Kotler is an Jewish surname and may refer to :

Why Comfort Women Matter to the U.S.-Japan Values Summit
by Tessa Morris Suzuki Mindy Kotler

The Comfort Women and Japan’s War on Truth
By Mindy Kotler
Unrequited Responsibility: Japan, Iran and Israel
Mindy Kotler
In the first article, Mindy Kotler, Director of Asia Policy Point, examines critically Japan's reluctance to join the US-led
bandwagon on Iran, highlighting the failure to criticize the Iranian president's statements on Israel and the holocaust,
and noting Japan's heavy dependence on Iranian oil.

Japan has not been alone in distancing itself from US policy toward Iran. Yet, Tokyo has reacted differently than China
and the EU to the increasingly outspoken Iranian President Ahmadinejad's insistence on establishing his country's right
to nuclear power. In December, the Iranian leader called for Israel to be moved to Europe and denied that the Holocaust
had happened.

The December 9th evening's Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japanese edition) quoted a Kyodo News report that these statements
were likely to result in protests from "oubei" (Europe and the US). No mention was made of Japan, a country that says
it is a staunch supporter of the UN and international law as the basis for global order. The article's implication was that
Japan might not want to join ranks with the West on this issue.