


さて、ツェルメロが後者関数 suc{a}={a}を考えて、空集合Φ={}から出発して、自然数の集合Nの構成を提唱したことは、歴史の示すところで、おれが今更証明するべきことでもない
事実、下記の記述有るよ。文献[38]からだって。疑問に思うなら、大学の図書館で、[38] Levy (1979)を見ろw

Natural number
4.2.2 Zermelo ordinals
Although the standard construction is useful, it is not the only possible construction. Ernst Zermelo's construction goes as follows:[38]
Set 0 = { }
Define S(a) = {a},
It then follows that
0 = { },
1 = {0} = {{ }},
2 = {1} = {{{ }}},
n = {n?1} = {{{...}}}, etc.
Each natural number is then equal to the set containing just the natural number preceding it. This is the definition of Zermelo ordinals. Unlike von Neumann's construction, the Zermelo ordinals do not account for infinite ordinals.
[38] Levy (1979), p. 52 attributes the idea to unpublished work of Zermelo in 1916 and several papers by von Neumann the 1920s.
