Let's face it. Blacks have been free for over 125 years.
We've had affirmative action in place for 50+ years,
they've been given trillions of dollars in transferred wealth from working white people,
they've taken seats at the most prestigious schools and in the halls of government,
hell, we've even elected a black president.
And what has happened? Blacks are poorer than ever,
dumber than ever and incarcerated in greater numbers than ever.
Their neighborhoods are still shitty, their schools are still violent and their
offspring are more likely to deal drugs than finish high school.
Aside from a very, very limited number of black stand outs,
who would have been successful without any of the above giveaways,
the black experiment in America has failed. Miserably.
And it's getting worse. Clearly, blacks are history.
In honor of the passage of this inferior race, and coinciding with black history month,
we post anything that doesn't have black people in it. Preferably hot girls fucking,
but anything non-black is acceptable.