) 17:45:53.03
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2017/05/29(月) 17:44:58.33
I posted about this way back in 2013, but you might enjoy hearing
about it. It really started back in 2012. I used to visit my sister
was living in a different city. Whenever I visited her I also visited
the local shopping mall. In the mall there was an optical store. I would
usually plan my visits so i could visit on the days when they didn't have
a doctor. That meant there was only one optician working and she usually
wasn't busy at all. In 2012 they hired a new optician.
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2017/05/29(月) 17:45:17.82
Very cute young
lady and she was hired because she was about to enter optometry school
to be an optometrist. Anyway she very nice and very friendly and we
talked quite a bit. I noticed that she wasn't wearing glasses and I asked
her if she wore glasses and she said her eyesight was perfect. She told
me that her dad was a dentist and her older sister was a pharmacist and
that they both wear glasses full time, but her eyesight was perfect. She
told me that when she decided that she wanted to be an optometrist she
knew nothing about glasses but was very curious to know. While her sister
was away at college she even went in her room and found several pairs of
her old glasses and tried to wear them just to see what it was like to wear
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2017/05/29(月) 17:45:57.09
But even the weakest ones she could only wear for very short time
before she felt a headache coming on and she had to take them off. That
caused me to remember what I had read in this thread about GOC. I work
with a non profit vision group and because of that I happened to have a
good number of sample glasses that I keep in my car that I use to fit people
with glasses that can't afford them. At the time I knew i had a very nice pair
with just a -1.25 prescription in them. I told her to go and pull out a pair of
trial contact lenses in +1.25 and that I would be right back in. When I came
back in she was sitting at a table and she had 2 contact lens packets in
her hands. She thought that I wanted them for myself so she was really
shocked when I asked her to put them on. She got them both on rather
quickly and I as soon s she looked away from the mirror in front of her
I could see that she wasn't able to focus. She was smiling and squinting
as she was trying hard to see things away from her. I asked her if she
was able to read a sign across the room from where we were sitting and
she could only make out the bigger letters and she said they were even
blurry. I took the glasses out and said "here let's see if these help you"
as i put the glasses on her.
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2017/05/29(月) 17:46:59.58
As soon as I did that she couldn't believe
that now she was once again able to see everything perfectly. As you can
imagine she was then doing a lot of her own testing of her eyes with and
without glasses. But the whole time she had the biggest smile on her face.
After several minutes of both looking through the glasses and over the
top of them she finally pushed the glasses up in place and said she loved
it. She said several times how cool it was to be wearing glasses.
We continued talking and she never did take the glasses off she was totally
enjoying wearing glasses. After a while a customer came in and needed
the nose pads on his glasses replaced. This was going ot be a nice test
for for her trying to replace nose pads that have very tiny screws wearing
glasses for the first time. I watched her to see if she was going to have
any problem and I did notice her move her head a bit as if she was having
trouble focusing.
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2017/05/29(月) 17:48:06.06
But after a few minuted she had both nose pads replaced
and he thanked her and left. When she came i asked her if she had any
problem doing that and she said that when she first looked down her eyes
were seeing the bottom of the glasses so she had to adjust for that. I didn't
plan on leaving my sample glasses with her but she was having so much
fun so i asked her if she wanted to borrow them until my next visit and she
jumped at the chance to wear the glasses more.
As it turned out I didn't get
back until a month later. She told me that the doctor and her co workers
were shocked to see her come into work wearing glasses.
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2017/05/29(月) 17:49:43.23
She told them about me loaning her the glasses and how she was wearing
the opposite contacts to make it work. The doctor was very interested and
had never heard of such a thing as GOC and she insisted on testing her
eyes with and with her wearing GOC just to be sure that she wasn't doing
any harm to her eyes but she proved that with the contacts and glasses
her eyesight was perfect as well as without the contacts and glasses.
The doctor even said that she was going to have to remember that because
she was going to try it for herself. I still keep in touch with her last year she
graduated and she is now officially a doctor of optometry. She decided to
move out of state for some reason but she told me not long ago that she
still enjoys doing GOC just for fun and has shown a good number of people
as well.
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2017/05/29(月) 17:51:09.90
The other one was a young lady working at a big box store that has an
optical center. She also didn't need glasses. In box stores like that they often
hire you for one thing and then put you in something else. That was the case
here. She had no experience with vision or glasses at all. But once she got
trained she really enjoyed her kob. One day when I was in there shopping I
stopped and chatted with her a bit. She was at the frame board trying on
frames. As soon as she saw me she wanted my opinion as to which ones
looked best on her. After a bit i decided on the one I thought looked best
and she said that was her 2nd choice but was happy I picked it. She told
me that her year was nearly up and that meant she could get a free pair of
glasses. I asked her if she needed glasses and she said she wasn't sure
but even if she didn't she still wanted a pair of glasses just to wear for fun
and at the store as well. She was getting her eyes checked later that week.
The next tie I was at her store i saw her working but she wasn't wearing
glasses. I asked her if she had gotten her glasses yet and she told me she
wasn't very happy. She said that her eyesight was perfect so she didn't really
need glasses. But when she went order her glasses she was told that because
she didn't have an actual prescription she couldn't get a free pair. Bingo!
Remembering how I helped my other friend with perfect vision I still had the
very same -1.25 glasses so I told her how she could get glasse sif she wanted
and I let her borrow my sample pair to try away from works so she could see
that it wouldn't dod any harm to her eyes. She was able to get the glasses
she wanted that way and she couldn't stop thanking me.
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2017/06/03(土) 21:50:20.05
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2017/06/04(日) 01:35:52.92
-8 glasses are about -0.75 more that you probably need to
match with +6 contacts, but at 28 that should not be a problem.

The biggest issue in going to a higher minus GOC combo is
image minifcation. It takes a while for your brain to learn to
deal with all the issues. If you are comfortable wearing the
+6 / -8 combo for an extended period I would suggest going
to -12 glasses and +10 contacts.

You should also consider an eye exam for contacts to find
out what Base Curve is best for you and maybe your current
actual refractive error. Soft Contact are pretty forgiving, but
you need to be sure that you have a good tear film between
the contacts and your Cornea.

It will probably be a problem getting regular contacts because
of your low prescription. You may need to consider and exam
for eye color changing contacts.

I have not considered your small refractive error in my GOC

By the way, GOC calculations are not difficult and at high Rx
the results may be a bit different than the calculations indicate.
The differences occur because of Vertex Distance (VD) effects.
VD effects are the SQUARE of the Glasses Sphere divided by
1000. If you get up to say -20, VD effects are 0.40 diopters
per mm.

Actual VD, which is the distance in mm between your Cornea
and the back surface of the glasses is very hard to measure
or even estimate. Typical VD is about 10 to 12 mm. I typically
use 12 mm in my calculations. To give you an idea of how
important VD is in GOC here are some examples of VD effects
per mm.

-8.00 glasses = 0.06 diopters per mm

-12.00 glasses = 0.14 diopters per mm

-16.00 glasses = 0.25 diopters per mm

-20.00 glasses = 0.40 diopters per mm

To calculate the effective power of MINUS glasses at the
Cornea, you multiply the VD effect per mm of the glasses by
the VD and subtract it from the glasses power. For example
-16.00 glasses 12 mm from the Cornea have an effective power
of -16.00 glasses at the Cornea would be -13.00 and you would
need +13.00 contacts if your refractive error was 0.00.
垢版 |
2017/06/04(日) 05:52:50.73
Could you tell me what is 'GOC'?
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2017/06/04(日) 06:01:52.58
Going from -6.00 to -20.00 is probably too much for you to
tolerate very well. Vision occurs in the brain. Your eyes are
merely biological cameras. People who are naturally very
Myopic and need -20 glasses had that happen gradually. We
typically suggest GOC increases of about -4.00 diopters
maximum. We also suggest that you DO NOT buy high minus
glasses online with a prescription much different than yours
and then try to find some contacts that make them work. If
you need Astigmatism correction that is different from what
it in the glasses, it MAY NOT be possible to find Contact
Lenses to make the glasses wearable and still function.

However, I suspect you are determined to try the -20 glasses.
I need your actual complete prescription for your glasses and
the complete prescription in the -20 glasses to even begin
the calculations or determine if they are even possible to wear
comfortably. I also need your age. That will tell me how much
your Ciliary Muscles and Crystalline Lenses might be able to
compensate for any inaccuracies.
垢版 |
2017/06/04(日) 06:03:35.66
Vertex Distance (VD) (the distance from the front surface
of your Cornea to the back surface of the glasses) is important
with your -6.00 glasses and extremely important with -20.00
glasses because it is necessary to calculate the effective
power of both glasses at the Cornea. Actual VD is extremely
hard to measure accurately. It is typically 10 to 13 mm. I use
12mm in my calculations. The VD problem is that the effects
are the Square (^2) of the Glasses Prescription. With -6.00
glasses the VD effects are 0.036 diopters per mm. That is
why the perfect Contact Lens prescription would be about 0.43
diopters less than your glasses prescription. The perfect Contact
Lens prescription for a person with 0.00 refractive error and
-20 glasses would be about +15.00. VD effects with -20
are 0.40 diopters per mm. Because you need -6 glasses, GOC
Contact Lenses for -20 glasses would be considerably different.
A rough calculation indicates about +9.50 with a VD of 12 mm.
垢版 |
2017/06/09(金) 05:58:44.56
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2017/06/09(金) 07:14:03.15
Axial or True Myopia is caused by a mismatch
between the total PLUS power of your eye's
lens system (somewhere around +59 diopters)
and the length of your eyeball, specifically, the
distance from your Crystalline Lens to your Retina
(typically around 17 mm). Unfortunately, at 28
it is very unlikely that your eyeballs can grow
any more than they already have. Your genes
probably won't let that happen or if it does happen,
it won't be very much (there are very rare exceptions).
垢版 |
2017/06/09(金) 07:15:11.74
It is easy, to Induce Pseudo Myopia.
Believe it or not, you are already doing it a
little bit. If you spend 7 hours a day working
with a computer. It is likely that the distance
from your eyes to the display is about 70 cm
or 28 inches.

Using Sir Isaac's formula: Lens
Power = 100 cm / Focus Distance, your
Auto-Focus system is adding about +1.4 diopters
of power to your Crystalline Lenses.
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2017/06/09(金) 07:17:02.67
Check out frame styles offered by Zenni Optical
or other online retailers. Find one you like that
is not too expensive that you think you would
like to wear for a long time. Once people are used t
o seeing you wearing glasses, you can make some
lens changes without changing the frame and few
people will notice the stronger lenses. However,
you will have trouble going too high for public wear,
because that will be very noticeable. However
you can do GOC at your hearts content, away from
your normal haunts. The reason I suggest lower
cost frames is that you may not wear the frames
for very long, before you order another pair with
stronger lenses.

Order a pair of low prescription glasses, say
-1.00. At 28 you should not have any problem wearing
them, you are already doing GOC with 0.75 over
correction. Start wearing them and let everyone get
used to your glasses. GOCer's suggestion with
your friends will work and family that you have not
seen in a long time. With close family, just say that
you decided to get an eye exam and it turned out
that you needed glasses. You can either start wearing
them full time (the best way) or wearing them
intermittently when you drive, watch TV or go to
the Cinema. Another symptom that is useful when
you want to increase your prescription is to have
trouble reading menu boards or recognizing people,
particularly in low light conditions.
垢版 |
2017/06/10(土) 05:35:47.93
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2017/06/10(土) 21:54:09.14
An "Official" prescription is one issued by an
Eye Care Professional, typically after an examination.

Glasses are custom made. The people who make
glasses need a prescription to know how to make t
hem. Most online retailers of glasses do not require
that you provide an "Official" prescription, but they
need information from you as to the various elements
that make up the prescription. They are for each eye:

Sphere Power, Cylinder Power, Cylinder Axis, Prism
Amount, Prism Base Direction, and Add plus special
instructions such as the type of bifocal or trifocal.

The also need your Pupillary Distance, which is the
distance in mm between the centers of your two pupils.

Not all prescriptions have all elements, but they are
typically listed in the above order.

You can t just order "Strong Glasses". The most
important thing is that the glasses you order be
wearable and comfortable. Otherwise, they are a
waste of money and can be very unpleasant to wear.
垢版 |
2017/06/10(土) 21:56:32.71
Two sets of twin girls. Eldest are five and a
half the second set two years younger. Number
five is a single girl. Looking after a young family
is fulltime work. My wife has given up her job to
be at home.

I am able to fit in GOC with work and family.
Sundays I GOC with +13 glasses and soft contacts
after Saturday night with no lenses in bed so as
to rest my eyes. Once the kids are all in bed I
change to the RGPs and +22 glasses. The RGPs
I keep in until Wednesday afternoon which is free.
Back with the weak GOC I am able to play normally
with the girls. They see me in both glasses.

Then the cycle restarts Wednesday evening once
they are asleep. I keep in the RGPs until after
work Saturday lunchtime. I don't drive in the
+22 glasses but feel confident to do so in the
other pair.

My boss and work colleagues know me only
in +22 glasses. There have been no comments
or questions so I assume, as you say, they think
I have had cataracts. My job involves a few face
to face interviews in my office, also quite a lot of
telephone work. Computer work is on a laptop
as I find it comfortable to read the screen with
the glasses slightly pulled down. I am not sure
why this works but I can read print with slightly
more sliding down.
垢版 |
2017/06/10(土) 22:38:34.19
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2017/06/10(土) 22:44:15.16
The most important thing about wearing CLs of any type is
Oxygen and Tear delivery to the Cornea. The Cornea is
living tissue, but it DOES NOT have a blood supply.
That means that it must get its Oxygen from the air and
Oxygen, nutrients, and lubrication from tears.

Modern, high moisture, soft CLs have a lot of benefits from
both an ability to pass Oxygen and tears to the Cornea
and from a comfort point to view, but there are limitations.
RGP hard CLs solved one of the big problems with older
hard CLs, nonexistent Oxygen transmission. Older CLs
used several techniques for maintaining tear delivery.
One was to have some slight indents in the surface that
contacted the Cornea that allowed much better tear
delivery to the cornea. The indentations filled with tears
so there was no apparent distortion. Hard contacts also
have the advantage of slightly reshaping the Cornea to
temporarily eliminate Astigmatism.

Many hard CL wearers experience Spectacle Blur when
they take out their hard contacts and put on their glasses.
This is caused by the Cylinder correction in the glasses
not matching the actual (corrected) Astigmatism at the
moment. As the Corneas gradually resumed their natural
shape, the Blur went away because the Astigmatism
and the Cylinder correction were matched.
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2017/06/13(火) 06:25:49.84
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