Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
While there are studies suggesting that simplified low-allergen diets consisting primarily of whole foods can be very helpful in children with ADHD,
there are no studies yet that explore the relationship between refined carbohydrates and ADHD or that test low-carbohydrate diets on children or adults with ADHD.16
However, in my clinical experience, improved mental clarity is one of the most commonly reported benefits of low-carbohydrate diets,
and I have seen cases of even severe ADHD that have responded to dietary intervention, such as this one:17
Several years ago, I met with a 40-year-old woman who’d had lifelong symptoms of procrastination, lateness, poor motivation, low energy, distractibility,
and disorganization that interfered significantly with her effectiveness at work and at home. I diagnosed her with ADHD,
inattentive type, and she was started on Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts).
Adderall helped greatly with her symptoms but brought uneven benefits throughout the day and some annoying side effects. Over the past couple of years,
she gradually improved the quality of her diet by removing grains, legumes, dairy, and most processed foods, which helped her mood and improved her physical health tremendously,
but did nothing for the ADHD symptoms. When she decided to shift to a ketogenic diet several months ago, her symptoms began improving within just a few days.
She has since stopped Adderall entirely and reports that she functions even better when in ketosis than on Adderall, without any side effects.