>>558 追加
> 3)“alien” is that of its original Latin root, i.e., a sense of abstract, tautological “otherness”.

下記 フェセンコサーベイ (星の遠アーベル幾何学の進展 数学 vol74-No1 に紹介されている 文献の[6])
”such gluing isomorphisms by applying various tautological Galois-equivariance properties of such gluing isomorphisms ”
(google訳 そのような接着同型の様々なトートロジー的ガロア同変特性を適用することによるそのような接着同型 )
まして、ショルツェ氏のように、直接IUTの論文を読むと、あまりの奇想天外の発想についていけず 自分なりの独自解釈をしてしまいそうですねw

Research ? Ivan Fesenko
[L1] Arithmetic deformation theory via arithmetic fundamental groups and nonarchimedean theta functions, notes on the work of Shinichi Mochizuki, Europ. J. Math. (2015) 1:405?440
Monoid-theoretic structures are of essential importance in IUT, since they allow one to construct various gluing isomorphisms.
The use of Galois and arithmetic fundamental groups gives rise to canonical splittings objects arising from such gluing isomorphisms by applying various tautological Galois-equivariance properties of such gluing isomorphisms.
The computation of the theta-link can be viewed as a sort of passage from monoid-theoretic data to such
canonical splittings involving arithmetic fundamental groups, by applying generalised Kummer theory, together with various multiradial algorithms which make essential use of mono-anabelian geometry.