You gain 0.079 points of deprecating magic proficiency.
You gain 0.072 points of forbidden magic proficiency.
You gain 289.601 points of divine magic proficiency.
You gain 288.757 points of elemental magic proficiency.
You gain 0.095 points of light armor proficiency.
You gain 0.072 points of cloth armor proficiency.
You gain 0.411 points of staff proficiency.
You gain 0.079 points of dual wielding proficiency.
You gain 0.059 points of two-handed weapon proficiency.
You gain 0.056 points of heavy armor proficiency.
You gain 0.056 points of one-handed weapon proficiency.
You gain 0.056 points of supportive magic proficiency.
With the light of a new dawn, your experience in all things increases.
