>(Each co-meager set has c points in every interval.)”


Topic: Differentiability of the Ruler Function
The Math Forum
Dave L. Renfro Registered: 12/3/04
Differentiability of the Ruler Function
Posted: Dec 13, 2006 5:20 PM
The ruler function f is defined by f(x) = 0 if x is
irrational, f(0) = 1, and f(x) = 1/q if x = p/q
where p and q are relatively prime integers with q > 0.

Here is a summary of the main results below.
In this summary, f always refers to the ruler
function as defined above.

** f is nowhere differentiable.

We would expect higher powers of f to be smoother,
and this is what we find. Note that for each r > 0,
the sets where f^r is continuous and discontinuous
is the same as for f.
(注:つまりf^r(x) = (1/q)^r if x = p/q)

** For each 0 < r <= 2, f^r is nowhere differentiable.

** For each r > 2, f^r is differentiable on a set that
has c many points in every interval.
