A Crisis of Identification David Michael Roberts Published on March 1, 2019 in Volume 4, Issue 3.
David Michael Roberts is a Research Associate at Adelaide University’s Institute for Geometry and Applications.

Formalizing Theorem 3.11 of IUT, whose statement runs to more than five pages, is Herculean.

In the absence of a formal proof, the scruples expressed by Scholze and Stix gave nonexperts something to hold on to. “I received unsolicited emails from people whom I knew in quite distant parts of the world,” Conrad remarked,
and “[e]ach of them told me that they had worked through the IUT papers on their own and were able to more or less understand things up to a specific proof where they had become rather stumped.”22 The specific proof was, of course, that of Corollary 3.12.

For all that, there are a small number of mathematicians who have intensely studied Mochizuki’s work, and affirm quite emphatically that it is correct.23 Mochizuki himself remarked that

IUTch has been checked, verified, read and reread, and orally exposed in detail in seminars in its entirety countless times since the release of preprints on IUTch in August 2012 by a collection of mathematicians (not including myself) involved in this line of research [emphasis original].24