Fuck China!
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2008/05/11(Sun) 01:45:28ID:xGWqonU10
China is evil empire!
China is enemy of the world!
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2010/07/27(Tue) 21:19:12ID:0DNeBx3b0
Fine. So you think you can do whatever you want?
For starters, I'll obliterate your fuckin' illusion.
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2010/07/28(Wed) 16:34:38ID:OcIOqTCI0
And what is this illusion you seek to expose? I am merely speaking the truth. You are clearly angry. How sad =(
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2010/07/28(Wed) 16:37:08ID:OcIOqTCI0
You played your hand. How telling...
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2010/07/28(Wed) 16:49:05ID:OcIOqTCI0
I must make a warning to you. You try anything and I will take action. I have more than just the financial means to find you out. It will not take me long and if it does I am patient.
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2010/07/29(Thu) 12:24:01ID:aSyvzA5y0
Internet tough guy detected.
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2010/07/29(Thu) 15:58:34ID:ccLqUxAY0
Na, just making sure this little chink don't try anything.
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2010/07/29(Thu) 15:59:38ID:ccLqUxAY0
I forget. China also invest smell.
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2010/07/30(Fri) 09:15:57ID:6CgpRcrAI

You mean "invented"?
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2010/07/30(Fri) 12:50:29ID:lzK0Ni2z0
Correct...Thank you. I forget. China also invent baby condom. However, it is only used in their land.
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2010/08/01(Sun) 06:42:35ID:QUQsLfsd0
For every murdered innocent China's new generations suffer 10,000 curses.
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2010/08/01(Sun) 10:41:53ID:Ry3+Q4p20
And what of the innocents murdered within/because of every other nation?
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2010/08/01(Sun) 14:43:04ID:QUQsLfsd0
I'm sure it applies just the same. However, can it compare to nearly 400 million as some estimates have this? At least 100,000 million. China is fucked up and evil!
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2010/08/01(Sun) 14:47:58ID:QUQsLfsd0
China hates women and has them murdered when they are born. C.C.P.= China-Cherishes-Penis's. Extremely homosexual nation. Mao was not gay though and would be angry. He preferred 6 year old girls.
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2010/08/01(Sun) 14:57:55ID:QUQsLfsd0
Excuse me, that was incorrect. It is in fact C.C.P.= Chinks Cherish Penis's. May God have no mercy on you butchering Chinks. I predict inevitable Nuclear annihilation. That would not be justice, but just good enough.
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2010/08/15(Sun) 21:04:47ID:mWW/bAn80
WWE hero..... JOHN CHINA
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2010/09/24(Fri) 18:42:08ID:DhYOmGnT0
The Japanese authorities had accused Zhan Qixiong of deliberately ramming two patrol vessels
near disputed islands in the East China Sea.

China had been demanding his immediate and unconditional release.

The move came after four Japanese men were detained in China on suspicion of illegally filming
in a military area.

A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman said its embassy in Beijing had received confirmation
that the four were being held, but he said he did not want to speculate whether it was linked to
Japan's detention of a Chinese fishing boat captain.

Officials said the four men were employees of a Japanese construction company who were in
China to bid for a project to dispose of chemical weapons from World War II.

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2010/09/24(Fri) 19:01:46ID:XiR4zHIT0
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2010/09/24(Fri) 22:45:40ID:KJ/fzkVv0
no matter who you are, you are meanless
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2010/09/25(Sat) 11:03:03ID:s0QyjcxN0
I have come to hate China now because of Chinese behaviour during the insident of.crime at the border sea.
They say that the area is Chinese territory. That is okay.
The problem is that they have requested releasing the criminal of the obstruction of performance of public duty.
I have to say that China is the state sponsor of crime.
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2010/09/29(Wed) 21:50:22ID:i0+L1mAU0
the incident was a wake-up call to Japan and many Japanese have now realized that the impulsive and illogical nature of Chinese characteristics as seen what china claims over the Senkaku islands is deeply problematic and insane.
The Senkaku islands are clearly Japanese territory! Fuck off china! chinese men need to know how to clean up their smelly bathroom first!
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2010/10/08(Fri) 19:11:35ID:13zX/9LYO
Congratulation Liu Xiabo!!
Nobel Peace Prize 2010 :)
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2010/10/10(Sun) 11:37:51ID:5Eag4yd40
free china
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2010/10/11(Mon) 11:43:12ID:q4ctSiB20
I'm chinese . . .
please don't say that
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2010/10/11(Mon) 16:33:14ID:rwoKlCpb0
free china=)
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2010/10/19(Tue) 21:21:24ID:qcQv1eXe0
chinese all dead
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2010/10/20(Wed) 23:52:01ID:OT+7ugtt0
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2010/10/30(Sat) 01:03:05ID:s8XqYqIw0
all chinese is foolish
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2010/11/01(Mon) 10:35:39ID:R3VJ7aUj0
chinese are pigs.
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2010/11/22(Mon) 07:47:46ID:zcMvRkY00
China and Chinese have to learn what the international law and the international standard manner!!!
They are rude, loud, aggressive, dirty....e.t.c.
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2010/11/28(Sun) 08:08:19ID:QM/B273v0
Japanese barbarian, return the Diaoyu islets to glorious Chinese empire.
Attacking and threatening a rusted fishing trawler with two gunships carrying 57mm guns. Yeah, you're so fucking brave and innocent.
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2010/11/29(Mon) 12:17:54ID:+dAYSLlj0
I'm agree with >>458
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2010/11/29(Mon) 12:21:57ID:+dAYSLlj0
I don't want to be rude
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2010/12/02(Thu) 22:15:49ID:r5HU4wM40
Who is the barbarians?
These people do not know what the intellectual property and rules.
They do not follow the international law.
They are just a communist country!!!
People in China do not know the fact.
Poor people
I am sorry they are not educated fair enough like Japan, the U.S., The U.K or other first countries.
China is a way behind first countries!
FUck ya
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2010/12/03(Fri) 01:56:09ID:RFfjjgZH0
The concept of "intellectual property" is a farce and a mockery of freedom, which has been set up only to limit people's collective creativity.
I don't know if you Japanese have ever heard of it, but some years ago Disney tried to sue a children's hospital for having painted their walls with Disney characters.
They said they infringed their copyrights and that the hospital had to erase the drawings or else they would have to pay a fee.
Is this the "rules" you uphold so dearly? What kind of human being are you?
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2010/12/07(Tue) 01:48:19ID:Z+janaqGO
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2010/12/08(Wed) 22:56:26ID:G7kJVYbe0
Two Japanese coast-guard vessels, armed with 57mm guns and 20mm CIWS, aggressively cutting into the path of a small, unarmed fishing trawlers path and threatening him with risky manouvres
Chinese trawler inevitably bumped into the coastguard gunships. Japan mad.

Seriously, Japan... The whole world knows that your "coast-guard" is an aggressive bunch of insane fucks who sink unarmed Taiwanese fishing trawlers with their guns and kills their people... No point in attempting to present you as "victims" here.

Seriously, two armed 2000+ tons gunships bitching and moaning about a >500 ton FISHING TRAWLER.


>10 June 2008: The 270 ton sport fishing vessel Lien Ho of Taiwan suffered a collision with the Japanese patrol vessel Koshiki.
>The vessel sank while in the disputed territorial waters that have been claimed by Japan and Taiwan (ROC).
>The Taiwanese crew who were aboard the vessel claims that the larger Japanese frigate deliberately crashed into them; their assertions are backed up by recently released video footage.
>Japanese coast guard initially claimed that the Taiwanese boat had crashed into the patrol ship.
>While releasing the passengers, Japan initially detained the captain and sought reparations.

Does that sound familiar?

At least the PRC has balls, in contrast to their sad emasculated ROC brothers.
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2010/12/11(Sat) 07:46:21ID:NWoDF6Zg0
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2010/12/12(Sun) 14:39:24ID:qiqPH4zM0
Fuck you, pig!
You must be chinese american or chinese.
You do not know anything!
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2010/12/12(Sun) 16:44:34ID:YyLZ4A040
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2010/12/12(Sun) 22:51:18ID:qiqPH4zM0
I am sorry the world that can not say anything to China.
But I admire Norway criticizes China about Nobel award.
Chinese are so barbarians.
They do not care anything else but themselves.
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2010/12/12(Sun) 23:04:32ID:qiqPH4zM0
I read your post but I do not understand what is your point.
I guess 461 mentioned about China and Chinese copied everything and illegaly sold the merchandising without licensees.
If the children's hospital is located in China, your post makes sense to this site but if it is not, I don't get your point.
The amusement parks in China copies characters of Disney, Sanrio, Snoopy and so on. These companies claimed about their copyrights to the amusement park in China.
However, the amusement park did not even pay to infringe the copyright fee or anything.
If you go to China, you will see how their commercial businesses are so fake.
In addition, China stole the technology of railroad from Japan and Germany.
Then as if these technology was invented by Chinese, they would propose to California and Florida's rail road's competitions.
So, Germany, France and Japan's rail road companies complain to China that they broke the contracts.
Well, you will see how China and Chinese sneaks to earn money from the world.
They do not do business fair anyway.
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2010/12/18(Sat) 21:35:47ID:ANhcSj8p0
go to home chinese
0471Japanese is pig
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2010/12/20(Mon) 16:01:47ID:jeippBJh0
maji, I fuck you, you said China stole the technology of railroad from Japan and Germany.
but you Japanese pig stole China first
0472Japanese is pig
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2010/12/20(Mon) 16:05:59ID:jeippBJh0
China will change because of me, three years later, China will not have the drawbacks you mentioned, when the time of our occupation of Tokyo
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2010/12/20(Mon) 18:16:26ID:adyn67840
If you are educated, you would know what your country does.
I assume you are not an educated person. I am sorry I could tell from what your opinions are.
You should study about the world.
Or your country may control internet and then you can not learn the fact. Oops, I am very sorry about it.
You are the typical Chinese who is educated an anti-Japanese education by Chinese government.
You may not know about ODA, either.
Oh, do you know ODA?
0474Japanese is pig
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2010/12/21(Tue) 00:29:28ID:DFcmGJZW0
In this forum, I see how to educate their children in Japan against China, I see how the Japanese claim to be representative of Eastern culture country, how to teach their next generation full of hatred.
And you said just the opposite, if you come to China, you will find that the efforts the Chinese government seemed to promote the Sino-Japanese friendly, dog friendly day. Understand?
Only civil society was against Japan.
I have come to your forum and I have seen your assessment of China, China's children are also gradually learned over the wall.
Chinese culture is indeed lost for some time, can be said for hundreds of years, you do Japan good in this respect, but do not forget, our Chinese culture is also restored, recovery is take some time, but I believe that recovery That day will come.
I do not know English, I use Google's translation, which I can tell you.
0475Japanese is pig
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2010/12/21(Tue) 00:38:31ID:DFcmGJZW0
Your civilization is built on the basis
of civilization plundered, because you eat, so you look courtly,
polite and thoughtful, love life, promote peace, widely Xuan
Renyi, as if you know more than we paid a courtesy,
but in fact you have not the slightest Etiquette,
four hundred million the amount of silver,
one day I will get back.

0476you are foolish!
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2010/12/21(Tue) 00:43:10ID:Wc6pODrq0
>> well,you know everything!How fool you are!
0477fuck Japanese
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2010/12/21(Tue) 00:45:20ID:DFcmGJZW0
China is also progress, China is changing,
China does have a lot of problems,
but it will be several generations
of young people a lot of problems to solve.
This is the confidence of young people,
because we take equality of the heart, not your so bias.
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2010/12/21(Tue) 14:18:41ID:PjItsDgi0
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2010/12/22(Wed) 04:18:45ID:flH5Cr/x0
Funkey boys!
Under China you live
Cold life
Kow your low leverl ablity or
You shall die
Oh our Republic will rule jap
Unko eater am I
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2010/12/23(Thu) 15:20:41ID:x9L9UXHn0
Very funny.
"Japanese is Pig" 's opinion is all bullshit.
He/she does not know anything that's why he/she was excited to reply what we Japanese said in this site.
Think about 6.4 incident. After the incident, Chinese government strictly controls chinese people to study anti Japanese education.
They are afraid of being targeted by their people so, they make people to think Japan is terrible.
However, you guys can not get information regarding 6.4 and you do not know the fact how many people were killed by your government.
Your government killed many Tibetans as well. Still defend your country?
Your public amusement park copied so many characters from all over the world without copyright. This incident is worth to be immoral activities.
YOu guys just have 1.4 billions people and do not know how to deal with or communicate with neighbor countries and world.
Unfortunately, chinese vessels attacked Korean's patrol vessel again!
Obviously who breaks the international rules and manner?
You guys just brings troubles and problems to the world.
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2010/12/23(Thu) 23:37:12ID:DoynTcCW0
Chinese people are often afflicted with hyper-nationalism.
Getting this fixed goes a long way with international relations.
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2011/01/11(Tue) 09:34:15ID:FlYPUfhs0
kill all chinese.
kill hongkongese
hongkongese are whores.
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2011/01/11(Tue) 09:35:08ID:FlYPUfhs0
hongkongese are whores.

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2011/03/13(Sun) 22:20:39.46ID:e3+MaWu30
What a pity that The Great East Asia Coprosperity Sphere fails.The japaneses' ancestors's mainland is occupied by barbarouses.
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2011/04/09(Sat) 10:26:35.42ID:F43+3h7+P
What is china?
I know only Chinkland.
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2011/04/16(Sat) 08:12:47.15ID:XReu6cVS0
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2011/04/16(Sat) 10:08:27.38ID:XWScGYq6P
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2011/05/06(Fri) 15:50:09.34ID:2pK6ZH2i0
Chinese Go back to China
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2011/07/07(Thu) 00:10:50.02ID:36PQYyHy0
arrogance chihirokoshi
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2011/07/23(Sat) 21:45:46.88ID:B/1ZdLpA0
yes blowjob .
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2011/07/24(Sun) 06:55:04.33ID:V4tvQqyD0
hongkongese are whores fucked by all people,
0492 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】
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2011/07/28(Thu) 21:00:13.21ID:9mpETgX50
china chine.
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2011/07/29(Fri) 21:29:35.84ID:kKTjOMsD0
It is diffusion Korea monkey death to the world
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2011/07/30(Sat) 16:35:36.98ID:cndKmZbq0
Eika Kosaka, a pastor at Akitsu Gospel Church in Tokorozawa.

Her father is Chinese. She is crazy religionist of cult religion.

Her husband is scandalous gospel singer Chu Kosaka.

They are integrated only in making MONEY.
0495 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】
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2011/07/30(Sat) 20:50:46.22ID:8fjZqvv90
Shinachiku is stupid.
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2011/07/30(Sat) 22:56:21.51ID:cndKmZbq0
Chinese and Korean are imitator.
go home!
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2011/07/30(Sat) 22:59:21.18ID:cndKmZbq0
Eika Kosaka is too bad.
She isn't pastor...
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2011/08/02(Tue) 06:25:17.42ID:uZme4fu10
Akitsu Gospel Church in Tokorozawa is fuck'n Chinese smelling place.
Eika Kosaka is crazy.
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2011/08/03(Wed) 10:43:38.22ID:dYVjHhvI0
china is korea.
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2011/08/04(Thu) 20:30:23.34ID:UJyhvpX10
korea fack.
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2011/08/13(Sat) 06:28:31.88ID:vVXtZkxi0
China is better than Korea.
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2011/08/13(Sat) 06:29:39.78ID:vVXtZkxi0
Korean is the worst in the world.
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2011/08/13(Sat) 23:05:59.53ID:NA/zoO/o0
shinachik bukkake.
0504 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】
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2011/08/15(Mon) 22:21:03.10ID:5NhYZC3l0
I am netuyo.
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2011/08/20(Sat) 00:56:46.95ID:4uKtiY+oO
chin chon chan!!
0506 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】
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2011/08/30(Tue) 22:08:14.99ID:MVYyLMuy0
shinachiku is geri.
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2011/09/02(Fri) 20:57:54.41ID:CkVPu8K60
0508 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】
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2011/09/19(Mon) 23:46:14.91ID:dl++32FU0
kokinto- is puke.
0509 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】
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2011/10/10(Mon) 23:53:09.83ID:hwUgoy3g0
0510 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】
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2011/10/15(Sat) 20:35:07.32ID:Q44P0SdF0
shinachiku is unko.
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2011/10/17(Mon) 07:20:28.23ID:2Itw4fc30
shinachiku are piss of shit.
0512 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】
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2011/10/20(Thu) 20:55:28.32ID:xhdtBKhv0
china is exproading and burnning everytime.
0513 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】
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2011/10/25(Tue) 18:34:42.94ID:6SF/VyV80
ya china.
0514 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】
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2011/11/11(Fri) 11:08:27.79ID:Y6c8m8h60
china is pis of shit.
0515fuck japs
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2011/11/11(Fri) 11:41:02.31ID:wRcgM32l0
Fuck Japs, Japs are all dogs. I nerver see such kind of sucks state.
ba ga ya lu, ni hon jin!!
cao ni ma bi, xiao ri ben.
0516fuck japs
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2011/11/11(Fri) 11:45:31.77ID:wRcgM32l0
Sorry, not sucks state, should be suck islands.
0517fuck japs
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2011/11/11(Fri) 11:50:58.91ID:wRcgM32l0
I belive couple years later our China Five-Star Red Flag must can be flyed upon the hu ji sa n.

Fuck Japs.

Japs, All, son of a bitch.
0518fuck chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:46:08.49ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic
The Chinese race is a fanatic
0519fuck chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:48:01.55ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic=50
0520fuch chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:48:42.04ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic=50
0521fuck chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:52:29.88ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic=50

China without common sense and discipline

0522fuck chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:53:15.61ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic=50

China without common sense and discipline

0523fuck chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:57:32.91ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic=50

China without common sense and discipline
0524fuck chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:58:35.98ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic=50

China without common sense and discipline

0525fuck chink
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2011/11/12(Sat) 14:58:50.25ID:pzVPGfg50
The Chinese race is a fanatic=50

China without common sense and discipline

