★★★偽善者、枢機卿よ、一秒で十文字切り切腹せよ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
0001独立ジャーナリスト垢版2017/06/30(金) 14:39:58.35ID:CK3be0pn

【AFP=時事】(更新)ローマ法王庁(バチカン)の財務局長官(財務相)を務めるジョージ・ペル(George Pell)枢機卿(76)が28日、オーストラリアで複数の児童性的虐待容疑で訴追された。豪警察が発表した。
0105名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/08/23(木) 13:55:37.68ID:0gWJnYQV
0106名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/08/24(金) 00:41:25.24ID:0OxAbFma
0107名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/08/28(火) 23:38:05.35ID:V8m+CMZY

0108名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/09/13(木) 21:38:58.18ID:2xCbelrA
0109名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/09/25(火) 12:37:29.83ID:qGgD1y5I

奴らは、別名 アメリカドル万歳売国奴ぶりぶりハイウッチ及び上級国民と呼ばれている
切腹です、因果応報 天罰  具体的に言うと以下のとおり

0110名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/09/25(火) 13:21:21.35ID:qGgD1y5I

0111名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/09/28(金) 12:28:43.82ID:dwRS4LwS
為善者と為装社会とパナマ文書と3S政策のトルーマン 大統領と聖コルベ



0112名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/10/06(土) 23:42:41.37ID:3hhKEZbM

0114名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2018/11/25(日) 06:22:26.77ID:BXYAFagi
The church did not report to the police even when it received an accusation of abuse, and finished with a sloppy internal investigation, and assigned the perpetrator to another office, preventing the problem from growing big.

The grand jury prosecuted two priests whose allegations were not prescribed, but most of them already aged
0115名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2019/01/30(水) 07:34:03.54ID:UT1qnaSb

0116名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2019/06/21(金) 06:45:23.03ID:uiBtY4We

偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書




オランダの新興メディア「De Vrije Media」のインタビューに応じたのは、オランダ人のロナルド・ベルナルド氏(オランダの金融会社「de blije b」の創設者)。
もともと企業家として財を成したセレブだったが、成功への欲望はそれで満たされることなく、 “マイナス100度の冷凍庫に良心をしまって”金融業界に参入。


自然、地球だってそうです。全てを燃やし破壊したって構わないのです」(ベルナルド氏) と長谷川浩

多数のアカデミー賞受賞作品に関わった大物映画プロデューサー、ハービー・ワインスティーン氏は、複数の女性スタッフに対するセクハラ行為を問題視され、解雇されたImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

0117名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2019/08/07(水) 15:59:37.48ID:wVoYz6Qc
Hypocrites, camouflaged societies and Panama documents

Defeat of atomic bomb explosion on the earth and child abuse

He taught me that the exchange of people's hearts is not just a country, but empathy and strength.
If you don't give up, and one person's belief is a belief, it will be a step in a big swell and will surely change the world.
0118名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2019/12/29(日) 12:29:48.44ID:T8tvUWjl



0119名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/12(日) 14:03:22.44ID:F4g2Vcq3
0120名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/13(月) 17:39:40.25ID:X3WClIhk
He was a specialist of international terrorism and was talking about 9/11 events in the NHK special program aired
just a week before, on Oct. 10, 2001 pointing out the fact he had discovered that there were no Jews in the victims
of WTC disaster. He told in the program that most of the Jewish employees working in WTC were curiously absent on
the very morning of 9/11.This information is now shared quite widely now but he was the one who first pointed out the fact to the public on TV.
0121名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/14(火) 13:17:44.19ID:ipVVatY5
Goodwill and sophisticated society, Panama document and President Truman's 3S policy

According to information published by Keane, Chris Cornell is under the Clinton administration to work on child protection services in Haiti
Although I was involved, in fact I learned that it is a child trafficking organization, from there, in the government, the media, in the entertainment world
Two people have obtained a list of people conducting human trafficking and child sexual relations and said that they intended to release the full name in full.
0122名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/14(火) 13:18:41.29ID:ipVVatY5
Hypocrite and camouflaged society, Panama document and Cardinal George Per

Disguised society, Panama documents and Khazar mafia abduct and abuse poor and poor children

From messengers from the Galactic Union to earthlings

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said
He published a report by a grand jury on a father's sexual abuse of boys and girls in a Catholic church in the state.
The report also included a list of the more than 300 abusive priests.
He pointed out the concealment of the church.

We can no longer defend children who abuse Earthlings from rulers of the galaxy.
0123名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/14(火) 13:19:47.83ID:ipVVatY5

権力の地位を取得した性犯罪 加害者の方が


? 危険人物、不審者に仕立て上げる
? 精神異常者、自殺に追い込む
? 会社からの追い出し
? 虐げる事で満足感を得る
? 集団でストーキングをする
? 人間関係で孤立させる
? 悪評を吹聴する
? 信用を落とし込む
? 社会的に抹殺する
? キレさせて犯罪者にする


0124名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/14(火) 13:23:19.15ID:ipVVatY5
Panama documents, hypocrites and camouflaged society

Sex offenders who have gained power statusDo ↓ to cover up your sins.
As a method of crushing victims for concealment↓Make a dangerous person
or a suspicious person? Psychiatrics drive suicideExpulsion from company? Satisfaction
by oppression? Stalking in groups? Isolate with relationships? Listening to bad reviews?
Lower trust? Socially kill? Make it sharp and make it a criminalIf a target is selected,
it will suffer enormous damage.* It is popular in areas where suicide rates are high.
0125名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/14(火) 20:21:52.39ID:ipVVatY5
Hypocrite and camouflaged society and Panama documents

"I am fully subordinate to the United States (a nuclear-weapon state),
" he said. "While saying that the Japanese government aims to abolish nuclear
weapons, there is a great contradiction between claims and actions.
"The United States and Russia have a large number of nuclear weapons
and want to give up nuclear weapons to other countries.
0126名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/16(木) 10:57:45.19ID:RsZhpHfJ
Hypocrite and camouflaged society, Panama document and Cardinal George Per

Disguised society, Panama documents and Khazar mafia abduct and abuse poor and poor children

From messengers from the Galactic Union to earthlings

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said
He published a report by a grand jury on a father's sexual abuse of boys and girls in a Catholic church in the state.
The report also included a list of the more than 300 abusive priests.
He pointed out the concealment of the church.

We can no longer defend children who abuse Earthlings from rulers of the galaxy.
0127名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/16(木) 18:20:59.31ID:4bwMvpbZ
偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書

0128名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 05:54:56.30ID:bYhVM/l/



0129名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 07:29:59.08ID:Mw5ISDzX

○弁護士Stanley Hilton 911の犠牲者遺族が集団訴訟 ブッシュ大統領に損害賠償70億ドル請求

0130名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 12:43:48.49ID:Dx5t+PFa
偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書



動画:http://youtu.be/39YQbv6vEFA 元ベルナルド

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byCLsdh3J-s フェレー司祭より諸国民へ
0131名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 12:50:38.04ID:Dx5t+PFa
Hypocrite and camouflaged society, Panama document and Cardinal George Per

Disguised society, Panama documents and Khazar mafia abduct and abuse poor and poor children

From messengers from the Galactic Union to earthlings

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said
He published a report by a grand jury on a father's sexual abuse of boys and girls in a Catholic church in the state.
The report also included a list of the more than 300 abusive priests.
He pointed out the concealment of the church.

We can no longer defend children who abuse Earthlings from rulers of the galaxy.
0132名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 16:39:36.46ID:8+bTjBKB
偽装社会とパナマ文書と長谷川  浩




http://www.jimin.jp/voice/ 内調の北村 滋と中村 格
0133名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 16:47:50.38ID:8+bTjBKB
Disguise society and Panama documents and Takahiro Hasegawa

Inquiries to the Prime Minister's Office and ministrieshttp://www.kantei.
go.jp/jp/iken.htmlHypocrite and camouflaged society"It's not usually possible
to stop right before the execution (of an arrest warrant), regardless
of whether you've known a person just before or if the suspect is suddenly ill.
Moreover, it is unusual for a head of criminal to intervene and stop execution
("Ochiai Attorney")A Veteran Criminal Police Department also says"I took
an arrest warrant from the start (rather than a random interview) because
I was confident in the evidenceI've never heard that the arrest warrant could be stopped
shortly beforeIt's impossible for the detective manager at the headquarters to stop over
the investigation that the Takanawa station was doing.
''Contact the LDPhttp://www.jimin.jp/voice/
Shigeru Kitamura and Kazuma Nakamura in the inner tone
0134名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 16:49:16.39ID:8+bTjBKB

偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書



動画:http://youtu.be/39YQbv6vEFA 元ベルナルド
0135名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 16:52:18.33ID:8+bTjBKB
Hypocrite and camouflaged society, Panama document and Cardinal George Per

Disguised society, Panama documents and Khazar mafia abduct and abuse poor and poor children

From messengers from the Galactic Union to earthlings

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said
He published a report by a grand jury on a father's sexual abuse of boys and girls in a Catholic church in the state.
The report also included a list of the more than 300 abusive priests.
He pointed out the concealment of the church.

We can no longer defend children who abuse Earthlings from rulers of the galaxy.
0136名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 17:40:37.98ID:8+bTjBKB
偽装社会とパナマ文書とジョージ ぺル枢機卿

ベネゼエラ ハイパーインフレは、アメリカとEUの財閥の策

日本を焼け野原にして食料をばらまく作戦と同じ 3S政策とトルーマン大統領
0137名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 17:42:59.85ID:8+bTjBKB
A camouflaged society and Panama documents and Cardinal George PerVenezuelan hyperinflation is a measure for US and EU conglomeratesThe same strategy as spreading food by burning Japan 3S policy and President Truman
0138名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/17(金) 17:45:45.72ID:8+bTjBKB
A camouflaged society and Panama documents and Cardinal George Per

Venezuelan hyperinflation is a measure for US and EU conglomerates
The same strategy as spreading food by burning Japan 3S policy and President Truman
0139名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/18(土) 10:13:07.13ID:s6jahktY

○弁護士Stanley Hilton 911の犠牲者遺族が集団訴訟 ブッシュ大統領に損害賠償70億ドル請求

0140名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/18(土) 11:43:13.57ID:1scZM0FQ
0141名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/18(土) 19:08:07.83ID:Z5cbrl+3
○弁護士Stanley Hilton 911の犠牲者遺族が集団訴訟 ブッシュ大統領に損害賠償70億ドル請求

0142名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/20(月) 12:22:54.81ID:eiFZK45/
Hypocrite and camouflaged society, Panama document and Cardinal George Per

Disguised society, Panama documents and Khazar mafia abduct and abuse poor and poor children

From messengers from the Galactic Union to earthlings

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said
He published a report by a grand jury on a father's sexual abuse of boys and girls in a Catholic church in the state.
The report also included a list of the more than 300 abusive priests.
He pointed out the concealment of the church.

We can no longer defend children who abuse Earthlings from rulers of the galaxy.
0143名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/21(火) 10:44:00.60ID:3OYH/YI8
偽装社会とパナマ文書と長谷川 浩

サーロ節子  原水爆  成敗



伴 信彦(ばん のぶひこ)委員 ,石渡明(いしわたりあきら)委員
更田豊志(ふけたとよし)委員長 ,田中知(たなかさとる)委員 ,山中伸介(やまなかしんすけ)委員
0144名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/21(火) 10:47:46.47ID:3OYH/YI8
偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書



動画:http://youtu.be/39YQbv6vEFA 元ベルナルド

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byCLsdh3J-s フェレー司祭より諸国民へ
0145名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/21(火) 10:49:53.72ID:3OYH/YI8
Hypocrite and camouflaged society, Panama document and Cardinal George Per

Disguised society, Panama documents and Khazar mafia abduct and abuse poor and poor children

From messengers from the Galactic Union to earthlings

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said
He published a report by a grand jury on a father's sexual abuse of boys and girls in a Catholic church in the state.
The report also included a list of the more than 300 abusive priests.
He pointed out the concealment of the church.

We can no longer defend children who abuse Earthlings from rulers of the galaxy.
0146名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/21(火) 10:53:37.68ID:3OYH/YI8

○弁護士Stanley Hilton 911の犠牲者遺族が集団訴訟 ブッシュ大統領に損害賠償70億ドル請求

0147名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/21(火) 14:08:14.47ID:3OYH/YI8
U.S. millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, arrested for sexual abuse of a girl, committed
suicide before the trial began.Later, Joichi Ito of MIT resigned, acknowledging
that he had received funds from Epstein. The English princes Andrew
and Bill Gates continue to be denied despite media questions
about their relationship with Epstein.Epstein's plane to the Caribbean Island was
called the "Lolita Express," and many passengers were recorded as travelers,
including former president Clinton and many other big politicians and Hollywood actors
and actresses.What remains besides sexual abuse on the island is still a mystery.Currently,
the court is considering a list of around 1,000 people involved in the case.[Summary]
0148名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/23(木) 10:43:09.08ID:o8AKkb7i
偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書と聖コルベ




0151名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/24(金) 15:08:11.30ID:nmQUT840

偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書



動画:http://youtu.be/39YQbv6vEFA 元ベルナルド

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byCLsdh3J-s フェレー司祭より諸国民へ
0152名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/24(金) 15:09:45.42ID:nmQUT840

0153名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/24(金) 15:10:34.65ID:nmQUT840
Hypocrite and camouflaged society, Panama document and Cardinal George Per
0154名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/25(土) 08:54:27.77ID:4uGo2yZS
0155名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 00:57:20.23ID:tOClqPvj
U.S. millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, arrested for sexual abuse of a girl, committed
suicide before the trial began.Later, Joichi Ito of MIT resigned, acknowledging
that he had received funds from Epstein. The English princes Andrew
and Bill Gates continue to be denied despite media questions
about their relationship with Epstein.Epstein's plane to the Caribbean Island was
called the "Lolita Express," and many passengers were recorded as travelers,
including former president Clinton and many other big politicians and Hollywood actors
and actresses.What remains besides sexual abuse on the island is still a mystery.Currently,
the court is considering a list of around 1,000 people involved in the case.[Summary]
0156名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 10:29:41.03ID:NQpa3Ch3
oodwill and sophisticated society, Panama document and President Truman's 3S policy

According to information published by Keane, Chris Cornell is under the Clinton administration to work on child protection services in Haiti
Although I was involved, in fact I learned that it is a child trafficking organization, from there, in the government, the media, in the entertainment world
Two people have obtained a list of people conducting human trafficking and child sexual relations and said that they intended to release the full name in full.
0158名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 10:36:38.25ID:NQpa3Ch3



阿片戦争とロスチャ とロック
0159名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 10:39:29.97ID:NQpa3Ch3
為善者と為装社会とパナマ文書と3S政策のトルーマン 大統領と聖コルベ




0160名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 10:40:33.02ID:NQpa3Ch3
為善者と為装社会とパナマ文書と3S政策のトルーマン 大統領と聖コルベ


0161名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 13:54:43.47ID:NQpa3Ch3
The church did not report to the police even when it received an accusation of abuse, and finished with a sloppy internal investigation, and assigned the perpetrator to another office, preventing the problem from growing big.

The grand jury prosecuted two priests whose allegations were not prescribed, but most of them already aged
0162名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 14:03:02.98ID:NQpa3Ch3
U.S. millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, arrested for sexual abuse of a girl, committed
suicide before the trial began.Later, Joichi Ito of MIT resigned, acknowledging
that he had received funds from Epstein. The English princes Andrew
and Bill Gates continue to be denied despite media questions
about their relationship with Epstein.Epstein's plane to the Caribbean Island was
called the "Lolita Express," and many passengers were recorded as travelers,
including former president Clinton and many other big politicians and Hollywood actors
and actresses.What remains besides sexual abuse on the island is still a mystery.Currently,
the court is considering a list of around 1,000 people involved in the case.[Summary]
0163名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 15:34:22.91ID:NQpa3Ch3
President Truman and St. Kolbe of the Good and Bad Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

We keep the nations in a cage called "Freedom of Truth."The method only needs to
give them some luxury and convenience.And release sports, screen and sex (3S).
The nations are our livestock. For that, you have to make them longevity.Make them
sick (with chemicals, etc.) and keep them alive.With this we will continue to gain.
This is also the authority of the winning country.Common sense such as gold medal
and Nobel prize is not everything
0164名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 15:35:43.19ID:NQpa3Ch3
President Truman and St. Kolbe of the Good and Bad Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

We keep the nations in a cage called "Freedom of Truth."The method only needs to
give them some luxury and convenience.And release sports, screen and sex (3S).
The nations are our livestock. For that, you have to make them longevity.Make them
sick (with chemicals, etc.) and keep them alive.With this we will continue to gain.
This is also the authority of the winning country.Common sense such as gold medal
and Nobel prize is not everything
0166名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/26(日) 22:24:42.50ID:NQpa3Ch3
3S policy and Panama document and Hiroshi Hasegawa

JOC president · Takeda Tsuneki is killing peopleTakeda Tsunetoru Kanto military staff. 731 With a position
to know the activities of the unit, for the royal family, escaping from Manchuria first with the help of the surroundings because
it is made a target of the Soviet army invading Manchuria. An estimated 80,000 civilians victims left in Manchuria that Kanto Arabia
abandoned. After the war he will serve as President of JOC. Haruyuki Takahashi Senior Managing DirectorIn the background of the prestige
of Tsunekazu Takeda who is a junior of the university with his father Takeda Tsunodu who served as JOC president, he plays a great deal of
attention in advancing Dentsu's sports world. Taken by Takeda's appointment as JOC Director. Takeda Takeda The third son of Heng. Batting
a woman in a car accident. With assistance from the surroundings, I returned to the Olympic representative in just two years. Became president
of JOC at parent's consolidation. When I live in need, I have JOC president who was unpaid in honorary position paid 1,300,000 yen monthly, with
the power of senior university's former university senior colleague Takahashi Haruyuki. Make Takahashi the inviting commissioner in return.
Takeda Tsuneaki Former Dentsu employee. Tsunekazu nephew. Hostage of the Takeda family presented to Dentsu. Dentsu was fired by cannabis
possession, I could not fulfill the Takeda family and the Dentsu pipe, incompetence. Takeda Tetsuta Eli's son. Royal netouyo artist.
0167名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/27(月) 01:19:53.63ID:cM94MyqD
0168名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/27(月) 01:22:49.57ID:cM94MyqD
The country knew that the atomic bomb was dropped
0169名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/27(月) 23:37:52.87ID:rI4JUwrk
0170名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 07:08:47.60ID:JIwgaeAB
0171名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 07:11:15.02ID:JIwgaeAB
President Truman and St. Kolbe of the Good and Bad Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

We keep the nations in a cage called "Freedom of Truth."The method only needs to
give them some luxury and convenience.And release sports, screen and sex (3S).
The nations are our livestock. For that, you have to make them longevity.Make them
sick (with chemicals, etc.) and keep them alive.With this we will continue to gain.
This is also the authority of the winning country.Common sense such as gold medal
and Nobel prize is not everything
0172名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 17:51:12.95ID:euIsjUF6
偽善者と偽装社会 とパナマ文書

0174名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 17:53:03.40ID:euIsjUF6
偽装社会とパナマ文書とジョージ ぺル枢機卿

ベネゼエラ ハイパーインフレは、アメリカとEUの財閥の策

日本を焼け野原にして食料をばらまく作戦と同じ 3S政策とトルーマン大統領
0175名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 18:42:24.47ID:euIsjUF6
Panama documents, hypocrites and camouflaged society

Sex offenders who have gained power statusDo ↓ to cover up your sins.
As a method of crushing victims for concealment↓Make a dangerous person
or a suspicious person? Psychiatrics drive suicideExpulsion from company? Satisfaction
by oppression? Stalking in groups? Isolate with relationships? Listening to bad reviews?
Lower trust? Socially kill? Make it sharp and make it a criminalIf a target is selected,
it will suffer enormous damage.* It is popular in areas where suicide rates are high.
0176名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 18:47:31.23ID:euIsjUF6
President Truman and St. Kolbe of the Good and Bad Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

We keep the nations in a cage called "Freedom of Truth."The method only needs to
give them some luxury and convenience.And release sports, screen and sex (3S).
The nations are our livestock. For that, you have to make them longevity.Make them
sick (with chemicals, etc.) and keep them alive.With this we will continue to gain.
This is also the authority of the winning country.Common sense such as gold medal
and Nobel prize is not everything
0177名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 19:41:57.00ID:euIsjUF6
hypocrite and disguised society and Panamanian document

The Sanhedrim which causes terrorism using the base outside

In the country, the New Zealand prime minister who knew the atom bomb throwing down is the same

It is EU and an American financial combine to have controlled Hitler

American Secretary of State Kelly spoke the exceptional case, "the United States formed terrorist
organization ISIS to overthrow the Syrian Assad Administration".

It was said that an American main purpose in Syria was overthrow of the Assad Administration,
and Secretary Kelly told, "the U.S. Government admitted organization of ISIS to carry out this purpose".

In addition, "the United States lets find a diplomatic method of settlement that the United States expects
from Syrian President Assad by organization of ISIS and the power increase of this organization, and do it
when hoped for driving it into the retreat"; of "the United States purpose achievement of these two"
I describe some members of ISIS to save it, I armed.

The audio file of this statement of Secretary Kelly in the talk with the representative of the Syrian dissident
group was shown before this by CNN and the American newspaper New York Times, but, according to this report,
as for the part for approximately 35 minutes about the American ISIS support, it was deleted the censorship by the American media
0178名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 20:07:25.07ID:euIsjUF6
パナマ文書・とオバマ大統領とジョージ ブッシュ大統領


0179名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 20:20:22.42ID:euIsjUF6
0180名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 20:26:17.14ID:euIsjUF6
On September 9, a newspaper in Western Liberia, `` Daily Observer, '' said,
based on scientific analysis,America. " According to the report, "U.S.A.,
which operates in secret in Africa, uses the" Agreement 200 "We planned
to spread the Ebola hemorrhagic fever. " An article by a man named
Professor Brodrick in the newspaper said, "Ebola virus isDeveloped as a genetically
modified organism (GMO) by a U.S. munitions company, and all of its secret
experiments are conducted in Africa. " And the purpose of this American plan is
to reduce Africa's populationDon't waste the sacrifice of Rockefeller's second son
0182名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/28(火) 20:58:25.13ID:euIsjUF6


0183名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/29(水) 16:43:54.27ID:xbPcE3Pu
President Truman and St. Kolbe of the Good and Bad Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

We keep the nations in a cage called "Freedom of Truth."The method only needs to
give them some luxury and convenience.And release sports, screen and sex (3S).
The nations are our livestock. For that, you have to make them longevity.Make them
sick (with chemicals, etc.) and keep them alive.With this we will continue to gain.
This is also the authority of the winning country.Common sense such as gold medal
and Nobel prize is not everything
0184名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/30(木) 16:43:17.87ID:oSlTRreS
President Truman and St. Kolbe of the Good and Bad Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

We keep the nations in a cage called "Freedom of Truth."The method only needs to
give them some luxury and convenience.And release sports, screen and sex (3S).
The nations are our livestock. For that, you have to make them longevity.Make them
sick (with chemicals, etc.) and keep them alive.With this we will continue to gain.
This is also the authority of the winning country.Common sense such as gold medal
and Nobel prize is not everything
0186名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 12:46:06.78ID:54eqHAKZ
President Truman and St. Kolbe of the Good and Bad Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

We keep the nations in a cage called "Freedom of Truth."The method only needs to
give them some luxury and convenience.And release sports, screen and sex (3S).
The nations are our livestock. For that, you have to make them longevity.Make them
sick (with chemicals, etc.) and keep them alive.With this we will continue to gain.
This is also the authority of the winning country.Common sense such as gold medal
and Nobel prize is not everything
0187名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 12:49:07.57ID:54eqHAKZ
On September 9, a newspaper in Western Liberia, `` Daily Observer, '' said,
based on scientific analysis,America. " According to the report, "U.S.A.,
which operates in secret in Africa, uses the" Agreement 200 "We planned
to spread the Ebola hemorrhagic fever. " An article by a man named
Professor Brodrick in the newspaper said, "Ebola virus isDeveloped as a genetically
modified organism (GMO) by a U.S. munitions company, and all of its secret
experiments are conducted in Africa. " And the purpose of this American plan is
to reduce Africa's populationDon't waste the sacrifice of Rockefeller's second son
0188名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 12:53:24.35ID:54eqHAKZ


0189名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 14:49:13.76ID:54eqHAKZ
パナマ文書と3S政策とミラード フィルモア

0190名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 14:59:01.32ID:54eqHAKZ


アヘン戦争とロスチャ とロック
0191名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 15:01:00.83ID:54eqHAKZ
偽装社会とパナマ文書と長谷川  浩





http://www.jimin.jp/voice/ 内調の北村 滋と中村 格
0192名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 15:12:28.51ID:54eqHAKZ
パナマ文書と3S政策とミラード フィルモア

0193名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 17:06:29.49ID:54eqHAKZ
On September 9, a newspaper in Western Liberia, `` Daily Observer, '' said,
based on scientific analysis,America. " According to the report, "U.S.A.,
which operates in secret in Africa, uses the" Agreement 200 "We planned
to spread the Ebola hemorrhagic fever. " An article by a man named
Professor Brodrick in the newspaper said, "Ebola virus isDeveloped as a genetically
modified organism (GMO) by a U.S. munitions company, and all of its secret
experiments are conducted in Africa. " And the purpose of this American plan is
to reduce Africa's populationDon't waste the sacrifice of Rockefeller's second son
0195名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 17:07:20.59ID:54eqHAKZ

0197名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/01/31(金) 17:29:50.61ID:54eqHAKZ


0200名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/02/02(日) 10:24:38.97ID:lZDb5mgU
パナマ文書と3S政策のトルーマン 大統領と聖コルベ


文化人と経済人は、アメリカドル EU ユーロ売国奴の手先 フランクリン トルーマン会だ

0201名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/02/03(月) 11:32:02.00ID:uSA/YBbR
偽装社会 とパナマ文書と3S政策



5大元素、全て地震、津波、火山噴火、大台風  天雷

0202名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/02/03(月) 11:38:54.91ID:uSA/YBbR
Impersonation Society, Panama Documents and 3S Policy

The country knew that the atomic bomb was droppedHeaven is angry with child
abuse, discrimination, prejudice, the good people, impersonated societies,
monetary capitalists, and disparity societiesFive major elements, all earthquake,
tsunami, volcanic eruption, typhoonStrike the helpless EarthlingsEl Shadai Declaration
0203名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。垢版2020/02/03(月) 11:43:18.71ID:uSA/YBbR
Fatima's third prophecy was that the ego would disappear and the universal consciousness
would become one
No, you can prevent yourself from becoming self-sufficient and becoming like the Hopi
