Good evening,Ladies and Gentleman
I go by the name of DJ Pluto
Today’s song is...
The Chainsmokers ft. XYLO「Setting Fires」(2016年)
Why is it easier to burn than it is to heal?
Are you ready?

I can't keep you from harm

But I'm set on fire to keep you warm

I can't go on and on

Setting fires to keep you warm

     ___   ♪        
♪  ゚Y´_Pu_`Y゚.  汚物は消毒だー!
   ((◕‿‿◕)) .<北斗の拳ではモヒカンになって人類は生き延びたけど
   w ∞ w))_.  今の日本人にそんなサバイバビリティは期待できないかな…
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   キュッキュ♪