■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/07/14(月) 11:50:02.82 わからなくなってきた
2014/07/14(月) 12:34:31.09
もしも抽象操作 1+1=2 が正しいのなら
よって 1+1=2 は真にあらず
1+1=1+1 こそがエターナルな真理
もしも抽象操作 1+1=2 が正しいのなら
よって 1+1=2 は真にあらず
1+1=1+1 こそがエターナルな真理
2014/07/14(月) 13:32:01.09
2014/07/14(月) 13:34:14.40
2014/07/15(火) 00:05:16.41 1+1=0 ExOR
2014/07/15(火) 00:06:50.44
2014/07/17(木) 01:48:26.56 全ての偶数は整数である
2014/07/17(木) 04:22:47.90
2014/07/17(木) 05:31:00.33
2014/07/17(木) 16:28:23.24 ダブリスレ
2014/08/13(水) 13:21:04.73 最低
2014/08/13(水) 14:35:53.12
2014/08/13(水) 17:01:00.95 節 素肌リンフ ウエァ
2014/08/13(水) 22:32:12.05 1+1=2では無い
2014/08/13(水) 22:34:41.49 なんでもいいの
2014/08/14(木) 18:34:44.0817132人目の素数さん
2014/10/07(火) 21:25:24.74 ほれ埋めんかい
2014/10/07(火) 23:00:48.80 はよ埋めんかい
2014/10/08(水) 00:59:31.14 われ埋めんかい
2015/07/01(水) 01:11:54.12ID:N5ObDaWY ゙'. '.;`i i、 ノ .、″
゙'. ,ト `i、 `i、 .、″
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` .,-''ヽ"` ヽ,,,、 !
、,、‐'゙l‐、 .丿 : ':、
、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''` .,"-、
,r"ツぃ丶 `````` ../ `i、
,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、-´ .l゙`-、
_,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、 、、丶 ゙i、,,、
,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`": │ `i、
、、::|、、、ヽ,、、. ```: : : ``` 、.、'` .|丶、
.l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´ l゙ ゙).._
,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、 : `"```¬――'''"`゙^` : ..、丶 .l゙ `ヽ
,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、 、、...,,,、-‘` 、‐ |゙゙:‐,
,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".` `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'": _.‐′ 丿 ,!
j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、 、._,、..-‐:'''′ .、,:" 丿
゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"` ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": ` 、._./` ._/`
`'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: : 、.,-‐'` 、/`
``ヽン'`"` : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^ ,、‐'"`
`"'゙―-、,,,,..、、 : ..,、ー'"'`
: `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
゙'. ,ト `i、 `i、 .、″
| .,.:/"" ゙‐,. ` /
` .,-''ヽ"` ヽ,,,、 !
、,、‐'゙l‐、 .丿 : ':、
、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''` .,"-、
,r"ツぃ丶 `````` ../ `i、
,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、-´ .l゙`-、
_,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、 、、丶 ゙i、,,、
,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`": │ `i、
、、::|、、、ヽ,、、. ```: : : ``` 、.、'` .|丶、
.l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´ l゙ ゙).._
,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、 : `"```¬――'''"`゙^` : ..、丶 .l゙ `ヽ
,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、 、、...,,,、-‘` 、‐ |゙゙:‐,
,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".` `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'": _.‐′ 丿 ,!
j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、 、._,、..-‐:'''′ .、,:" 丿
゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"` ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": ` 、._./` ._/`
`'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: : 、.,-‐'` 、/`
``ヽン'`"` : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^ ,、‐'"`
`"'゙―-、,,,,..、、 : ..,、ー'"'`
: `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
2015/07/02(木) 11:12:00.30ID:4xTw7ZWo 大人ってすぐに真面目とか不良っていうけど、それって何ですか。悪いことしても、大人にバレなきゃ真面目ってことでしょ。要領悪くてバレちゃう子が、不良ってことでしょう。」
2016/02/17(水) 09:46:10.21ID:62eVY+Cu うい
2016/02/18(木) 01:17:37.27ID:o4VH36Ly ゙'. '.;`i i、 ノ .、″
゙'. ,ト `i、 `i、 .、″
| .,.:/"" ゙‐,. ` /
` .,-''ヽ"` ヽ,,,、 !
、,、‐'゙l‐、 .丿 : ':、
、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''` .,"-、
,r"ツぃ丶 `````` ../ `i、
,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、-´ .l゙`-、
_,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、 、、丶 ゙i、,,、
,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`": │ `i、
、、::|、、、ヽ,、、. ```: : : ``` 、.、'` .|丶、
.l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´ l゙ ゙).._
,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、 : `"```¬――'''"`゙^` : ..、丶 .l゙ `ヽ
,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、 、、...,,,、-‘` 、‐ |゙゙:‐,
,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".` `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'": _.‐′ 丿 ,!
j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、 、._,、..-‐:'''′ .、,:" 丿
゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"` ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": ` 、._./` ._/`
`'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: : 、.,-‐'` 、/`
``ヽン'`"` : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^ ,、‐'"`
`"'゙―-、,,,,..、、 : ..,、ー'"'`
: `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
゙'. ,ト `i、 `i、 .、″
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` .,-''ヽ"` ヽ,,,、 !
、,、‐'゙l‐、 .丿 : ':、
、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''` .,"-、
,r"ツぃ丶 `````` ../ `i、
,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、-´ .l゙`-、
_,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、 、、丶 ゙i、,,、
,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`": │ `i、
、、::|、、、ヽ,、、. ```: : : ``` 、.、'` .|丶、
.l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´ l゙ ゙).._
,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、 : `"```¬――'''"`゙^` : ..、丶 .l゙ `ヽ
,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、 、、...,,,、-‘` 、‐ |゙゙:‐,
,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".` `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'": _.‐′ 丿 ,!
j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、 、._,、..-‐:'''′ .、,:" 丿
゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"` ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": ` 、._./` ._/`
`'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: : 、.,-‐'` 、/`
``ヽン'`"` : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^ ,、‐'"`
`"'゙―-、,,,,..、、 : ..,、ー'"'`
: `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
2016/02/18(木) 15:07:58.84ID:m1MFoYKb 必要条件とか十分条件とかの違いでしょ
2016/03/07(月) 19:19:15.62ID:9tAzwXm9 数学的に言うと1+1=2。
2016/03/07(月) 19:26:42.46ID:kEGoCpOY
2016/08/16(火) 05:37:10.82ID:Jbg3J0Ld ζ
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28¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2016/08/16(火) 06:08:46.27ID:N2o8Q9O0 ¥
>1 :名無しさん :2006/04/30(日) 01:41:01 ID:KPnB.CH2
> 迷惑かしらん
>5535 :¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo :2016/08/13(土) 18:53:14 ID:???
> ¥
>5536 :kmath1107★ :2016/08/13(土) 21:08:24 ID:???
> 人への念の盗み見による介入を阻め。
>5537 :¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo :2016/08/13(土) 21:25:44 ID:???
> ¥
>5538 :kmath1107★ :2016/08/13(土) 23:23:07 ID:???
> 人への念の盗み見による介入を阻め。
>5539 :kmath1107★ :2016/08/13(土) 23:41:45 ID:???
> 人への念の盗み見による介入を阻め。
>5540 :名無しさん :2016/08/14(日) 00:05:47 ID:???
> かつて僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕)が大阪大学基礎工学部の学部学生であった時、大学院の指導教官となってくれそうな先生を
> 探して各地のいろんな先生方を訪ねて回った時の事である。理論物理学を大学院で専攻しようとして理
> 論物理学の初歩をかじっていた僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕)は、当時京都大学数理解析研究所に居られた超一流の理論物理学者で
> おられる中西先生にこんな質問をした事がある。
> 僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕) : 「理論物理学では円周率が様々な所に出てきますが、それには何か深い物理的な理由があるの
> でしょうか?」
> 中西先生: 「そういう事を何時も頭の片隅に置いておくのはとても大切な事です。でもそんな事ばかり
> 考えていたら研究論文が書けなくなります。研究者とはそんな甘いものではありません。」
> 僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕) : 「は-そうなんですか-」
> 結局僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕)は京都大学の中西先生ではなく、別の先生に大学院の指導教官になって頂き、理論物理学ではな
> く純粋数学を専攻した。しかしこの時の中西先生のお言葉は今でも何となく「気になって」いる
>5541 :名無しさん :2016/08/14(日) 00:22:38 ID:???
> いい加減、芳雄に謝罪しろ
>1 :名無しさん :2006/04/30(日) 01:41:01 ID:KPnB.CH2
> 迷惑かしらん
>5535 :¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo :2016/08/13(土) 18:53:14 ID:???
> ¥
>5536 :kmath1107★ :2016/08/13(土) 21:08:24 ID:???
> 人への念の盗み見による介入を阻め。
>5537 :¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo :2016/08/13(土) 21:25:44 ID:???
> ¥
>5538 :kmath1107★ :2016/08/13(土) 23:23:07 ID:???
> 人への念の盗み見による介入を阻め。
>5539 :kmath1107★ :2016/08/13(土) 23:41:45 ID:???
> 人への念の盗み見による介入を阻め。
>5540 :名無しさん :2016/08/14(日) 00:05:47 ID:???
> かつて僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕)が大阪大学基礎工学部の学部学生であった時、大学院の指導教官となってくれそうな先生を
> 探して各地のいろんな先生方を訪ねて回った時の事である。理論物理学を大学院で専攻しようとして理
> 論物理学の初歩をかじっていた僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕)は、当時京都大学数理解析研究所に居られた超一流の理論物理学者で
> おられる中西先生にこんな質問をした事がある。
> 僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕) : 「理論物理学では円周率が様々な所に出てきますが、それには何か深い物理的な理由があるの
> でしょうか?」
> 中西先生: 「そういう事を何時も頭の片隅に置いておくのはとても大切な事です。でもそんな事ばかり
> 考えていたら研究論文が書けなくなります。研究者とはそんな甘いものではありません。」
> 僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕) : 「は-そうなんですか-」
> 結局僕(増田哲也、痴漢で逮捕)は京都大学の中西先生ではなく、別の先生に大学院の指導教官になって頂き、理論物理学ではな
> く純粋数学を専攻した。しかしこの時の中西先生のお言葉は今でも何となく「気になって」いる
>5541 :名無しさん :2016/08/14(日) 00:22:38 ID:???
> いい加減、芳雄に謝罪しろ
2017/03/22(水) 13:48:13.31ID:t75b4dVR 良スレ
2017/03/22(水) 14:28:35.03ID:LFiQO8hv
2017/04/23(日) 23:39:08.19ID:OmBQHpF4
32¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:44:53.44ID:OR+quqWp ¥
33¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:44:54.66ID:OR+quqWp ¥
34¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:45:22.02ID:OR+quqWp ¥
35¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:45:44.69ID:OR+quqWp ¥
36¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:46:06.60ID:OR+quqWp ¥
37¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:46:28.69ID:OR+quqWp ¥
38¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:46:49.20ID:OR+quqWp ¥
39¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:47:09.82ID:OR+quqWp ¥
40¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:47:39.95ID:OR+quqWp ¥
41¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/05/08(月) 07:48:02.49ID:OR+quqWp ¥
2017/08/12(土) 09:08:30.67ID:f/AuIqpl 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
43¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/12(土) 09:15:03.83ID:Ay3s6hqd ¥
2017/08/12(土) 10:29:10.80ID:f/AuIqpl 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
45¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/12(土) 10:52:35.62ID:Ay3s6hqd ¥
46¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:08:15.38ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
47¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:08:30.90ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
48¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:08:46.62ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
49¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:09:02.05ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
50¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:09:17.23ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
51¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:09:32.30ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
52¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:09:47.73ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
53¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:10:04.48ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
54¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/13(日) 12:10:23.89ID:KvJ/be4c ¥
2017/08/14(月) 18:08:28.87ID:Ya6iXcsv 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
56¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/14(月) 19:31:53.42ID:gAJfNsT/ ¥
2017/08/15(火) 14:09:52.30ID:CbWLpmUn 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
58¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/15(火) 15:05:16.49ID:eWiOROST ¥
59¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/17(木) 03:57:32.55ID:fMnxz+o0 ¥
60¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/18(金) 05:32:40.75ID:EJ+CeIow ¥
61¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/19(土) 02:37:17.47ID:LB3Hl+jp ¥
2017/08/26(土) 06:54:30.81ID:CeZn2wfG 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
63¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 07:05:48.06ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
64¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:49:44.11ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
65¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:50:00.63ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
66¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:50:18.38ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
67¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:50:35.72ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
68¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:50:55.26ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
69¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:51:12.28ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
70¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:51:28.21ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
71¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:51:43.84ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
72¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 08:52:01.41ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
2017/08/26(土) 12:34:09.23ID:CeZn2wfG 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
74¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 12:37:51.34ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
2017/08/26(土) 12:47:07.08ID:CeZn2wfG 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
76¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 12:48:16.16ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
2017/08/26(土) 12:50:33.71ID:CeZn2wfG 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
78¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/26(土) 12:51:00.63ID:Nv7xuP/c ¥
2017/08/27(日) 17:02:07.41ID:fR7OWxTu 「アリになった数学者」とかを読むと何かヒントが得られるのでは
80¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:09:44.86ID:1CP0LksB ¥
81¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:10:03.82ID:1CP0LksB ¥
82¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:10:22.69ID:1CP0LksB ¥
83¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:10:41.43ID:1CP0LksB ¥
84¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:10:58.77ID:1CP0LksB ¥
85¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:11:17.73ID:1CP0LksB ¥
86¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:11:46.22ID:1CP0LksB ¥
87¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:12:04.63ID:1CP0LksB ¥
88¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:12:20.67ID:1CP0LksB ¥
89¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/27(日) 17:12:37.17ID:1CP0LksB ¥
2017/08/30(水) 13:39:14.10ID:Gs2pOMIR 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
91¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 14:23:04.27ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
2017/08/30(水) 14:24:01.97ID:Gs2pOMIR 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
93¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 14:32:55.35ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
2017/08/30(水) 14:38:21.68ID:Gs2pOMIR 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
95¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 14:44:29.43ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
96¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:27:20.37ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
97¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:27:38.64ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
98¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:27:55.58ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
99¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:28:11.56ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
100¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:28:27.70ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
101¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:28:43.34ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
102¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:28:58.73ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
103¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:29:14.23ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
104¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/08/30(水) 19:29:29.32ID:xZ8twSlP ¥
2017/08/31(木) 12:17:09.58ID:0miVNrvU 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
106¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 10:52:59.18ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
2017/09/01(金) 19:36:47.94ID:kE8zheow I read in the newspaper that more and more people living in cities are becoming interested in gardening.
Our society is aging rapidly, and the number of young workers is steadly decreasing.
Our society is aging rapidly, and the number of young workers is steadly decreasing.
108¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 19:38:32.95ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
109¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:11:08.19ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
110¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:11:25.96ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
111¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:11:43.13ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
112¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:12:00.72ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
113¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:12:18.91ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
114¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:12:37.47ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
115¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:13:00.44ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
116¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:13:22.99ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
117¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:13:40.91ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
118¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/01(金) 21:14:00.86ID:7A4+w7Rv ¥
2017/09/02(土) 06:47:51.76ID:3V8qFOPU 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
120¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 06:57:10.09ID:z17/uuYO ¥
2017/09/02(土) 11:57:56.92ID:3V8qFOPU 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
122¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 12:29:27.01ID:z17/uuYO ¥
2017/09/02(土) 12:45:41.31ID:3V8qFOPU 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
124¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 13:13:51.30ID:z17/uuYO ¥
125¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:02:59.98ID:z17/uuYO ¥
126¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:03:15.15ID:z17/uuYO ¥
127¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:03:31.42ID:z17/uuYO ¥
128¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:03:46.77ID:z17/uuYO ¥
129¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:04:01.31ID:z17/uuYO ¥
130¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:04:16.47ID:z17/uuYO ¥
131¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:05:00.50ID:z17/uuYO ¥
132¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:05:19.06ID:z17/uuYO ¥
133¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 15:05:36.96ID:z17/uuYO ¥
2017/09/02(土) 17:24:26.10ID:A2jbuSyz Very few people realize that
happiness is (often) (all) around them.
A lot of people have personal computers,
but very few of them know how to use them
happiness is (often) (all) around them.
A lot of people have personal computers,
but very few of them know how to use them
135¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 17:28:24.93ID:z17/uuYO ¥
2017/09/02(土) 18:35:26.11ID:A2jbuSyz Most people spend most of their time
working to live.
Some young Americans living in Japan
are beginning to say that
the U.S. should make more effort to teach
Americans the Japanese language.
working to live.
Some young Americans living in Japan
are beginning to say that
the U.S. should make more effort to teach
Americans the Japanese language.
137¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:52:01.78ID:z17/uuYO ¥
138¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:52:19.51ID:z17/uuYO ¥
139¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:52:37.72ID:z17/uuYO ¥
140¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:52:54.60ID:z17/uuYO ¥
141¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:53:13.25ID:z17/uuYO ¥
142¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:53:30.40ID:z17/uuYO ¥
143¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:53:48.84ID:z17/uuYO ¥
144¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:54:06.09ID:z17/uuYO ¥
145¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:54:24.01ID:z17/uuYO ¥
146¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 18:54:42.97ID:z17/uuYO ¥
2017/09/02(土) 20:22:34.42ID:A2jbuSyz If you are usually healthy,
you may make mistakes when you fall ill.
You often worry too much or too little
about your health.
If you have been to old European cities,
you must have been impressed
by the beautiful streets.
you may make mistakes when you fall ill.
You often worry too much or too little
about your health.
If you have been to old European cities,
you must have been impressed
by the beautiful streets.
148¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 20:38:22.75ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
149¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:20:03.56ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
150¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:20:25.00ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
151¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:20:44.44ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
152¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:21:02.05ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
153¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:21:18.78ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
154¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:21:34.81ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
155¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:21:52.35ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
156¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:22:13.41ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
157¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/02(土) 23:22:32.57ID:MGAE+mBM ¥
2017/09/03(日) 13:12:36.66ID:CCgru5XO If you live in a developing country for a while,
you have an opportunity to look at Japan
from a different point of view.
Once you have gotten into a bad habit,
it takes a lot of time and effort to stop it.
you have an opportunity to look at Japan
from a different point of view.
Once you have gotten into a bad habit,
it takes a lot of time and effort to stop it.
159¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:19:15.01ID:TZkGcAET ¥
160¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:23:23.63ID:TZkGcAET ¥
161¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:23:43.24ID:TZkGcAET ¥
162¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:24:02.25ID:TZkGcAET ¥
163¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:24:18.20ID:TZkGcAET ¥
164¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:24:33.20ID:TZkGcAET ¥
165¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:24:49.17ID:TZkGcAET ¥
166¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:25:11.56ID:TZkGcAET ¥
167¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:25:45.39ID:TZkGcAET ¥
168¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/03(日) 13:26:04.24ID:TZkGcAET ¥
2017/09/03(日) 23:38:57.04ID:BNeX4fJn X=1+1 とする
170¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:06:25.26ID:xP4OelQr ¥
171¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:06:42.99ID:xP4OelQr ¥
172¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:07:00.67ID:xP4OelQr ¥
173¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:07:18.06ID:xP4OelQr ¥
174¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:07:35.07ID:xP4OelQr ¥
175¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:07:58.87ID:xP4OelQr ¥
176¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:08:16.35ID:xP4OelQr ¥
177¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:08:35.00ID:xP4OelQr ¥
178¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:08:51.37ID:xP4OelQr ¥
179¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/04(月) 02:09:10.32ID:xP4OelQr ¥
2017/09/04(月) 09:57:00.51ID:ZYM7kfu0 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
2017/09/04(月) 21:21:01.95ID:c+SHM5Qr One out of three Japanese sees a doctor regularly
or complains about not feeling well
about their physical condition.
It is said that seven out of ten young
Japanese people don't believe in religion.
These days, however, many students
pray at temples or shrines for success
in their entrance exams.
or complains about not feeling well
about their physical condition.
It is said that seven out of ten young
Japanese people don't believe in religion.
These days, however, many students
pray at temples or shrines for success
in their entrance exams.
182¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:49:44.80ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
183¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:50:02.26ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
184¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:50:17.73ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
185¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:50:34.19ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
186¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:50:49.52ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
187¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:51:04.80ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
188¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:51:22.71ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
189¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:51:43.03ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
190¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:51:57.94ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
191¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 00:52:13.94ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
2017/09/05(火) 06:08:56.67ID:PCfG056b 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
2017/09/05(火) 22:37:57.72ID:nIjbRa8K Tens of thousands of tons of detergent
and millons of liters of water are used every day
to wash towels that have been used only once.
The population of Sendai is more than
five hundred thousand, so it is no exaggeration
to say that it is the cultural center of Tohoku.
However, it is far more quiet than Tokyo.
and millons of liters of water are used every day
to wash towels that have been used only once.
The population of Sendai is more than
five hundred thousand, so it is no exaggeration
to say that it is the cultural center of Tohoku.
However, it is far more quiet than Tokyo.
194¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:40:17.66ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
195¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:40:37.37ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
196¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:40:57.27ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
197¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:41:16.20ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
198¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:41:35.43ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
199¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:41:58.97ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
200¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:42:31.72ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
201¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:42:49.69ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
202¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:43:06.93ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
203¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/05(火) 22:43:29.61ID:ZSz+2Alj ¥
2017/09/06(水) 00:43:14.81ID:ZKtVXA8H >>107 >>134 >>136 >>147 >>158
>>181 >>193
Once the telephone starts ringing,
you have to answer it,
no matter what you are doing at that tmoment.
Therefore, when I make a call,
I try not to bother the person I am calling.
In Japan, business cards play an important part,
especially in business.
People usually exchange their cards
when they meet for the first time.
The cards are useful to Japanese,
who want to know what each other's
status is, because they tend to
change their attitudes and language,
depending on who they are talking to.
>>181 >>193
Once the telephone starts ringing,
you have to answer it,
no matter what you are doing at that tmoment.
Therefore, when I make a call,
I try not to bother the person I am calling.
In Japan, business cards play an important part,
especially in business.
People usually exchange their cards
when they meet for the first time.
The cards are useful to Japanese,
who want to know what each other's
status is, because they tend to
change their attitudes and language,
depending on who they are talking to.
2017/09/06(水) 00:50:39.89ID:ZKtVXA8H >>204
Once the telephone starts ringing,
you have to answer it, no matter what
you are doing at that moment.
Therefore, when I make a call, I try
not to bother the person I am calling.
In Japan, business cards play an
important part, especially in business.
People usually exchange their cards
when they meet for the first time.
The cards are useful to Japanese,
who want to know what each other's
status is, because they tend to change
their attitudes and language,
depending on who they are talking to.
Once the telephone starts ringing,
you have to answer it, no matter what
you are doing at that moment.
Therefore, when I make a call, I try
not to bother the person I am calling.
In Japan, business cards play an
important part, especially in business.
People usually exchange their cards
when they meet for the first time.
The cards are useful to Japanese,
who want to know what each other's
status is, because they tend to change
their attitudes and language,
depending on who they are talking to.
206¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:29:40.79ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
207¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:29:57.10ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
208¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:30:15.51ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
209¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:30:32.47ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
210¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:30:49.83ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
211¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:31:06.62ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
212¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:31:22.56ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
213¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:31:43.19ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
214¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:32:00.78ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
215¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 05:32:20.05ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
2017/09/06(水) 09:00:13.18ID:ZKtVXA8H >>205
It is not unusual for me to call friends,
even if I have nothing special to talk about.
It is convenient to take the subway
in order to get around in the center
of Tokyo, where the traffic is heavy.
It is not unusual for me to call friends,
even if I have nothing special to talk about.
It is convenient to take the subway
in order to get around in the center
of Tokyo, where the traffic is heavy.
217¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:36:17.61ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
218¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:36:36.68ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
219¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:36:55.24ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
220¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:37:42.07ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
221¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:38:00.88ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
222¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:38:20.17ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
223¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:38:38.01ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
224¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:38:55.49ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
225¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:39:15.89ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
226¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 10:39:35.69ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
2017/09/06(水) 13:34:45.18ID:bmfelSef 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
2017/09/06(水) 13:38:50.57ID:ZKtVXA8H >>216
Nineteen years ago,
I traveled from the U.S. to Australia
by ship.
About ten years ago,
a famous painter bought me a meal
at a first-class restaurant.
Nineteen years ago,
I traveled from the U.S. to Australia
by ship.
About ten years ago,
a famous painter bought me a meal
at a first-class restaurant.
229¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:50:22.43ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
230¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:50:45.09ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
231¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:51:04.27ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
232¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:51:21.69ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
233¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:51:39.59ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
234¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:51:57.74ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
235¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:52:15.21ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
236¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:52:32.11ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
237¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:52:49.96ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
238¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 13:53:08.09ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
2017/09/06(水) 14:05:44.62ID:bmfelSef 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
240¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 14:29:58.55ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
2017/09/06(水) 17:38:21.20ID:ZKtVXA8H >>228
I like taking pictures of birds.
Many years ago,
I often went to the seashore
when I had free time.
The best thing about my stay with
an American family was that
the parents treated me
just like their daughter.
I like taking pictures of birds.
Many years ago,
I often went to the seashore
when I had free time.
The best thing about my stay with
an American family was that
the parents treated me
just like their daughter.
242¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:00:08.06ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
243¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:00:25.53ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
244¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:00:44.75ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
245¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:01:02.83ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
246¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:01:20.70ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
247¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:01:39.79ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
248¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:02:00.81ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
249¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:02:19.05ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
250¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:02:38.23ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
251¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 18:02:58.60ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
2017/09/06(水) 18:07:29.37ID:ZKtVXA8H >>241
Everyone should be free to decide
when to get married and
whether to have children.
It is said that
there will soon be no room left
to dump trash in Japan.
We have no choice but
to get more serious about recycling.
Everyone should be free to decide
when to get married and
whether to have children.
It is said that
there will soon be no room left
to dump trash in Japan.
We have no choice but
to get more serious about recycling.
253¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:24:10.68ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
254¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:24:42.97ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
255¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:25:01.96ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
256¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:25:19.61ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
257¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:25:36.70ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
258¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:25:53.13ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
259¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:26:09.67ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
260¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:26:26.14ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
261¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:26:43.57ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
262¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/06(水) 19:27:05.52ID:nJ0wcqLn ¥
2017/09/06(水) 21:43:18.67ID:ZKtVXA8H >>252
The Internet is widely used,
so sales of personal computers
have been rapidly increasing
over the last few years.
Fewer and fewer swallows
have been returning to Tokyo
for the last few years,
but no one knows exactly why.
The Internet is widely used,
so sales of personal computers
have been rapidly increasing
over the last few years.
Fewer and fewer swallows
have been returning to Tokyo
for the last few years,
but no one knows exactly why.
2017/09/06(水) 22:01:02.72ID:ZKtVXA8H >>263
Thanks to the map you drew me the other day,
I managed to get here without getting lost.
Although it took us longer than we had expected,
we finally managed to reach an agreement.
Thanks to the map you drew me the other day,
I managed to get here without getting lost.
Although it took us longer than we had expected,
we finally managed to reach an agreement.
265¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:38:17.75ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
266¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:38:36.92ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
267¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:38:53.88ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
268¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:39:09.90ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
269¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:39:25.70ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
270¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:39:41.27ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
271¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:39:56.79ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
272¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:40:14.51ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
273¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:40:35.59ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
274¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 03:40:54.59ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
2017/09/07(木) 16:08:55.76ID:OZh13Q64 >>264
Scientists have to collect as many facts
as possible and examine them
in order to find a truth.
Needless to say,
you should have a critical attitude
in order to think clearly.
Scientists have to collect as many facts
as possible and examine them
in order to find a truth.
Needless to say,
you should have a critical attitude
in order to think clearly.
276¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 16:10:23.21ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
277¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 16:14:14.04ID:6DNo3zLu Math. students have to stop posting any massages to Bakaita in order to prevent
having the brain damages. Bakaita is completely toxic for being intelligent.
having the brain damages. Bakaita is completely toxic for being intelligent.
278¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 16:49:48.58ID:6DNo3zLu 訂正(初等的なスペルミスやさかいアカンな。):
massages ⇒ messages
massages ⇒ messages
279¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 19:57:55.23ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
280¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 19:58:11.59ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
281¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 19:58:26.81ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
282¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 19:58:40.96ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
283¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 19:58:57.35ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
284¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 19:59:12.72ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
285¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 19:59:58.32ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
286¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 20:00:13.76ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
287¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 20:00:28.43ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
288¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 20:00:42.78ID:6DNo3zLu ¥
2017/09/07(木) 22:32:40.30ID:zsiSQ63Z >>275
Natsuko covered her face with her hands,
so that her parents would not see her tears.
When you climb a mountain,
you should take a map and a compass
with you,
so that you won't get lost.
Natsuko covered her face with her hands,
so that her parents would not see her tears.
When you climb a mountain,
you should take a map and a compass
with you,
so that you won't get lost.
290¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/07(木) 22:56:10.50ID:6DNo3zLu Bakaita is bad for the culture. Therefore this BBS should be deleted.
2017/09/07(木) 23:57:12.53ID:Iasheep5 >>14
292¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 00:17:27.10ID:p4Khi6i4 ¥
293¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 00:17:43.61ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
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2017/09/08(金) 00:17:59.43ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
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2017/09/08(金) 00:18:16.58ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
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2017/09/08(金) 00:18:33.01ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
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2017/09/08(金) 00:18:49.73ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
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2017/09/08(金) 00:19:05.64ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
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2017/09/08(金) 00:19:23.00ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
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2017/09/08(金) 00:19:40.84ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
301¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 00:19:59.92ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
2017/09/08(金) 06:20:55.46ID:q0YfmsRR 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
303¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 06:33:34.73ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
2017/09/08(金) 10:31:57.17ID:32ODjbmS >>289
He is flexible in his thinking,
so he will not reject a new idea
just because it seems strange.
He is always criticizing other people.
However, it seems that
he is unaware of his own faults.
This is probably because
he was an only child
and was spoiled when he was growing up.
He is flexible in his thinking,
so he will not reject a new idea
just because it seems strange.
He is always criticizing other people.
However, it seems that
he is unaware of his own faults.
This is probably because
he was an only child
and was spoiled when he was growing up.
305¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 11:07:15.46ID:6ibQhXIy Bakaita should be dumped and broken into pieces. Nobody should use it.
306¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 11:08:17.82ID:6ibQhXIy Bakaita should be dumped and broken into pieces. Nobody should use it.
2017/09/08(金) 11:37:53.05ID:q0YfmsRR 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
308¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 11:59:31.89ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
309¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:32:44.16ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
310¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:33:00.88ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
311¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:33:19.22ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
312¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:33:35.93ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
313¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:33:53.75ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
314¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:34:08.42ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
315¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:34:23.51ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
316¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:34:44.82ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
317¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 12:35:00.55ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
2017/09/08(金) 14:15:50.28ID:q0YfmsRR 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
319¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 14:33:37.61ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
2017/09/08(金) 17:17:47.14ID:32ODjbmS >>304
These days, we are all so busy
that we rarely see each other,
even though we live next door.
I have met so many people in the last few days
that I cannot remember all their names.
These days, we are all so busy
that we rarely see each other,
even though we live next door.
I have met so many people in the last few days
that I cannot remember all their names.
321¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:29:36.17ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
322¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:29:52.12ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
323¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:30:08.61ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
324¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:30:24.40ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
325¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:30:41.23ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
326¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:30:57.64ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
327¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:31:14.20ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
328¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:31:38.69ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
329¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:32:11.90ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
330¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/09/08(金) 18:32:44.01ID:6ibQhXIy ¥
2017/09/09(土) 12:20:07.48ID:G2DuD1v6 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
2017/09/09(土) 21:56:33.43ID:Jk7ZV+S0 >>320
Those who expect that
schools should teach children good manners
simply prove that
they do not understand what schools are for.
Manners should be taught at home.
Some people also say that
if you go to the U.S.,
you will easily make friends with Americans.
This is not the case.
This is proved by the fact that
although so many Japanese visit,
or live and work in the U.S.,
Japan and the U.S. still
cannot communicate well .
Those who expect that
schools should teach children good manners
simply prove that
they do not understand what schools are for.
Manners should be taught at home.
Some people also say that
if you go to the U.S.,
you will easily make friends with Americans.
This is not the case.
This is proved by the fact that
although so many Japanese visit,
or live and work in the U.S.,
Japan and the U.S. still
cannot communicate well .
2017/09/09(土) 22:06:02.16ID:Jk7ZV+S0 >>332
It does not necessarily follow that
young people today are less eager to learn
just because they read less.
Just because you are a woman,
it does not necessarily follow that
you are a bad driver.
However, I do not think that
generally speaking,
women drivers have a good reputation.
It does not necessarily follow that
young people today are less eager to learn
just because they read less.
Just because you are a woman,
it does not necessarily follow that
you are a bad driver.
However, I do not think that
generally speaking,
women drivers have a good reputation.
2017/09/10(日) 06:47:45.37ID:tt7dT1ES 耳栓をしたら世界が変わってワロタ
2017/09/11(月) 20:18:16.73ID:tybBsF1z >>333
Whether a college is good or bad depends
not only on how many books
its library has
and how good they are.
It also depends on how intelligent
its teachers and students are.
It is no exaggeration to say that
your life is determined
by what kind of education
you have had.
Whether a college is good or bad depends
not only on how many books
its library has
and how good they are.
It also depends on how intelligent
its teachers and students are.
It is no exaggeration to say that
your life is determined
by what kind of education
you have had.
2017/09/20(水) 15:01:26.60ID:L4f0yKry >>335
The best way to learn the grammar
of a foreign language is to read and hear
as much of it as possible,
so that you can learn it in a natural way.
The best way for developing countries
not to repeat the mistakes
developed countries have made
is to learn from the past.
The best way to learn the grammar
of a foreign language is to read and hear
as much of it as possible,
so that you can learn it in a natural way.
The best way for developing countries
not to repeat the mistakes
developed countries have made
is to learn from the past.
2017/09/20(水) 15:27:05.93ID:WCXLOS6A 2進数の場合だと
2017/09/20(水) 18:26:01.20ID:L4f0yKry >>336
Ways of greeting people vary
from country to country.
It is interesting to study
where these ways of greeting come from.
When you speak Japanese,
ways of speaking it vary,
depending on
whether you are a man or a woman,
and an adult or a child.
Ways of greeting people vary
from country to country.
It is interesting to study
where these ways of greeting come from.
When you speak Japanese,
ways of speaking it vary,
depending on
whether you are a man or a woman,
and an adult or a child.
2017/09/20(水) 21:51:52.91ID:L4f0yKry >>338
Many words of foreign origin are used
in the Japanese language,
but their pronunciations and meanings
are often quite different from those of
the original words.
Japanese people, unlike Americans,
often tend to control their emotions.
For example, when they get a gift from someone, they express their thanks for it,
but put it aside,
acting as if they were not at all interested in it.
Many words of foreign origin are used
in the Japanese language,
but their pronunciations and meanings
are often quite different from those of
the original words.
Japanese people, unlike Americans,
often tend to control their emotions.
For example, when they get a gift from someone, they express their thanks for it,
but put it aside,
acting as if they were not at all interested in it.
2017/09/21(木) 03:20:13.08ID:FPCh1rVI >>339
People are alike in many ways,
but their languages and customs vary
from place to place.
Doctors and teachers are alike
in that both of them do not deal with things,
but with people
People are alike in many ways,
but their languages and customs vary
from place to place.
Doctors and teachers are alike
in that both of them do not deal with things,
but with people
2017/09/21(木) 03:30:25.04ID:FPCh1rVI >>340
I do not care how late you come home
as long as you do not wake me up.
I do not mind smokers
as long as they are considerate of
those around them.
I do not care how late you come home
as long as you do not wake me up.
I do not mind smokers
as long as they are considerate of
those around them.
2017/09/23(土) 08:04:27.04ID:BH3OlzAy >>336
Why do you imitate a developing country?
Why do you imitate a developing country?
2017/09/25(月) 23:05:02.96ID:G3JOMsQ+ >>341
It really makes me angry to see
someone occupying two seats
on a crowded train,
not feeling guilty about it.
even when there are other people standing.
Far more serious is the fact that
there are so many people
who do not feel guilty about leaving
their garbage in public places.
It really makes me angry to see
someone occupying two seats
on a crowded train,
not feeling guilty about it.
even when there are other people standing.
Far more serious is the fact that
there are so many people
who do not feel guilty about leaving
their garbage in public places.
2017/09/25(月) 23:07:45.70ID:G3JOMsQ+ >>341
It really makes me angry to see
someone occupying two seats
on a crowded train,
not feeling guilty about it,
even when there are other people standing.
Far more serious is the fact that
there are so many people
who do not feel guilty about
leaving their garbage in public places.
It really makes me angry to see
someone occupying two seats
on a crowded train,
not feeling guilty about it,
even when there are other people standing.
Far more serious is the fact that
there are so many people
who do not feel guilty about
leaving their garbage in public places.
2017/09/26(火) 22:06:31.69ID:z9uvZTL6 >>344
You are young and healthy,
so you should do what you want to do,
not caring about any mistakes you may make.
When I went out into the real world,
I realized that
people often cared too much about
what other people thought about them,
and that they tried to
know others from how they looked.
You are young and healthy,
so you should do what you want to do,
not caring about any mistakes you may make.
When I went out into the real world,
I realized that
people often cared too much about
what other people thought about them,
and that they tried to
know others from how they looked.
2017/09/27(水) 00:00:31.56ID:7Fwv87bl 日本語でOK
2017/09/27(水) 00:23:37.33ID:PSlnsF3M Why don't you drop your pants!
2017/09/27(水) 01:59:42.76ID:uIihQrv0 >>345
When I was at elementary school,
I was forced to read books and
write essays about them as homework.
Since then, I have disliked reading.
At first, he did not want to let her drive
his car, but she insisted and
he ended up agreeing.
When I was at elementary school,
I was forced to read books and
write essays about them as homework.
Since then, I have disliked reading.
At first, he did not want to let her drive
his car, but she insisted and
he ended up agreeing.
2017/10/01(日) 17:51:10.40ID:He5Jex8a A=Aを遠回しに言ってるんだよ。
2017/10/03(火) 02:19:24.71ID:G7uQ8P4Q >>348
I only got this watch repaired a few days ago,
but something is wrong with it.
When you want your children to learn something,
you should consider carefully what they can do
and what they are interested in.
I only got this watch repaired a few days ago,
but something is wrong with it.
When you want your children to learn something,
you should consider carefully what they can do
and what they are interested in.
2017/10/03(火) 18:32:27.99ID:G7uQ8P4Q >>350
It was not until he saw police cars and
ambulances going around every day
that he realized that he had come to
a country totally different from Japan.
I've often heard him boast that he is
very good at swimming, but I've never
actually seen him swim.
It was not until he saw police cars and
ambulances going around every day
that he realized that he had come to
a country totally different from Japan.
I've often heard him boast that he is
very good at swimming, but I've never
actually seen him swim.
2017/10/03(火) 18:47:57.97ID:G7uQ8P4Q >>351
Thank you very much for inviting me to the party.
Would you tell me the best way to get
to your house by car?
One of the purposes of
studying a foreign language is
to learn about the ways
speakers of the language think and live.
Another purpose is to tell people living abroad
about your own culture and thoughts
Thank you very much for inviting me to the party.
Would you tell me the best way to get
to your house by car?
One of the purposes of
studying a foreign language is
to learn about the ways
speakers of the language think and live.
Another purpose is to tell people living abroad
about your own culture and thoughts
2017/10/03(火) 21:09:35.46ID:cRKx2aVP Why don't you drop your pants to prove your productivity?
2017/10/07(土) 20:32:41.97ID:uEwPmV4/ >>352
One of our teachers told us
to read one of the writer's original books
and write our feelings about it.
Those who grew up before the War
probably still remember that
their mothers scolded them,
telling them not to play in the garden.
One of our teachers told us
to read one of the writer's original books
and write our feelings about it.
Those who grew up before the War
probably still remember that
their mothers scolded them,
telling them not to play in the garden.
2017/10/07(土) 20:50:39.68ID:uEwPmV4/ >>354
When you read a book again
that you read several years ago,
you are often surprised to discover
something new you did not find
when you read it for the first time.
It is enjoyable to get letters,
but troublesome to answer them.
I know that I should reply to them,
but I keep putting it off
until it becomes more difficult
to do so.
When you read a book again
that you read several years ago,
you are often surprised to discover
something new you did not find
when you read it for the first time.
It is enjoyable to get letters,
but troublesome to answer them.
I know that I should reply to them,
but I keep putting it off
until it becomes more difficult
to do so.
2017/10/08(日) 22:36:13.47ID:b5IrkGXS It was the heaviest rainfall in ten years,
and it damaged many houses.
I went to my junior high school class reunion
for the first time in thirty years.
At first, it was impossible to tell who was who.
and it damaged many houses.
I went to my junior high school class reunion
for the first time in thirty years.
At first, it was impossible to tell who was who.
2017/10/09(月) 06:49:57.18ID:mbQlIMEv 1+1=2
2017/10/10(火) 18:04:53.07ID:CnhEUsDb >>356
It is surprising that, in New York,
mothers can leave the hospital
after having babies,
as long as there have not been any problems
Children start speaking at the age of one
and learn to express what they think
by the time they are five or six years old.
This is quite amazing when you stop to think
about it.
It is surprising that, in New York,
mothers can leave the hospital
after having babies,
as long as there have not been any problems
Children start speaking at the age of one
and learn to express what they think
by the time they are five or six years old.
This is quite amazing when you stop to think
about it.
2017/10/10(火) 20:51:32.19ID:CnhEUsDb >>358
My father has been dead for twenty-five years.
I have now reached the same age
as he was when he died.
So I must take especially good care of my health.
It has been only a week since I began to do
a part-time job, but I have already got used to it.
When I told my mother that the job was
more fun than studying, she looked worried.
My father has been dead for twenty-five years.
I have now reached the same age
as he was when he died.
So I must take especially good care of my health.
It has been only a week since I began to do
a part-time job, but I have already got used to it.
When I told my mother that the job was
more fun than studying, she looked worried.
2017/10/11(水) 17:31:56.68ID:LqloPCOV >>359
It takes you about twenty minutes to walk to the Opera House, but you can get there in five minutes
by subway.
Matsushima, which is only a one-hour drive from Sendai, is a popular tourist destination.
You should not go by car if you want to visit the town during the tourist season.
It takes you about twenty minutes to walk to the Opera House, but you can get there in five minutes
by subway.
Matsushima, which is only a one-hour drive from Sendai, is a popular tourist destination.
You should not go by car if you want to visit the town during the tourist season.
361¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/23(月) 21:15:24.86ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
362¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/23(月) 21:15:44.84ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
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2017/10/23(月) 21:16:01.73ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
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2017/10/23(月) 21:16:18.05ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
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2017/10/23(月) 21:16:42.39ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
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2017/10/23(月) 21:16:59.54ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
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2017/10/23(月) 21:17:16.98ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
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2017/10/23(月) 21:17:33.17ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
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2017/10/23(月) 21:17:50.79ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
370¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/23(月) 21:18:10.06ID:Dl6USvMt ¥
2017/10/26(木) 20:06:24.55ID:zvB0JKFY >>360
Parents these days spend
less and less time with their children,
and their children feel more lonely.
For children born and brought up in cities,
spending their vacation in the countryside
is a very valuable experience,
no matter how short the visit is.
Parents these days spend
less and less time with their children,
and their children feel more lonely.
For children born and brought up in cities,
spending their vacation in the countryside
is a very valuable experience,
no matter how short the visit is.
2017/10/26(木) 20:24:43.12ID:zvB0JKFY >>371
Recent reserch shows that,
when waiting for the elevator to come
or the traffic light to change,
most people become irratated
in only thirty seconds.
However, after several weeks
I made a mistake.
All I remembered was 5:30.
Recent reserch shows that,
when waiting for the elevator to come
or the traffic light to change,
most people become irratated
in only thirty seconds.
However, after several weeks
I made a mistake.
All I remembered was 5:30.
2017/10/26(木) 20:35:00.42ID:zvB0JKFY >>372
They often say that
it is not until you go abroad
that you realize how wonderful
traditional Japanese culture is.
It was not until she died
that I realized that
she was truly a good person.
I regretted that
I had not been a little kinder to her.
They often say that
it is not until you go abroad
that you realize how wonderful
traditional Japanese culture is.
It was not until she died
that I realized that
she was truly a good person.
I regretted that
I had not been a little kinder to her.
2017/10/27(金) 21:41:00.16ID:64KQ+RAY >>373
Very few people think that it is more difficult
to listen to others than to speak to them.
The summer vacation, for example, is
far shorter than that in the U.S. or
European countries.
Since older times,
work in Japan has always been considered to be
a good thing,
while leisure has been seen as a bad thing.
Very few people think that it is more difficult
to listen to others than to speak to them.
The summer vacation, for example, is
far shorter than that in the U.S. or
European countries.
Since older times,
work in Japan has always been considered to be
a good thing,
while leisure has been seen as a bad thing.
2017/10/27(金) 21:51:35.65ID:64KQ+RAY >>374
Far more people than you might expect believe
that they can control their emotions.
If you ask a Japanese how many colors
there are in the rainbow, he or she will answer,
"There are seven, of course."
However, considering that there are various
languages in the world, the answer is not as easy as
you might expect.
Far more people than you might expect believe
that they can control their emotions.
If you ask a Japanese how many colors
there are in the rainbow, he or she will answer,
"There are seven, of course."
However, considering that there are various
languages in the world, the answer is not as easy as
you might expect.
2017/10/27(金) 22:30:53.35ID:wGlPGe7z neko
377¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/28(土) 19:33:37.56ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
378¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/28(土) 19:33:56.78ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 19:34:14.73ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 19:34:38.04ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 19:34:55.40ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 19:35:12.17ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 19:35:31.05ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 19:35:49.06ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 19:36:08.36ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
2017/10/28(土) 19:36:25.06ID:dccuvNeH >>375
My memory is not as good as it used to be.
They say that young people do not read as much as they used to. However, considering how well the books by popular authors sell, you should not
jump to the conclusion that they don't like reading. Young people today only do what interests them.
My memory is not as good as it used to be.
They say that young people do not read as much as they used to. However, considering how well the books by popular authors sell, you should not
jump to the conclusion that they don't like reading. Young people today only do what interests them.
387¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/28(土) 19:36:28.11ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
2017/10/28(土) 19:43:02.61ID:dccuvNeH >>386
The more technology advances,
the smaller the world becomes.
The more we learn about nature,
the more fully we realize
how important it is to preserve it.
The more technology advances,
the smaller the world becomes.
The more we learn about nature,
the more fully we realize
how important it is to preserve it.
2017/10/28(土) 19:53:34.19ID:dccuvNeH >>388
When you are away from home,
nothing is as enjoyable as receiving a letter
from your parents.
When you are asked something about
your own country by someone from abroad,
nothing is as embarrassing as being uable
to answer.
When you are away from home,
nothing is as enjoyable as receiving a letter
from your parents.
When you are asked something about
your own country by someone from abroad,
nothing is as embarrassing as being uable
to answer.
2017/10/28(土) 20:02:43.35ID:dccuvNeH >>389
Nothing is as enjoyable as getting a book
I have long wanted.
There is no city in the world
where as many languages are spoken
as in New York.
Nothing is as enjoyable as getting a book
I have long wanted.
There is no city in the world
where as many languages are spoken
as in New York.
2017/10/28(土) 20:04:00.21ID:dccuvNeH >>389
Nothing is as enjoyable as getting a book
I have long wanted.
There is no city in the world
where as many languages are spoken
as in New York.
Nothing is as enjoyable as getting a book
I have long wanted.
There is no city in the world
where as many languages are spoken
as in New York.
2017/10/28(土) 20:12:14.04ID:dccuvNeH >>390
The population of the town where I live
is smaller than that of yours, but
it has twice as many temples,
probably because an important priest
used to live here.
In Japan, it rains a lot. Japan has twenty times
as much rainfall as Greece,
which is said to have very little rain.
The population of the town where I live
is smaller than that of yours, but
it has twice as many temples,
probably because an important priest
used to live here.
In Japan, it rains a lot. Japan has twenty times
as much rainfall as Greece,
which is said to have very little rain.
393¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/28(土) 23:55:14.98ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:55:38.51ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:55:56.77ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:56:13.64ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:56:30.60ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:56:48.62ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:57:06.95ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:57:23.83ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
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2017/10/28(土) 23:57:43.19ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
402¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/28(土) 23:58:01.45ID:uzh5RSYp ¥
2017/10/29(日) 06:43:12.88ID:UfobEfFg >>392
No matter how many books you may read,
it is no use if you do not try to think for yourself.
No matter how seriously you may think,
it is a waste of time if you do not read books.
No matter how good you are at driving,
you might happen to get involved
in an accident caused by someone else.
No matter how many books you may read,
it is no use if you do not try to think for yourself.
No matter how seriously you may think,
it is a waste of time if you do not read books.
No matter how good you are at driving,
you might happen to get involved
in an accident caused by someone else.
2017/10/29(日) 06:59:31.55ID:UfobEfFg >>393
A monkey is still a monkey
even if it falls from a tree,
but a politician becomes an ordinary person
if he or she loses an election.
Some people boast that they are such good swimmers that, even if they were thrown into the sea, they would never drown.
However, these people should know that swimming in a pool is very different from swimming in the sea with their clothes on.
A monkey is still a monkey
even if it falls from a tree,
but a politician becomes an ordinary person
if he or she loses an election.
Some people boast that they are such good swimmers that, even if they were thrown into the sea, they would never drown.
However, these people should know that swimming in a pool is very different from swimming in the sea with their clothes on.
405¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/29(日) 09:37:07.35ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
406¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/29(日) 09:37:29.66ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
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2017/10/29(日) 09:37:48.73ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
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2017/10/29(日) 09:38:11.63ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
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2017/10/29(日) 09:38:32.87ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
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2017/10/29(日) 09:38:53.17ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
411¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/29(日) 09:39:14.62ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
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2017/10/29(日) 09:39:36.68ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
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2017/10/29(日) 09:39:58.79ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
414¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/29(日) 09:40:21.96ID:w8MLdeK9 ¥
2017/10/30(月) 13:18:20.10ID:A7CtkBFt >>404
It seems that they firmly believed that every adult in the community must teach the children good manners.
This belief enabled the children to realize that they were members of the community.
They took it for granted that while Japan was a country which attached too much importance to someone's academic backgrounds,
that was not the case in European countries.
It seems that they firmly believed that every adult in the community must teach the children good manners.
This belief enabled the children to realize that they were members of the community.
They took it for granted that while Japan was a country which attached too much importance to someone's academic backgrounds,
that was not the case in European countries.
2017/10/30(月) 19:59:36.86ID:A7CtkBFt >>415
If each country continues to regard its own interests
as more important than what other countries need,
the opportunity to improve international relations
will be lost.
People wish they could live forever and never
become older. However, if this wish came true,
the earth would be overcrowded.
If each country continues to regard its own interests
as more important than what other countries need,
the opportunity to improve international relations
will be lost.
People wish they could live forever and never
become older. However, if this wish came true,
the earth would be overcrowded.
2017/10/30(月) 20:10:46.82ID:A7CtkBFt >>416
I managed to catch the 3:00 express.
If I had missed it,
I could not have come back today.
If each of us had tried harder to improve
the situation at that time,
we would not have been criticized so severely.
I managed to catch the 3:00 express.
If I had missed it,
I could not have come back today.
If each of us had tried harder to improve
the situation at that time,
we would not have been criticized so severely.
2017/10/30(月) 20:33:28.79ID:A7CtkBFt ・These days
more and more students are
going abroad
to learn English.
・Nowadays the number of students learning English abroad is increasing.
・The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa. Probably because it was Sunday morning, there were very few cars on the road.
・ I drove to Lake Biwa the other day. There were not many cars on the road, probably because it was Sunday morning.
・It is a pity that many people still mistakenly believe that as long as they speak English, they can be international-minded.
・Unfortunately, a lot of people still believe that they have only to speak English to be international-minded. However, they are wrong.
・Those who have intellectual jobs sometimes need to look at things from a different point of view. This also applies to young people
who are going to be doctors, engineers, or pharmacists.
・If you have an intellectual job, you sometimes have to look at things in a different way. This is also the case with young people
who want to have jobs in fields such as medicine, engineering, or pharmacy.
・Nowadays the number of students learning English abroad is increasing.
・The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa. Probably because it was Sunday morning, there were very few cars on the road.
・ I drove to Lake Biwa the other day. There were not many cars on the road, probably because it was Sunday morning.
・It is a pity that many people still mistakenly believe that as long as they speak English, they can be international-minded.
・Unfortunately, a lot of people still believe that they have only to speak English to be international-minded. However, they are wrong.
・Those who have intellectual jobs sometimes need to look at things from a different point of view. This also applies to young people
who are going to be doctors, engineers, or pharmacists.
・If you have an intellectual job, you sometimes have to look at things in a different way. This is also the case with young people
who want to have jobs in fields such as medicine, engineering, or pharmacy.
2017/10/30(月) 20:49:39.52ID:A7CtkBFt 01
These days more and more students
are going abroad to learn English. Nowadays the number of students
learning English abroad is increasing.
The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa.
Probably because it was Sunday
morning, there were very few cars on
the road.
I drove to Lake Biwa the other day. There were not many cars on the road,
probably because it was Sunday
It is a pity that many people still
mistakenly believe that as long as they
speak English, they can be
Unfortunately, a lot of people still
believe that they have only to speak
English to be international-minded.
However, they are wrong.
04 Those who have intellectual jobs
sometimes need to look at things from
a different point of view. This also
applies to young people who are
going to be doctors, engineers, or
If you have an intellectual job, you
sometimes have to look at things in a different way. This is also the case
with young people who want to have
jobs in fields such as medicine,
engineering, or pharmacy.
These days more and more students
are going abroad to learn English. Nowadays the number of students
learning English abroad is increasing.
The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa.
Probably because it was Sunday
morning, there were very few cars on
the road.
I drove to Lake Biwa the other day. There were not many cars on the road,
probably because it was Sunday
It is a pity that many people still
mistakenly believe that as long as they
speak English, they can be
Unfortunately, a lot of people still
believe that they have only to speak
English to be international-minded.
However, they are wrong.
04 Those who have intellectual jobs
sometimes need to look at things from
a different point of view. This also
applies to young people who are
going to be doctors, engineers, or
If you have an intellectual job, you
sometimes have to look at things in a different way. This is also the case
with young people who want to have
jobs in fields such as medicine,
engineering, or pharmacy.
2017/10/30(月) 20:53:49.86ID:A7CtkBFt
These days more and more students
are going abroad to learn English. Nowadays the number of students
learning English abroad is increasing.
The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa.
Probably because it was Sunday
morning, there were very few cars on
the road.
I drove to Lake Biwa the other day.
There were not many cars on the road,
probably because it was Sunday
It is a pity that many people still
mistakenly believe that as long as they
speak English, they can be
Unfortunately, a lot of people still
believe that they have only to speak
English to be international-minded.
However, they are wrong.
Those who have intellectual jobs
sometimes need to look at things from
a different point of view. This also
applies to young people who are
going to be doctors, engineers, or
If you have an intellectual job, you
sometimes have to look at things in a
different way. This is also the case
with young people who want to have
jobs in fields such as medicine,
engineering, or pharmacy.
These days more and more students
are going abroad to learn English. Nowadays the number of students
learning English abroad is increasing.
The other day, I drove to Lake Biwa.
Probably because it was Sunday
morning, there were very few cars on
the road.
I drove to Lake Biwa the other day.
There were not many cars on the road,
probably because it was Sunday
It is a pity that many people still
mistakenly believe that as long as they
speak English, they can be
Unfortunately, a lot of people still
believe that they have only to speak
English to be international-minded.
However, they are wrong.
Those who have intellectual jobs
sometimes need to look at things from
a different point of view. This also
applies to young people who are
going to be doctors, engineers, or
If you have an intellectual job, you
sometimes have to look at things in a
different way. This is also the case
with young people who want to have
jobs in fields such as medicine,
engineering, or pharmacy.
2017/10/30(月) 21:06:19.17ID:A7CtkBFt 05
In modern life, you often have a lot of
stress. In order to relieve it, you should
try to get some exercise, listen to
music, or spend time outdoors.
These days people often feel
stressed. They should reduce it by
gettng some exercise, listening to
their favorite music, or spending time
in the mountains or on beaches.
Some people say that four out of ten
students who are going to get into
college are not intelligent enough to
study at college.
People complain that four in ten
students who want to get into college
do not always have the ability to study
in college.
Millions of people in the world are
starving because they cannot even
buy enough food to live.
There are millons of people in the
world who cannot buy enough food
and die of hunger.
These days, e-mail is becoming more
and more common as a useful means
of communication. Unlike the
telephone, it does not bother
someone you write to even when he
or she is busy.
Nowadays, more and more people are
using e-mail as a helpful means of
communication. By using it, you can
contact others without bothering
them even when they are very busy.
This is not the case with the
In modern life, you often have a lot of
stress. In order to relieve it, you should
try to get some exercise, listen to
music, or spend time outdoors.
These days people often feel
stressed. They should reduce it by
gettng some exercise, listening to
their favorite music, or spending time
in the mountains or on beaches.
Some people say that four out of ten
students who are going to get into
college are not intelligent enough to
study at college.
People complain that four in ten
students who want to get into college
do not always have the ability to study
in college.
Millions of people in the world are
starving because they cannot even
buy enough food to live.
There are millons of people in the
world who cannot buy enough food
and die of hunger.
These days, e-mail is becoming more
and more common as a useful means
of communication. Unlike the
telephone, it does not bother
someone you write to even when he
or she is busy.
Nowadays, more and more people are
using e-mail as a helpful means of
communication. By using it, you can
contact others without bothering
them even when they are very busy.
This is not the case with the
2017/10/30(月) 21:19:46.14ID:A7CtkBFt 09
Needless to say, you need to be able
to speak foreign languages in order to
be a member of the global community.
A more important thing, however, is to
learn to be responsible for what you
do and know better than to bother
other people.
There is no doubt that in order to get
along in the global community, it is
necessary to be good at a foreign
language. However, it is even more
important to behave in a responsible
way and have enough common sense
not to bother others.
He lent me two novels, but I have not
yet read either of them. I have been
busy preparing for the exams for the
last two weeks.
I borrowed two novels from him, but I
have read neither of them. I have been
busy studying for the exams for the
past two weeks.
The essence of humor is not so much
to tell stupid jokes and make people
laugh as to love and be considerate of
When you try to be humorous, what
you should remember is not to make
people laugh by telling silly jokes, but
to show love and consideration toward
My three-year-old son is interested in
almost everything and always asks me
a lot of questions. Just the other day
he wanted to know what an angel
looked like, and I was at a loss for an
My son, who is three years old, is
curious about almost all things and he
always asks me a lot of questions.
Just the other day, when he asked me what an angel looked like, I was at a loss what to say.
Needless to say, you need to be able
to speak foreign languages in order to
be a member of the global community.
A more important thing, however, is to
learn to be responsible for what you
do and know better than to bother
other people.
There is no doubt that in order to get
along in the global community, it is
necessary to be good at a foreign
language. However, it is even more
important to behave in a responsible
way and have enough common sense
not to bother others.
He lent me two novels, but I have not
yet read either of them. I have been
busy preparing for the exams for the
last two weeks.
I borrowed two novels from him, but I
have read neither of them. I have been
busy studying for the exams for the
past two weeks.
The essence of humor is not so much
to tell stupid jokes and make people
laugh as to love and be considerate of
When you try to be humorous, what
you should remember is not to make
people laugh by telling silly jokes, but
to show love and consideration toward
My three-year-old son is interested in
almost everything and always asks me
a lot of questions. Just the other day
he wanted to know what an angel
looked like, and I was at a loss for an
My son, who is three years old, is
curious about almost all things and he
always asks me a lot of questions.
Just the other day, when he asked me what an angel looked like, I was at a loss what to say.
2017/10/30(月) 22:44:20.70ID:Rn7ezzkE neko
424¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/31(火) 10:40:10.11ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
425¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/31(火) 10:40:29.22ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
426¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/31(火) 10:40:51.39ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
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2017/10/31(火) 10:41:09.26ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
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2017/10/31(火) 10:41:27.07ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
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2017/10/31(火) 10:41:44.35ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
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2017/10/31(火) 10:42:00.99ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
431¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/31(火) 10:42:18.31ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
432¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/31(火) 10:42:34.04ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
433¥ ◆2VB8wsVUoo
2017/10/31(火) 10:42:51.68ID:yRKxpE8Y ¥
2017/10/31(火) 11:53:53.07ID:BpdaIqKr 13
We are so used to many traditional
buildings around us that we often take
them for granted. However, we must
remember that many people have
been making great efforts to preserve
them for a long time.
Since we are used to much cultural
heritage around us, we naturally
expect to enjoy seeing it. However, we
should not forget that many people
have been working hard to preserve it
for many years.
I asked my boss to let me take a few
days off in September. He did not
seem to like the idea, but I managed
to persuade him.
I went to my boss and told him that I
wanted to take a vacation in
He did not approve at first, but I finally
succeeded in changing his mind.
In order to preserve nature, each of us
must always make as much effort as
possible to take good care of the
flowers, trees, and animals around us.
To protect nature, everyone should try
to look after all living things he or she
sees in daily life.
When I write in English, I always get a
British friend to check what I write so
that the readers can understand me
Whenever I write in English, I ask a
British friend to look over anything I
write to avoid confusing the readers.
We are so used to many traditional
buildings around us that we often take
them for granted. However, we must
remember that many people have
been making great efforts to preserve
them for a long time.
Since we are used to much cultural
heritage around us, we naturally
expect to enjoy seeing it. However, we
should not forget that many people
have been working hard to preserve it
for many years.
I asked my boss to let me take a few
days off in September. He did not
seem to like the idea, but I managed
to persuade him.
I went to my boss and told him that I
wanted to take a vacation in
He did not approve at first, but I finally
succeeded in changing his mind.
In order to preserve nature, each of us
must always make as much effort as
possible to take good care of the
flowers, trees, and animals around us.
To protect nature, everyone should try
to look after all living things he or she
sees in daily life.
When I write in English, I always get a
British friend to check what I write so
that the readers can understand me
Whenever I write in English, I ask a
British friend to look over anything I
write to avoid confusing the readers.
2017/10/31(火) 11:55:31.79ID:BpdaIqKr 17
I did not feel like going inside the new
school building, partly because I felt a
little sad that it did not feel like the
same school I had graduated from.
I could not bring myself to go into the
new school building. One reason was
that I felt a little sad that it no longer
felt like the same school I used to
These days, houses are so expensive
that young people prefer to spend
their money enjoying themselves,
rather than saving for the future.
Nowadays, house prices are so high
that young people prefer to spend
their money having a good time,
rather than save it for the future.
According to the United Nations, the
average age of people all over the
world is twenty-six now. The fact that
the average age of Japanese is the
highest in the world proves that Japan
has built a peaceful and stable
The U.N. says that the average age of
the world's population is twenty-six
now. Japanese people have the
longest life expectancy in the world,
probably because Japan has become
a peaceful and stable society.
When you go to various countries, you
will learn more about Japan than
about those countries. When you are
in Japan, you take the Japanese way
of life for granted, but this does not
necessarily mean that people in the
rest of the world live in the same way.
Traveling abroad enables you to learn
more about Japan than about a
country you visit. In Japan, it seems
quite natural that you should lead a
comfortable life, but this is not always
the case in other countryies.
I did not feel like going inside the new
school building, partly because I felt a
little sad that it did not feel like the
same school I had graduated from.
I could not bring myself to go into the
new school building. One reason was
that I felt a little sad that it no longer
felt like the same school I used to
These days, houses are so expensive
that young people prefer to spend
their money enjoying themselves,
rather than saving for the future.
Nowadays, house prices are so high
that young people prefer to spend
their money having a good time,
rather than save it for the future.
According to the United Nations, the
average age of people all over the
world is twenty-six now. The fact that
the average age of Japanese is the
highest in the world proves that Japan
has built a peaceful and stable
The U.N. says that the average age of
the world's population is twenty-six
now. Japanese people have the
longest life expectancy in the world,
probably because Japan has become
a peaceful and stable society.
When you go to various countries, you
will learn more about Japan than
about those countries. When you are
in Japan, you take the Japanese way
of life for granted, but this does not
necessarily mean that people in the
rest of the world live in the same way.
Traveling abroad enables you to learn
more about Japan than about a
country you visit. In Japan, it seems
quite natural that you should lead a
comfortable life, but this is not always
the case in other countryies.
2017/10/31(火) 11:58:09.79ID:BpdaIqKr 21
In other words, the quality of
newspapers in a particular society is
determined by the interests and
intellectual level of the people living
This means that how good
newspapers are depends on what
their readers are interested in and how
intelligent they are.
Whenever I travel abroad, I regret that
I did not study a foreign language
harder when I was young. In my
opinion, whatever country you go to, it
is best to be able to speak that
country's language.
Each time I travel to a foreign country,
I really wish I had learned more foreign
languages in my younger days. I
believe that no matter what country
you go to, it is best to be able to speak
a language spoken there.
Everyone can have a dream or a goal in life, regardless of age, and its scale
varies from person to person.
However, no matter what his or her
goal is, he or she needs to make an
effort to achieve it.
However old you are, you can have a
dream and a goal in life. No matter
how small your aim is, or what it is,
you should work hard to achieve it.
Japan is totally different in table
manners from the U.S. In Japan,
talking at the table is regarded as
rude, while in the U.S., it is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying the meal.
There is a great difference in table
manners between Japan and the U.S.
In Japan, it is considered to be
impolite to talk at the table. On the
other hand, in the U.S., it is believed
that talking while eating is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying meals.
In other words, the quality of
newspapers in a particular society is
determined by the interests and
intellectual level of the people living
This means that how good
newspapers are depends on what
their readers are interested in and how
intelligent they are.
Whenever I travel abroad, I regret that
I did not study a foreign language
harder when I was young. In my
opinion, whatever country you go to, it
is best to be able to speak that
country's language.
Each time I travel to a foreign country,
I really wish I had learned more foreign
languages in my younger days. I
believe that no matter what country
you go to, it is best to be able to speak
a language spoken there.
Everyone can have a dream or a goal in life, regardless of age, and its scale
varies from person to person.
However, no matter what his or her
goal is, he or she needs to make an
effort to achieve it.
However old you are, you can have a
dream and a goal in life. No matter
how small your aim is, or what it is,
you should work hard to achieve it.
Japan is totally different in table
manners from the U.S. In Japan,
talking at the table is regarded as
rude, while in the U.S., it is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying the meal.
There is a great difference in table
manners between Japan and the U.S.
In Japan, it is considered to be
impolite to talk at the table. On the
other hand, in the U.S., it is believed
that talking while eating is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying meals.
2017/10/31(火) 12:06:04.02ID:BpdaIqKr >>436
In other words, the quality of
newspapers in a particular society is
determined by the interests and
intellectual level of the people living
This means that how good
newspapers are depends on what
their readers are interested in and how
intelligent they are.
Whenever I travel abroad, I regret that
I did not study a foreign language
harder when I was young. In my
opinion, whatever country you go to, it
is best to be able to speak that
country's language.
Each time I travel to a foreign country,
I really wish I had learned more foreign
languages in my younger days. I
believe that no matter what country
you go to, it is best to be able to speak
a language spoken there.
Everyone can have a dream or a goal
in life, regardless of age, and its scale
varies from person to person.
However, no matter what his or her
goal is, he or she needs to make an
effort to achieve it.
However old you are, you can have a
dream and a goal in life. No matter
how small your aim is, or what it is,
you should work hard to achieve it.
Japan is totally different in table
manners from the U.S. In Japan,
talking at the table is regarded as
rude, while in the U.S., it is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying the meal.
There is a great difference in table
manners between Japan and the U.S.
In Japan, it is considered to be
impolite to talk at the table. On the
other hand, in the U.S., it is believed
that talking while eating is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying meals.
In other words, the quality of
newspapers in a particular society is
determined by the interests and
intellectual level of the people living
This means that how good
newspapers are depends on what
their readers are interested in and how
intelligent they are.
Whenever I travel abroad, I regret that
I did not study a foreign language
harder when I was young. In my
opinion, whatever country you go to, it
is best to be able to speak that
country's language.
Each time I travel to a foreign country,
I really wish I had learned more foreign
languages in my younger days. I
believe that no matter what country
you go to, it is best to be able to speak
a language spoken there.
Everyone can have a dream or a goal
in life, regardless of age, and its scale
varies from person to person.
However, no matter what his or her
goal is, he or she needs to make an
effort to achieve it.
However old you are, you can have a
dream and a goal in life. No matter
how small your aim is, or what it is,
you should work hard to achieve it.
Japan is totally different in table
manners from the U.S. In Japan,
talking at the table is regarded as
rude, while in the U.S., it is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying the meal.
There is a great difference in table
manners between Japan and the U.S.
In Japan, it is considered to be
impolite to talk at the table. On the
other hand, in the U.S., it is believed
that talking while eating is as
important as, or more important than,
enjoying meals.
2017/10/31(火) 12:14:51.95ID:BpdaIqKr >>436
They say that life is like traveling.
However, traveling is different from life
in that it is not something you can
experience only once. It is in this
respect that traveling and life are
different, though they seem alike.
There is a saying that life is a journey.
However, unlike life, a journey can be
experienced many times. Although
they may seem alike, a journey and life
are different in this respect.
It is surprising how many Americans
do not seem to care how you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you are trying to say.
I am always surprised that a lot of
Americans do not care how badly you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you want to say.
It is a pity that some people in Japan
still do not feel guilty about throwing
their empty cans and other trash on
the streets and leaving their litter
all over tourist resorts.
It is a shame that there are some
people in Japan who, whether they
are on the street or visiting tourist
areas, throw their litter wherever they
please and do not feel guilty about it.
He says that if you want to live to be very old, you should lead a routine life,
and not worry about trivial matters.
He says that it is because he has kept
regular hours and not worried about
small things that he has lived for a
long time.
They say that life is like traveling.
However, traveling is different from life
in that it is not something you can
experience only once. It is in this
respect that traveling and life are
different, though they seem alike.
There is a saying that life is a journey.
However, unlike life, a journey can be
experienced many times. Although
they may seem alike, a journey and life
are different in this respect.
It is surprising how many Americans
do not seem to care how you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you are trying to say.
I am always surprised that a lot of
Americans do not care how badly you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you want to say.
It is a pity that some people in Japan
still do not feel guilty about throwing
their empty cans and other trash on
the streets and leaving their litter
all over tourist resorts.
It is a shame that there are some
people in Japan who, whether they
are on the street or visiting tourist
areas, throw their litter wherever they
please and do not feel guilty about it.
He says that if you want to live to be very old, you should lead a routine life,
and not worry about trivial matters.
He says that it is because he has kept
regular hours and not worried about
small things that he has lived for a
long time.
2017/10/31(火) 12:18:00.38ID:BpdaIqKr >>438
They say that life is like traveling.
However, traveling is different from life
in that it is not something you can
experience only once. It is in this
respect that traveling and life are
different, though they seem alike.
There is a saying that life is a journey.
However, unlike life, a journey can be
experienced many times. Although
they may seem alike, a journey and life
are different in this respect.
It is surprising how many Americans
do not seem to care how you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you are trying to say.
I am always surprised that a lot of
Americans do not care how badly you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you want to say.
It is a pity that some people in Japan
still do not feel guilty about throwing
their empty cans and other trash on
the streets and leaving their litter
all over tourist resorts.
It is a shame that there are some
people in Japan who, whether they
are on the street or visiting tourist
areas, throw their litter wherever they
please and do not feel guilty about it.
He says that if you want to live to be
very old, you should lead a routine life,
and not worry about trivial matters.
He says that it is because he has kept
regular hours and not worried about
small things that he has lived for a
long time.
They say that life is like traveling.
However, traveling is different from life
in that it is not something you can
experience only once. It is in this
respect that traveling and life are
different, though they seem alike.
There is a saying that life is a journey.
However, unlike life, a journey can be
experienced many times. Although
they may seem alike, a journey and life
are different in this respect.
It is surprising how many Americans
do not seem to care how you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you are trying to say.
I am always surprised that a lot of
Americans do not care how badly you
pronounce English as long as they can
understand what you want to say.
It is a pity that some people in Japan
still do not feel guilty about throwing
their empty cans and other trash on
the streets and leaving their litter
all over tourist resorts.
It is a shame that there are some
people in Japan who, whether they
are on the street or visiting tourist
areas, throw their litter wherever they
please and do not feel guilty about it.
He says that if you want to live to be
very old, you should lead a routine life,
and not worry about trivial matters.
He says that it is because he has kept
regular hours and not worried about
small things that he has lived for a
long time.
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2017/11/11(土) 10:40:29.43ID:zLO7Du8S 私が道民の家でお茶をご馳走になったときのこと
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