DR Pruss氏は下記で、conglomerabilityの正確な意味がいまいち分からんけど
要するに”nonmeasurable”で、測度論的確率から外れているということでしょう (^^;

Alexander Robert Pruss (born January 5, 1973) is a Canadian mathematician, philosopher, Professor of Philosophy and the Co-Director of Graduate Studies in Philosophy at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.

Pruss graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Physics.
After earning a Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of British Columbia in 1996 and publishing several papers in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society and other mathematical journals,[4] he began graduate work in philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh.

Infinity, Causation, and Paradox
著者: Alexander R. Pruss
(P76-77 に conglomerabilityの説明があるが、正確な定義は分からないが、
 P76に”But typically, where there is no coutable additibity, there is lack of conglomerability(Scervish,Seidenfeld,and Kanade 1984).”
 と記されているので、”coutable additibity ”即ち σ-加法性 と密接に関連した(多分”σ-加法性”を拡張した)概念だと思う)
(更に附言すれば、現代の測度論的確率が、σ-加法性をベースに成立っているとすれば、DR Pruss氏の指摘は、要するに”nonmeasurable”で、測度論的確率から外れているということでしょう (^^; )