
あたまをわるくするほうほうをおしえてください [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

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2016/11/27(日) 13:04:17.76ID:Da8aHdRN
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2017/10/31(火) 13:58:55.80ID:BpdaIqKr
It is not unusual in most colleges to
see middle-aged female students who
look like housewives, with a textbook
under their arms. In the U.S., more
and more women who once gave up
studying to keep house are getting
into college once again.
In most colleges, you often see a
middle-aged female student who
seems to be married, with a textbook
under her arm.
It is now very popular with women in
the U.S. who once stopped studying
for housekeeping to go back to college.
If you have been loved by others and
learned what love is, you can love
others in return. It is difficult to
communicate to others feelings that
you yourself have never experienced.
Only those who have experienced
what love is by receiving a lot of love
from others can love others in return.
It is difficult to let others know about
emotions you have never had.
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2017/11/08(水) 15:59:57.13ID:v5tLW5f/
He is flexible in his thinking, so he will
not reject a new idea just because it
seems strange.
He is always criticizing other people.
However, it seems that he is unaware
of his own faults. This is probably
because he was an only child and was
spoiled when he was growing up.
These days, we are all so busy that we
rarely see each other, even though we
live next door.
I have met so many people in the last
few days that I cannot remember all
their names.
Those who expect that schools
should teach children good manners
simply prove that they do not
understand what schools are for.
Manners should be taught at home.
Some people also say that, if you go
to the U.S., you will easily make
friends with Americans. This is not the
case. This is proved by the fact that,
although so many Japanese visit, or
live and work in the U.S., Japan and
the U.S. still cannot communicate well.
It does not necessarily follow that
young people today are less eager to
learn just because they read less.
Just because you are a woman, it
does not necessarily follow that you
are a bad driver. However, I do not
think that generally speaking, women
drivers have a good reputation.
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2017/11/08(水) 16:02:08.52ID:v5tLW5f/
Whether a college is good or bad
depends not only on how intelligent its
teachers and students are, but on how
many books its library has and how
good they are.
The best way to learn the grammar of
a foreign language is to read and hear
as much of it as possible, so that you
can learn it in a natural way.
The best way for developing countries
not to repeat the mistakes developed
countries have made is to learn from
the past.
Ways of greeting people vary from
country to country. It is interesting to
study where these ways of greeting
come from.
When you speak Japanese, ways of
speaking it vary, depending on
whether you are a man or a woman,
and an adult or a child.
A lot of words of foreign origin are
used in the Japanese language, but
their pronunciations and meanings are
often quite different from those of the
original words.
Japanese people, unlike Americans,
often tend to control their emotions.
For example, when they get a gift from
someone, they express their thanks
for it, but put it aside, acting as if they
were not at all interested in it.
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2017/11/08(水) 16:03:04.31ID:v5tLW5f/
People are alike in many ways, but
their languages and customs vary
from place to place.
Doctors and teachers are alike in that
both of them do not deal with things,
but with people.
I do not care how late you come home
as long as you do not wake me up.
I do not mind smokers as long as they
are considerate of those around them.
It really makes me angry to see
someone occupying two seats on a
crowded train, not feeling guilty about
it, even when there are other people standing.
Far more serious is the fact that there
are so many people who do not feel
guilty about leaving their garbage in
public places.
You are young and healthy, so you
should do what you want to do, not
caring about any mistakes you may make.
When I went out into the real world, I
realized that people often cared too
much about what other people
thought about them, and that they
tried to know others from how they looked.
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2017/11/08(水) 16:27:40.59ID:v5tLW5f/
When I was at elementary school, I
was forced to read books and write
essays about them as homework.
Since then, I have disliked reading.
At first, he did not want to let her drive
his car, but she insisted and he ended
up agreeing.
I only got this watch repaired a few
days ago, but something is already
wrong with it.
When you want your children to learn
something, you should consider
carefully what they can do and what
they are interested in.
It was not until he saw police cars and
ambulances going around every day
that he realized that he had come to a
country totally different from Japan.
I have often heard him boast that he
can swim very well, but I have never
actually seen him swim.
Thank you very much for inviting me
to the party. Would you tell me the
best way to get to your house by car?
One of the purposes of studying a
foreign language is to learn about the
ways speakers of the language think
and live. Another purpose is to tell
people living abroad about your own
culture and thoughts.
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2017/11/08(水) 16:28:25.72ID:v5tLW5f/
One of our teachers told us to read
one of the writer's original books and
write our feelings about it.
Those who grew up before the War
probably still remember that their
mothers scolded them, telling them
not to play in the garden.
When you read a book again that you
read several years ago, you are often
surprised to discover something new
you did not find when you read it for
the first time.
It is enjoyable to get letters, but
troublesome to answer them. I know
that I should reply to them, but I keep
putting it off until it becomes more
difficult to do so.
It was the heaviest rainfall in ten years,
and it damaged many houses.
I went to my junior high school class
reunion for the first time in thirty
years. At first, it was impossible to tell
who was who.
It is surprising that, in New York,
mothers can leave the hospital the
day after having babies, as long as
there have not been any problems.
Children start speaking at the age of
one and learn to express what they
think by the time they are five or six
years old. This is quite amazing when
you stop to think about it.
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