>What do you think?
I don't think you're Japanese. First, your english is perfect,
and your grasp of english slang, internet abbreviations, and seeming obliviousness
to the fact that lots of Japanese people buy games about guns and blood,
reveal you as the weaboo as you are.
Additionally, I doubt the views on guns have anything to do
with the unpopularity of FPS games.

Its obvious that there are tons of popular Japanese games that glorify guns.
If shooting was something that didn't appeal at all to
Japanese audiences, then they wouldn't be implemented
in Japan's long franchises of third-person shooters,
survival horror games, arcade shooters, and RPGs.

For example, based on what I have read, GTA: San Andreas sold well
in its first week of release in Japan. Despite the fact
that there are a number of FPS games that surpass San Andreas
in quality, artistic value, and dare I say "class", none of them
has sold nearly as many copies.