As a result, SpaceX developed the Falcon 9 rocket for a fraction of the cost NASA
would have paid under a traditional acquisition model.

NASA’s internal studies using the NASA-Air Force Cost Model (NAFCOM) concluded that
it would have cost NASA $1.7B to $4B to develop the Falcon 9 rocket.

By contrast, in partnership with NASA’s COTS program,
SpaceX developed the Falcon 9 for approximately $300M.

It bears noting that the Falcon 9’s development included designing,
building and testing SpaceX’s Merlin engine,
the first new allAmerican hydrocarbon engine for an orbital booster in forty years.

NASA が開発したら $1.7B - $4.0B かかるとモデルに基づいて研究されていた。
COTS プログラムのもとでの falcon 9 の開発費は $300M だった。