84% of Americans are foreigners
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2008/06/28(Sat) 16:16:14ID:hTH27gTl0
In America, 84% of people are foreigners. (if you call Germans, Italians, Blacks, etc as foreigners)

That's what makes the USA great and unique, isn't it?
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2008/06/28(Sat) 16:22:14ID:LsyCLuWA0
EXACTLY (sonotoori de gozaimasu)
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2008/06/28(Sat) 16:23:31ID:twPCqZzG0
What about black people born in the United States?
Surely you aren't counting those as "foreigners"?
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2008/06/28(Sat) 16:27:52ID:hTH27gTl0
Well, Japanese call Koreans who've been born there for generations "foreigners." What I mean is really a "a different race"...an "other," than foreigners. You get my point though.
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2008/06/28(Sat) 16:32:46ID:twPCqZzG0
Wait, you included Germans as "foreigners", too.
But Germans are white, aren't they?
So, what's your definition of someone who isn't a foreigner?
Would that person need to be descended from citizens of the original colonies?
That's a pretty tough criterion.
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2008/06/28(Sat) 17:16:11ID:B4R1/fKp0
I would assume that someone who isn't a foreigner would be a descendant of the original settlers; I'm not talking about the Cherokees.

I'm not an American so take it with a grain of salt.
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2008/06/28(Sat) 17:21:59ID:QAxVHFNX0
ITT we make up statistics about the US. I'll continue:

71% of American homes have bed bugs
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2008/06/28(Sat) 18:38:35ID:B4R1/fKp0
Fact: A large percentage of Americans are in prison.
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2008/06/28(Sat) 19:30:09ID:eBSuMNxO0
56% of all Americans have vestigial tails. 44% have prehensile tails.
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2008/06/29(Sun) 00:53:26ID:Uco2F9Nw0
a little over 1% actually, which is pretty huge.
I think that if being in prison is a profession, it would be America's
most popular profession by far.
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2008/06/29(Sun) 01:45:44ID:+361DsS/0
It's because there is such a large difference between the upper and lower classes in America.
The poor (especially blacks) resort to crime and violence to survive.
It's disgusting, but there you have it.
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2008/06/29(Sun) 02:18:13ID:0fyP8kpu0

It's not a made up statistic!

I based it on the numbers here, counting "English" and "American" (those who did not identify any other heritage) as the two groups of "Non-Foreigners"
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2008/06/29(Sun) 02:38:12ID:Kv6M/rtG0
But don't you think that's a meaningless way to describe a "foreigner" in America?
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2008/06/29(Sun) 02:58:45ID:+361DsS/0
It makes sense to Japanese because they are mostly one ethnic group.
Anyone who's different must be a foreigner. In America it's almost
completely opposite.
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2008/06/29(Sun) 03:03:15ID:Uco2F9Nw0
Yeah, if you say this in America you'll upset over 84% of the population.
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2008/07/01(Tue) 11:19:43ID:J8khhdXI0
in america, either 100% of people are foreign or 0% of the people are foreign. anyone can be an american or no one, just depends on how you look at it.
0017American Unko
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2008/07/08(Tue) 00:09:13ID:Pyi/yiPE0
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