Board Users

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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:10:56ID:ZnBASOpl0
Why are there so few users on this board? I'm an AMERICAN PIG DOG DERP FLERP asking this because I was curious what it would be like to have a conversation with Japanese 2ch users typing in fractured English.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:22:19ID:NbqZUSQE0
I think they stays away from board like this, where everyone from around the world can post.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:23:48ID:vzQB9sUq0
american hear? where?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:28:05ID:ZnBASOpl0
>where everyone from around the world can post.
Why exactly would that be a deterrent for discussion on these boards?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:29:04ID:vzQB9sUq0
deterrent, what is deterrent?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:30:20ID:ZnBASOpl0
Is it uncommon for American's to post on these boards?
Help me understand because my only experience is being linked here from 4chan.
I'm live in the state of Washington from the U.S.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:31:44ID:vzQB9sUq0
oh, welcome. how is this washington?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:32:09ID:ZnBASOpl0
A deterrent would be something that gets in the way, or prevents something from happening.
Let me rephrase that my previous statement.
Why would having a board open to the world stop users from posting on this board?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:34:11ID:ZnBASOpl0
It's rainy, ehrmmm, I don't know what else there is to say about it.
The community is mostly middle class, and I live close to Seattle,
which is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:34:49ID:vzQB9sUq0
sounds nice, I leave house hardly.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:36:05ID:x9tFTnKM0
Hello. Californian here. It's 2:37am and it's supposed to rain for the next four or so days.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:36:49ID:ZnBASOpl0
Well that's usually the case with 4chan users like myself, which is the website I was referred from.
What country are you from, if you don't mind me asking? I'm guessing the answer is Japan.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:37:48ID:vzQB9sUq0
you guessing would be correct.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:38:28ID:ZnBASOpl0
So what kind of traffic does this board get primarily? Mostly Americans, mostly Japanese, help me out here.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:39:39ID:x9tFTnKM0

I think I'll try putting in a name.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:40:30ID:vzQB9sUq0
from anyware,it could be. not too sure
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:41:09ID:ZnBASOpl0
So how does the average Japanese person spend his day?
For myself, I wake up at 12:00pm, go to work at a paint store called "Sherwin Williams",
I go home and surf the web, play video games, and whatnot mostly.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:42:04ID:x9tFTnKM0
People don't usually identify their country of origin, huh?

Judging by the mostly fractured English, I'd assume most people are either Japanese or any other non-English country.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:43:28ID:vzQB9sUq0
ah, i young, so still at home I am, dont do much in a day. maybe browse much of day on the internet
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:44:09ID:ZnBASOpl0
I think it would be safe to assume that most of the traffic is Japanese,
seeing as how 2ch is a Japanese website filled with Japanese people, and
this is merely an extension of that site that's open to the world.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:45:13ID:vzQB9sUq0
that would be correctly to assume
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:47:32ID:ZnBASOpl0
So why exactly do so many Japanese people understand English?
Hell the only secondary language that most Americans even touch is Spanish,
and even then we only learn the basics before we drop off completely.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:48:17ID:NbqZUSQE0

This. The board is even named dejima.


This is like the place where 2ch users can deal with non Japan users.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:48:39ID:vzQB9sUq0
i learn, it sounds cool. what is spanish?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:51:30ID:ZnBASOpl0
Is there some ulterior meaning behind the usage of the word "Dejima",
besides the fact that it's a Japanese island? Also, elaborate by what you
mean by "Deal" with non-Japanese users.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:51:34ID:NbqZUSQE0

Spanish is a language spoken in lands like Spain of course and most of Latin America.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:53:22ID:x9tFTnKM0

You think English sounds cool?

Is it strange that I feel flattered? (I also have to wonder if this is like some reverse-weeaboo thing?)
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:53:30ID:ZnBASOpl0
Spanish is the language Americans learn to accommodate all
the fucking spics infecting our country like cancer.
Well somebody needs to farm vegetables and paint houses I guess.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:54:17ID:vzQB9sUq0
what is spic?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:55:05ID:ZnBASOpl0
I'm willing to bet that you came from that /v/ thread talking about
the Japanese faggots crying about Vesperia going to the PS3.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:55:57ID:ZnBASOpl0
It's a racist term for a person of Spanish descent.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:57:07ID:NbqZUSQE0
Read the wikipedia article. What I meant by 'deal' is actually communicating with non-japanese users, it's just my choice of words.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:57:28ID:vzQB9sUq0
racist? i had beliebed america was the melt pot. i find stunning that you have racism. will i be hated too if i visit america?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:58:24ID:x9tFTnKM0

That's correct. Didn't all of native English-speakers?


Damn. I don't think you should be so crass when explaining something new to someone, man.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:58:29ID:NbqZUSQE0

Continuing my post here since I got some lines are too long error.
Maybe I should use enter now and then lol.

Like >>20 said, this part of the board is I quote, merely an extension of the site that's open to the world,
just like Dejima was an 'extension' of Japan that was open to the world.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 18:59:25ID:x9tFTnKM0

That's correct. Didn't all of native English-speakers?


Damn. I don't think you should be so crass when explaining something new to someone, man.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:00:15ID:x9tFTnKM0

Oops. I thought my post didn't go through. Ignore this.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:01:10ID:ZnBASOpl0
Well "deal" usually has negative connotation, so I was merely making sure.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:03:07ID:x9tFTnKM0

Sadly, nothing is perfect. Even in out "melting pot" society, racism, bigotry, and ignorance still persist.

However, not all people are close-minded. I daresay America is one of (if not the most) open countries, despite our flaws.

And, no, you won't be hated just for being a foreigner. Well, not by normal people.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:03:44ID:ZnBASOpl0
In fact I'm willing to bet that /v/ already consumes 90% of the posting population in this board
because of that thread on /v/.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:05:53ID:vzQB9sUq0
ah. korea is not well taken here, they deny but you can see racism.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:06:24ID:NbqZUSQE0

/v/-viral marketers, even for BBS.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:08:34ID:x9tFTnKM0

What do Japanese people have against Korea?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:08:39ID:ZnBASOpl0
It was more of an attempt at crass humor then anything else.
America looks down upon racism in general, and certainly is very
culturally diverse. However there are certain racial stereotypes
that bother me personally. For instance,immigrants that don't learn
their country's native language and thus make everyone's life harder as a result.
I, as well as most people in America won't hate people simply because
of their culture or race.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:13:23ID:ZnBASOpl0
Passing off racial bias as "ignorance" is ignorant in and of itself.
The fact is, people of different cultures are more inclined to certain
behaviors, whether it be genetic or through influence. People who deny
this are the ignorant ones.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:13:42ID:vzQB9sUq0
i do not hate korea, but i am not sure why some hate korea. mostly the elders.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:15:19ID:ZnBASOpl0
I'd be willing to bet it has something to do with their oppressive dictatorship government
and their small man complex method of dealing with opposition.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:16:05ID:L1UOs/Vm0
It's like how the British hate the French ya know what I'm sayin'? It's all just for a laugh like.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:17:01ID:x9tFTnKM0

I don't understand. I'm saying some people hate out of ignorance. Ignorance often begets hate, regardless of the subject.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:17:01ID:dDWD04P/0

wouldn't surprise me, /v/ is so full of weeaboos.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:17:11ID:vzQB9sUq0
i dont know that, maybe thats a reson
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:19:30ID:vzQB9sUq0
i habe to go. it was wonderful to be speaking with you all.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:20:05ID:ZnBASOpl0
Yeah it's almost like /v/ is from 4chan you inbred fuckface.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:21:10ID:ZnBASOpl0
See you later elaborate /v/ troll
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:21:12ID:x9tFTnKM0

Goodbye. This has been fun!
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:23:35ID:L1UOs/Vm0
They call him only G. His name? A mystery.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:24:43ID:dDWD04P/0
>>53 /v/ is from 4chan but i don't see how that makes me an "inbred fuckface".

i find your arguments shallow and pedantic.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:31:05ID:x9tFTnKM0

Heh. It's one of my initials. It's also the best letter of the alphabet.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:32:27ID:KaUiXo4Z0
I disagree, I is the best letter of the alphabet.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:33:56ID:dDWD04P/0

vowels are for casuals.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:36:40ID:x9tFTnKM0

Oh, it's on.

What has I ever done that was special? G is a very important letter, the first letter of many important (and many cool) words.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:49:43ID:KaUiXo4Z0

I isn't just a letter, it's a WORD. One of the most important words in the English language too.
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2009/04/08(Wed) 19:51:03ID:L1UOs/Vm0
Like gay?
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2009/04/08(Wed) 20:00:36ID:x9tFTnKM0

So is A, and NOBODY likes A. G starts so many great words. For instance: GAR, GaoGaiGar, Galerian, Gotcha, Gold, Gamma, etc.. And most of those are vidya words.


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2010/06/18(Fri) 23:40:00ID:6ioRkXN90

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2010/06/26(Sat) 20:40:56ID:PrvVf9eC0
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2010/07/12(Mon) 23:43:42ID:yG4jPufI0
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B: No, this is Micheal.
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2010/08/23(Mon) 11:05:59ID:hWttJA9A0

Blacklisted IP addresses

IPAddress:port Registered date. 2010/08/21(Sat) 12:43:27 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 12:52:36 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 00:07:51 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 12:35:23 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 12:31:24 JST-9 2010/08/10(Tue) 12:31:01 JST-9 2010/08/20(Fri) 23:35:02 JST-9 2010/08/20(Fri) 23:53:58 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 00:11:54 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 08:09:35 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 08:14:42 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 08:31:28 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 09:38:31 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 09:19:59 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 08:25:52 JST-9 2010/08/22(Sun) 19:36:32 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 13:35:43 JST-9 2010/08/22(Sun) 18:18:14 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 08:41:49 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 10:46:31 JST-9 2010/08/14(Sat) 12:38:18 JST-9 2010/08/22(Sun) 19:02:23 JST-9 2010/08/22(Sun) 18:35:30 JST-9
2010/08/23(Mon) 11:06:59ID:hWttJA9A0 2010/08/21(Sat) 13:22:12 JST-9 2010/08/20(Fri) 23:38:12 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 12:23:04 JST-9 2010/08/20(Fri) 19:32:02 JST-9 2010/08/18(Wed) 14:03:01 JST-9 2010/08/19(Thu) 12:40:01 JST-9 2010/08/20(Fri) 20:31:01 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 01:48:01 JST-9 2010/08/16(Mon) 19:18:03 JST-9 2010/08/20(Fri) 23:49:19 JST-9 2010/08/14(Sat) 23:41:02 JST-9 2010/08/13(Fri) 11:51:01 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 14:13:01 JST-9 2010/08/17(Tue) 20:16:01 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 09:34:56 JST-9 2010/08/20(Fri) 23:44:44 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 09:23:55 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 12:49:17 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 09:44:24 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 13:08:16 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 09:57:34 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 09:14:48 JST-9

by hack72_otakara ver.1.01(2009/01/05) --
latest update:Mon Aug 23 10:44:00 2010
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2010/08/23(Mon) 14:27:04ID:j5QSA8300

planetlab0.otemachi.wide.ad.jp - 2010/08/23 14:07:01
IP :
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USER-AGENT :CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/ )
Query :
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119-230-79-243.eonet.ne.jp - 2010/08/23 14:12:59
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2010/08/23(Mon) 19:05:00ID:ORaUHA9H0

2010/08/23 18:43:05
Referer :http://www.pokemon-guide.net/m/bbs_talk/show.php?kiji_id=685701
RemoteHost :119-230-80-200.eonet.ne.jp
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Safari/533.17.8 via proxy gateway AnWeb/1.42p
Port No. :3450
Query :news

IPAddress:port Registered date. 2010/08/22(Sun) 19:36:32 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 13:35:43 JST-9 2010/08/22(Sun) 18:18:14 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 08:41:49 JST-9 2010/08/21(Sat) 10:46:31 JST-9 2010/08/14(Sat) 12:38:18 JST-9 2010/08/22(Sun) 19:02:23 JST-9 2010/08/23(Mon) 18:01:33 JST-9 2010/08/22(Sun) 18:35:30 JST-9

total:9 -- by hack72_otakara ver.1.01(2009/01/05) --
latest update:Mon Aug 23 18:56:00 2010
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2010/08/24(Tue) 12:31:00ID:0watY0y00

119-230-80-60.eonet.ne.jp - 2010/08/24 12:25:01
IP :
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USER-AGENT :Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ja; rv: Gecko/20100722 AlexaToolbar/alxf-1.54
Firefox/3.6.8 via proxy gateway AnWeb/1.42p
Query :
Port scan :7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
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2010/08/25(Wed) 08:41:00ID:m6wqgtAw0

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