Whenever I try to talk about a country
I have visited before, I remember first
of all the faces of the people I talked
with there. It is not so much the things
that were there as the people who were there that I first think of. The
better I know the people I met, the
closer I feel to the country.
Each time I try to talk about a country I
have been to before, the first thing
that comes to mind is the faces of the
people I talked with there. It is not so
much what was there as who was
there that first occurs to me. The
closer I feel to the people I met, the
warmer I feel toward the country.
Nowadays more and more people
have cell phones. It seems that almost
all young people have at least one.
However, nothing is as irritating to
teachers as a cell phone ringing
during the class.
Recently the number of cell phone
users has increased, and most young
people seem to have one. However,
nothing irritates teachers as much as
a cell phone ringing in class.
There cannot have been any age in
history when nature was considered
as important as now. It can be said
that people today consider it best to
live in harmony with nature.
Probably, never in history has nature
been considered as important as
today. It is no exaggeration to say that
these days it is best to live close to
It is said that Peru is nine tImes as
large as Japan, while its population is
almost as large as Tokyo's. No wonder
people in Peru lead leisurely lives.
They say that Peru is nine tImes as
large as Japan, but its population is
about the same as Tokyo's. Naturally,
Peruvians lead peaceful lives at their
own pace.