Lets talk about some VIDEO GAMES
0001maji垢版2009/04/03(Fri) 07:45:00ID:J8GRbYJC0
Alright, I'm pretty sick of seeing all these spam posts filling up what
could be a constructive board. So lets talk about an actual subject.

The vidya. What kind of games do you play? Online? PC? Console?

I personally play a lot of Team Fortress 2.
0021maji垢版2009/11/07(Sat) 20:47:59ID:MkJTIzf00
Thanks a lot.
I don't like to push them because they have their own business.
Instead, I think I should ask more people.
I tried to do it on http://pc11.2ch.net/gamedev/ in Japanese.
But I was blocked for my foreign domain.
0022maji垢版2009/11/08(Sun) 00:10:57ID:DdUrY0GnP
"IKKI" is most famous videogame in Japan,
0023119-230-86-158f1.osk3.eonet.ne.jp垢版2010/12/11(Sat) 18:36:00ID:eGBaDaao0
Akina's nice short story

Everybody and nice to meet you! I'm Akina.
I'm an one's own pace, and the blog of daily life and the idea to which the photograph readily is suitably exchanged and written.
Please look at my with one's own way patiently if it's good.
If it's possible to point it out readily, I'm welcome because it thinks that there are a lot of points that don't arrive either.
Then, please come from following URL.


Thank you for lending valuable advertising space.
0064maji垢版2011/10/16(Sun) 17:39:22.60ID:sce8EHiv0

0067maji垢版2012/05/21(Mon) 19:08:25.38ID:nMesuVhs0
I play Crash Bandicoot 2 all day every day.
0070maji垢版2023/10/02(Mon) 13:45:22.17ID:jUwpj2JY0
0071maji垢版2023/10/07(Sat) 11:26:10.94ID:JTT5NIrB0
