双対共鳴モデル:Dual resonance model(下記)
”Yoichiro Nambu,[2] Holger Bech Nielsen,[3] and Leonard Susskind[4] provided a physical interpretation in terms of an infinite number of simple harmonic oscillators describing the motion of an extended one-dimensional string, hence came the name "string theory."”
Dual resonance model
In theoretical physics, a dual resonance model arose during the early investigation (1968?1973) of string theory as an S-matrix theory of the strong interaction.
The dual resonance model was based upon the observation that the amplitudes for the s-channel scatterings matched exactly with the amplitudes for the t-channel scatterings among mesons and also the Regge trajectory. It began with the Euler beta function model of Gabriele Veneziano in 1968 for a 4-particle amplitude which has the property that it is explicitly s?t crossing symmetric, exhibits duality between the description in terms of Regge poles or of resonances, and provides a closed-form solution to non-linear finite-energy sum rules relating s- and t- channels.
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