585 :ホワイトアルバムさん:2016/01/25(月) 18:13:44.60 ID:???0

John hadn't filled in the middle eight section of the demo
so we wrote a new section for that, which, in fact,
was one of the reasons for choosing the song; it allowed us some input,
he was obviously just blocking out lyrics that he didn't have yet.
When he gets to the middle he goes,
'Whatever happened to/The life that we one knew/Woowah wunnnnn yeurrggh!'
and you can see that he's trying to push lyrics out but they're not coming.
He keeps going as if to say 'Well, I'll get to them later'.
That was really like working on a record with John,
as lennon/McCartney/Harrison,because we all chipped in a bit on this one.
George and I were vying for best lyric. That was more satisfying than
just taking a John song, which was what we did for the second, Real Love.
It worked out great but it wasn't as much fun.
    Paul McCartney

586 :ホワイトアルバムさん:2016/01/25(月) 18:17:30.75 ID:???0