84ホワイトアルバムさん2018/07/07(土) 23:49:15.21ID:???0
▼▼衝撃 !▼イエスタデイはマーティン作だった▼▼
[ The legendary producer wrote with McCartney. ]
Sir George Martin wants the credit notes changed on one of
the Beatles biggest hits - to reflect his contributions.
The producer and composer is unhappy that 41 years after
its release on the band's "Help!" album, his name is still not included -
even though he wrote all the string arrangements for the hit single.
"We didn't know what to do with it. It was such a soppy tune,
so I went away and wrote a score for a string quartet to go with it," he says.
"Two days later I was rehearsing it and Paul McCartney walked in.
He'd never seen a score before, and he said, 'It hasn't got my name on it.'
So I handed him a pencil and he signed it.
"He wrote John Lennon's name too - although he had nothing to do with it -
and added Esquire to mine."
According to biographers, the track - which sits in the Guinness Book Of Records
as the most covered song in history - came to McCartney in a dream one night.
PART3 【衝撃】Let It Be/ Hey Jude も盗作だった【事実】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
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