> 2.(Kazimierz Kuratowski) S has all properties which can be proved by mathematical induction beginning with the empty set and adding one new element at a time. (See below for the set-theoretical formulation of Kuratowski finiteness.)
>Kuratowski finite means S lies in the set K(S), constructed as follows. Write M for the set of all subsets X of P(S) such that:
>X contains the empty set;
>For every set T in P(S), if X contains T then X also contains the union of T with any singleton.
>Then K(S) may be defined as the intersection of M.
”Kuratowski finiteness”の定義では、
{C}や{R}や{Q}や{N} 達は
現代数学の系譜 カントル 超限集合論
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