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2016/11/27(日) 13:04:17.76ID:Da8aHdRN
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2017/10/31(火) 13:03:03.95ID:BpdaIqKr
These days more and more students
are going abroad to learn English.
Nowadays the number of students
learning English abroad is increasing.
The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa.
Probably because it was Sunday
morning, there were very few cars on
the road.
I drove to Lake Biwa the other day.
There were not many cars on the road,
probably because it was Sunday morning.
It is a pity that many people still
mistakenly believe that as long as they
speak English, they can be
Unfortunately, a lot of people still
believe that they have only to speak
English to be international-minded.
However, they are wrong.
Those who have intellectual jobs
sometimes need to look at things from
a different point of view. This also
applies to young people who are
going to be doctors, engineers, or
If you have an intellectual job, you
sometimes have to look at things in a
different way. This is also the case
with young people who want to have
jobs in fields such as medicine,
engineering, or pharmacy.
垢版 |
2017/10/31(火) 13:05:38.30ID:BpdaIqKr
These days more and more students
are going abroad to learn English.
Nowadays the number of students
learning English abroad is increasing.
The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa.
Probably because it was Sunday
morning, there were very few cars on
the road.
I drove to Lake Biwa the other day.
There were not many cars on the road,
probably because it was Sunday morning.
It is a pity that many people still
mistakenly believe that as long as they
speak English, they can be
Unfortunately, a lot of people still
believe that they have only to speak
English to be international-minded.
However, they are wrong.
Those who have intellectual jobs
sometimes need to look at things from
a different point of view. This also
applies to young people who are
going to be doctors, engineers, or pharmacists.
If you have an intellectual job, you
sometimes have to look at things in a
different way. This is also the case
with young people who want to have
jobs in fields such as medicine,
engineering, or pharmacy.
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2017/10/31(火) 13:10:32.92ID:BpdaIqKr
Needless to say, you need to be able
to speak foreign languages in order to
be a member of the global community.
A more important thing, however, is to
learn to be responsible for what you
do and know better than to bother
other people.
There is no doubt that in order to get
along in the global community, it is
necessary to be good at a foreign
language. However, it is even more
important to behave in a responsible
way and have enough common sense
not to bother others.
He lent me two novels, but I have not
yet read either of them. I have been
busy preparing for the exams for the
last two weeks.
I borrowed two novels from him, but I
have read neither of them. I have been
busy studying for the exams for the
past two weeks.
The essence of humor is not so much
to tell stupid jokes and make people
laugh as to love and be considerate of them.
When you try to be humorous, what
you should remember is not to make
people laugh by telling silly jokes, but
to show love and consideration toward them.
My three-year-old son is interested in
almost everything and always asks me
a lot of questions. Just the other day
he wanted to know what an angel
looked like, and I was at a loss for an answer.
My son, who is three years old, is
curious about almost all things and he
always asks me a lot of questions.
Just the other day, when he asked me
what an angel looked like, I was at a
loss what to say.
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2017/10/31(火) 13:49:37.69ID:BpdaIqKr
Whenever I try to talk about a country
I have visited before, I remember first
of all the faces of the people I talked
with there. It is not so much the things
that were there as the people who were there that I first think of. The
better I know the people I met, the
closer I feel to the country.
Each time I try to talk about a country I
have been to before, the first thing
that comes to mind is the faces of the
people I talked with there. It is not so
much what was there as who was
there that first occurs to me. The
closer I feel to the people I met, the
warmer I feel toward the country.
Nowadays more and more people
have cell phones. It seems that almost
all young people have at least one.
However, nothing is as irritating to
teachers as a cell phone ringing
during the class.
Recently the number of cell phone
users has increased, and most young
people seem to have one. However,
nothing irritates teachers as much as
a cell phone ringing in class.
There cannot have been any age in
history when nature was considered
as important as now. It can be said
that people today consider it best to
live in harmony with nature.
Probably, never in history has nature
been considered as important as
today. It is no exaggeration to say that
these days it is best to live close to
It is said that Peru is nine tImes as
large as Japan, while its population is
almost as large as Tokyo's. No wonder
people in Peru lead leisurely lives.
They say that Peru is nine tImes as
large as Japan, but its population is
about the same as Tokyo's. Naturally,
Peruvians lead peaceful lives at their
own pace.
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2017/10/31(火) 13:53:19.68ID:BpdaIqKr
This is an age of too much
information. No matter where you go
today, you find nothing new or
These days, we are flooded with
information. Wherever you go today,
there is not anything that you have
never seen before or that surprises you.
If people notice your faults, it is only
natural for them to pretend not to do
so. That is why you should think that
those who tell you what is difficult to
say are really good friends.
Even if people are aware of your faults,
they often act as if they knew nothing
about them. Therefore, if a friend
honestly tells you about them, you
should thank him or her.
If students looked up even half as
many words in Japanese language
dictionaries as they do in
English-Japanese dictionaries, they
would not be criticized for their poor
knowledge of Chinese characters.
If students consulted Japanese
language dictionaries at least half as
often as they do English-Japanese
dictionaries, older people would stop
complaining that they are poor at
reading and writing Chinese characters.
Soon after the bus left, a female
student just about my age got on and
sat beside me. We began to talk and
enjoyed ourselves so much that if the
driver had not announced my stop, I
would have gone past it.
Soon after the bus left, a female
student about the same age as I was
got on and took the seat next to me.
When I talked with her, I found the
conversation very interesting, so if the
driver had not told me, I might have
forgotten to get off.
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2017/10/31(火) 13:56:13.81ID:BpdaIqKr
If it were not for oil, the history of the
twentieth century would have been
completely different. There would be
no automobiles or airplanes, symbols
of modern civilization.
Without oil, the history of the 20th
century would have been entirely
different. Neither automobiles nor
airplanes, which we take for granted
as symbols of modern civilization,
would have been invented.
Last night, I got to this mountain hut. I
woke up early this morning. I took a
walk about an hour before breakfast.
Everything I see now is beautiful, and
I feel as if I have entered another world.
I arrived at this mountain hut last
night. I woke up early this morning. I
took a walk for an hour or so before
breakfast. Everything I see now is so
new that I feel as if I were in a totally
new world.
Quite a few elderly women look down
on their husbands, who cannot do
anything by themselves and depend
heavily on their wives.
Quite a few older women do not
respect their husbands because they
cannot do anything on their own and
are always asking their wives to do a
lot of things for them.
Nothing is as pleasant as taking a walk
in the fresh air early in the morning,
listening to birds sing. No matter how
sad I may feel, I get the feeling that
something good is going to happen to
me during the day.
Nothing feels as good as listening to
birds sing while taking a walk in the
fresh air early in the morning.
However unhappy I may be, I feel that
I will experience something good in
the course of the day.
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2017/10/31(火) 13:58:55.80ID:BpdaIqKr
It is not unusual in most colleges to
see middle-aged female students who
look like housewives, with a textbook
under their arms. In the U.S., more
and more women who once gave up
studying to keep house are getting
into college once again.
In most colleges, you often see a
middle-aged female student who
seems to be married, with a textbook
under her arm.
It is now very popular with women in
the U.S. who once stopped studying
for housekeeping to go back to college.
If you have been loved by others and
learned what love is, you can love
others in return. It is difficult to
communicate to others feelings that
you yourself have never experienced.
Only those who have experienced
what love is by receiving a lot of love
from others can love others in return.
It is difficult to let others know about
emotions you have never had.
垢版 |
2017/11/08(水) 15:59:57.13ID:v5tLW5f/
He is flexible in his thinking, so he will
not reject a new idea just because it
seems strange.
He is always criticizing other people.
However, it seems that he is unaware
of his own faults. This is probably
because he was an only child and was
spoiled when he was growing up.
These days, we are all so busy that we
rarely see each other, even though we
live next door.
I have met so many people in the last
few days that I cannot remember all
their names.
Those who expect that schools
should teach children good manners
simply prove that they do not
understand what schools are for.
Manners should be taught at home.
Some people also say that, if you go
to the U.S., you will easily make
friends with Americans. This is not the
case. This is proved by the fact that,
although so many Japanese visit, or
live and work in the U.S., Japan and
the U.S. still cannot communicate well.
It does not necessarily follow that
young people today are less eager to
learn just because they read less.
Just because you are a woman, it
does not necessarily follow that you
are a bad driver. However, I do not
think that generally speaking, women
drivers have a good reputation.
垢版 |
2017/11/08(水) 16:02:08.52ID:v5tLW5f/
Whether a college is good or bad
depends not only on how intelligent its
teachers and students are, but on how
many books its library has and how
good they are.
The best way to learn the grammar of
a foreign language is to read and hear
as much of it as possible, so that you
can learn it in a natural way.
The best way for developing countries
not to repeat the mistakes developed
countries have made is to learn from
the past.
Ways of greeting people vary from
country to country. It is interesting to
study where these ways of greeting
come from.
When you speak Japanese, ways of
speaking it vary, depending on
whether you are a man or a woman,
and an adult or a child.
A lot of words of foreign origin are
used in the Japanese language, but
their pronunciations and meanings are
often quite different from those of the
original words.
Japanese people, unlike Americans,
often tend to control their emotions.
For example, when they get a gift from
someone, they express their thanks
for it, but put it aside, acting as if they
were not at all interested in it.
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2017/11/08(水) 16:03:04.31ID:v5tLW5f/
People are alike in many ways, but
their languages and customs vary
from place to place.
Doctors and teachers are alike in that
both of them do not deal with things,
but with people.
I do not care how late you come home
as long as you do not wake me up.
I do not mind smokers as long as they
are considerate of those around them.
It really makes me angry to see
someone occupying two seats on a
crowded train, not feeling guilty about
it, even when there are other people standing.
Far more serious is the fact that there
are so many people who do not feel
guilty about leaving their garbage in
public places.
You are young and healthy, so you
should do what you want to do, not
caring about any mistakes you may make.
When I went out into the real world, I
realized that people often cared too
much about what other people
thought about them, and that they
tried to know others from how they looked.
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2017/11/08(水) 16:27:40.59ID:v5tLW5f/
When I was at elementary school, I
was forced to read books and write
essays about them as homework.
Since then, I have disliked reading.
At first, he did not want to let her drive
his car, but she insisted and he ended
up agreeing.
I only got this watch repaired a few
days ago, but something is already
wrong with it.
When you want your children to learn
something, you should consider
carefully what they can do and what
they are interested in.
It was not until he saw police cars and
ambulances going around every day
that he realized that he had come to a
country totally different from Japan.
I have often heard him boast that he
can swim very well, but I have never
actually seen him swim.
Thank you very much for inviting me
to the party. Would you tell me the
best way to get to your house by car?
One of the purposes of studying a
foreign language is to learn about the
ways speakers of the language think
and live. Another purpose is to tell
people living abroad about your own
culture and thoughts.
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2017/11/08(水) 16:28:25.72ID:v5tLW5f/
One of our teachers told us to read
one of the writer's original books and
write our feelings about it.
Those who grew up before the War
probably still remember that their
mothers scolded them, telling them
not to play in the garden.
When you read a book again that you
read several years ago, you are often
surprised to discover something new
you did not find when you read it for
the first time.
It is enjoyable to get letters, but
troublesome to answer them. I know
that I should reply to them, but I keep
putting it off until it becomes more
difficult to do so.
It was the heaviest rainfall in ten years,
and it damaged many houses.
I went to my junior high school class
reunion for the first time in thirty
years. At first, it was impossible to tell
who was who.
It is surprising that, in New York,
mothers can leave the hospital the
day after having babies, as long as
there have not been any problems.
Children start speaking at the age of
one and learn to express what they
think by the time they are five or six
years old. This is quite amazing when
you stop to think about it.
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