>楕円曲線のホッジ・アラケロフ理論は、アラケロフ理論(英語版)(Arakelov theory)のフレームワークで考える p-進ホッジ理論(英語版)(p-adic Hodge thory)の楕円曲線についての類似理論

"アラケロフ理論(英語版)(Arakelov theory)"下記ですな
下記では、Faltings、Serge Lang、Mordell conjecture、Deligne、arithmetic Hodge index などなど、重要キーワード満載ですな

Arakelov theory
In mathematics, Arakelov theory (or Arakelov geometry) is an approach to Diophantine geometry, named for Suren Arakelov. It is used to study Diophantine equations in higher dimensions.

1 Background
2 Results
3 Arithmetic Chow groups
4 The arithmetic Riemann?Roch theorem

Arakelov (1974, 1975) defined an intersection theory on the arithmetic surfaces attached to smooth projective curves over number fields, with the aim of proving certain results, known in the case of function fields, in the case of number fields.
Gerd Faltings (1984) extended Arakelov's work by establishing results such as a Riemann-Roch theorem, a Noether formula, a Hodge index theorem and the nonnegativity of the self-intersection of the dualizing sheaf in this context.
