【国際】“反日”女性米学者の「歴史」声明は政治活動 朴槿恵政権に助言も 韓国では「平和大賞」受賞[10/17](c)2ch.net

Dudden, Alexis 1969?
Born May 26, 1969; daughter of Arthur P. (a history professor) and Adrianne (a graphic artist) Dudden;

Thinking Jewish Culture in America - 119 ページ - Google ブック検索結果
《Adrianne Onderdonk Dudden?a freelance graphic designer who found herself working for the Jewish Publication》

Adrianne O. Dudden, 69, artist and book designer
For more than 40 years, Mrs. Dudden designed hundreds of handsome volumes and book jackets.
She designed books on historic houses and sacred places in Philadelphia; a women's studies guide
for the Library of Congress; and books with complicated Hebrew script for Jewish publishers.
A Night of Questions, a Passover Haggadah she designed for Reconstructionist Press in 2000,
was a best seller, her daughter Alexis Dudden said. She won awards for her work from several
organizations, including the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Garden Writers of America,
and the National Jewish Council.